The following texts have citations in the database. Click on the abbreviation link to see them

1CorH1Corinthians in the Harklean version, for which see B. Aland and A. Juckel, Das Neue Testament in syrischer Überlieferung I (James, 1Pet, 1John), Berlin 1986; II/I (1Rom-1Cor), Berlin 1991; II/2 (2Cor-Col), III (1Thes-Heb), Berlin 2002.
1KgdHex1Kgd=1Sam Syro-Hexapla cited from Lagarde, Bibliothecae syriacae (Göttingen, 1892)
1PetrH1Peter in the Harklean version, for which see B. Aland and A. Juckel, Das Neue Testament in syrischer Überlieferung I (James, 1Pet, 1John), Berlin 1986; II/I (1Rom-1Cor), Berlin 1991; II/2 (2Cor-Col), III (1Thes-Heb), Berlin 2002.
1ThessH1Thessalonians in the Harklean version, for which see B. Aland and A. Juckel, Das Neue Testament in syrischer Überlieferung I (James, 1Pet, 1John), Berlin 1986; II/I (1Rom-1Cor), Berlin 1991; II/2 (2Cor-Col), III (1Thes-Heb), Berlin 2002.
1TimH1Timothy in the Harklean version, for which see B. Aland and A. Juckel, Das Neue Testament in syrischer Überlieferung I (James, 1Pet, 1John), Berlin 1986; II/I (1Rom-1Cor), Berlin 1991; II/2 (2Cor-Col), III (1Thes-Heb), Berlin 2002.
2CorH2Corinthians in the Harklean version, for which see B. Aland and A. Juckel, Das Neue Testament in syrischer Überlieferung I (James, 1Pet, 1John), Berlin 1986; II/I (1Rom-1Cor), Berlin 1991; II/2 (2Cor-Col), III (1Thes-Heb), Berlin 2002.
2KgPeshitta 2Kings
2KgdHex2Kgd=2Sam Syro-Hexapla cited from Lagarde, Bibliothecae syriacae (Göttingen, 1892)
2SamHex2Sam Syro-Hexapla in the Ceriani ms. where non-LXX columns are indicated, by Aqu, Symm, etc.
2TimH2Timothy in the Harklean version, for which see B. Aland and A. Juckel, Das Neue Testament in syrischer Überlieferung I (James, 1Pet, 1John), Berlin 1986; II/I (1Rom-1Cor), Berlin 1991; II/2 (2Cor-Col), III (1Thes-Heb), Berlin 2002.
3KgdHex3Kgd=1Kgs Syro-Hexapla cited from Lagarde, Bibliothecae syriacae (Göttingen, 1892)
4KgdHex4Kgd=2Kgs Syro-Hexapla cited from Lagarde, Bibliothecae syriacae (Göttingen, 1892)
6Maccthe anonymous memra published in Robert L. Bensly and William E. Barnes, The Fourth Book of Maccabees and Kindred Documents in Syriac (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1895), pp. 126ff. For the terminology cf. the 2006 Univ. of Pennsylavnia dissertation of Sigrid Peterson currently available online as:
Act11congr4Acts of the 11th Congress of Orientalists, Paris 1897, vol. 4
Act14congr2 Actes du XIVe Congrès International des Orientalistes, Alger 1905, Deuxième Partie, Paris 1907.
ActsHActs in the Harklean version, for which see Andreas Juckel , \“Ḥarqlean Version,\” in Gorgias Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Syriac Heritage: Electronic Edition, edited by Sebastian P. Brock, Aaron M. Butts, George A. Kiraz and Lucas Van Rompay,
ActsStAnthDraguet, René, ed. La vie primitive de S. Antoine conservée en syriaque. CSCO 417-418, Syr. 183-184. (Louvain: Secrétariat du CorpusSCO, 1980).
AfrPraefLetter of George, the Arab, in Preface to Afr.
AhrensK. Ahrens & G. Krüger, Die sogennante Kirchengeschichte des Zacharias Rhetor in deutscherübersetzung, Leipzig 1899.
ALG.J. Reinink, Das syrische Alexanderlied (CSCO454=CSCOSS 195), Louvain, Peters, 1983.
AlexSy Arthur Amiaud, La legende syriaque de Saint Alexis l`homme de Dieu (Paris: F. Vieweg, 1889).
AMS.E. Assemanus, Acta Sanctorum martyrum Orientalum et Occidentalum in duas partes distributa Adcedunt Acta S. Simeonis Stylytae Omnia nunc primum, 2 vols., Rome 1748; reprinted Westmead 1970.
Am1 P. Bedjan, Acta martyrum et sanctorum syriacaem, vol 1, Leipzig 1890–-97.
Am2 P. Bedjan, Acta martyrum et sanctorum syriacaem, vol 2, Leipzig 1890–-97.
Am3 P. Bedjan, Acta martyrum et sanctorum syriacaem, vol 3, Leipzig 1890–-97.
Am4 P. Bedjan, Acta martyrum et sanctorum syriacaem, vol 4, Leipzig 1890–-97.
Am5 P. Bedjan, Acta martyrum et sanctorum syriacaem, vol 5, Leipzig 1890–-97.
Am6 P. Bedjan, Acta martyrum et sanctorum syriacaem, vol 6, Leipzig 1890–-97.
Am7 P. Bedjan, Acta martyrum et sanctorum syriacaem, vol 7, Leipzig 1890–-97.
AmHexAmos Syro-Hexapla in the Ceriani ms. where non-LXX columns are indicated, by Aqu, Symm, etc.
AMQJ.B. Abbeloos, Acta Mar Kardaghi, Assyriae Praefecti ..., (Brussels and Leipzig, 1890)
AnalNic Benjamin Harris Cowper, Analecta Nicaena: Fragments Relating to the council of Nice. The Syriac Text from an Ancient MS. in the British Museum. With a Translation, Notes, etc. (London & Edinburgh: Williams and Norgate, 1857). V + 38 pp.
Ananfragments of the Book of Commandments by Anan published in A. Harkavy, Aus der ältesten Karäischen Gesetzbücher (St. Petersburg, 1903)
AntFriedrich Schulthess, Probe einer syrischen Version der Vita St. Antonii (Inauguraldissertation ... an der Kaiser-Wilhelms-Universität in Strassburg; Leipzig: Druck von W. Drugulin, 1894).
AntRh2Anton of Tagrit, "On Divine Providence - ܡܐܡܪ̈ܐ ܕܥܠ ܒܛܝܠܘܼܬܐ ܣܿܥܪܬ ܛܒ̈ܬܐ ܕܐܠܗܐ" based upon B.L. Add. 14,726, Digital Syriac Corpus, last modified November 29, 2019,
AntRhGott Antonius, Rhetor of Taghrith, “On Versification”, Gottingen ms.
Antyllus R. Hawley, Three Fragments of Antyllus in Syriac Translation, in Sur les pas des Araméens chrétiens. Mélanges offerts à Alain Desreumaux , F. Briquel Chatonnet & M. Debié (eds.), Paris, 2010 (Cahiers d’études syriaques 1), pp. 241256.
AOPOD.S. Margoliouth(ed.), Analecta orientalia ad poeticam Aristoteleam (London: D. Nutt, 1887). Syriac text pp. [77]-[79], [109]-[139].
apapW. Wright, Apocryphal Acts of the Apostles, edited from Syriac Manuscripts in the British Museum and Other Libraries (2 vols.; London: Williams and Norgate, 1871).
apap2W. Wright, Apocryphal Acts of the Apostles, edited from Syriac Manuscripts in the British Museum and Other Libraries (2 vols.; London: Williams and Norgate, 1871), vol. 2.
ApGwJ. Gwynn, The Apocalypse of John, in a Syriac Version hitherto unknown, Dublin 1897
apNTSyW. Wright, Contributions to the Apocryphal Literature of the New Testament Collected and Edited from Syriac Manuscripts in the British Museum, with an English Translation and Notes (London: Williams and Norgate, 1865)
Apoc Paul Anton de Lagarde, Libri Veteris Testamenti Apocryphi Syriace (Lipsiae: F. A. Brockhaus; Londinii: Williams & Norgate, 1861).
ApollJohannes Flemming & Hans Lietmann (eds.), Apollinaristische Schriften, Syrisch mit den griechischen Texten und einem syrisch-griechischen Wortregister (Abhandlungen der Königlichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Gottingen. Phil.-hist. Klasse,
AppEstAppendices to Esther (Chs. 11-–16) in Mosul Peshitta
ArJ. Rendall Harris, The Apology of Aristides on Behalf of the Christians, from a Syriac MS. Preserved on Mount Sinai. Edited, with an Introduction and Translation ... With an appendix containing the main portion of the original Greek text (Cambridge, 1891)
ArisCatD. King, The Earliest Syriac Translation of Aristotle`s Categories: Text, Translation, and Commentary Brill 2010.
AristCatSchA. Schüler, Die Übersetzung der Categorien des Aristoteles von Jacob von Edessa, Berlin 1897
AS Paul Anton de Lagarde, Analecta Syriaca (Lipsiae: Teubner, 1858).
AS1J. P. N. Land, Anecdota Syriaca collegit, edidit, explicuit (4 vols.; Lugduni Batavorum, Apud E. J. Brill, 1862-1875) vol 1
AS1appJ. P. N. Land, Anecdota Syriaca collegit, edidit, explicuit (4 vols.; Lugduni Batavorum, Apud E. J. Brill, 1862-1875) vol 1 appendix section
AS2J. P. N. Land, Anecdota Syriaca collegit, edidit, explicuit (4 vols.; Lugduni Batavorum, Apud E. J. Brill, 1862-1875) vol 2
AS3J. P. N. Land, Anecdota Syriaca collegit, edidit, explicuit (4 vols.; Lugduni Batavorum, Apud E. J. Brill, 1862-1875) vol 3
AS4J. P. N. Land, Anecdota Syriaca collegit, edidit, explicuit (4 vols.; Lugduni Batavorum, Apud E. J. Brill, 1862-1875) vol 4
AsceticonDraguet, René. Les cinq recensions de l’Ascéticon syriaque d’abba Isaïe. II. Édition des logoi XIV-XXVI. CSCO 290, Syr. 121. (Leuven: Secrétariat du CorpusSCO, 1968).
asdWilliam Cureton, Ancient Syriac Documents Relative to the Earliest Establishment of Christianity in Edessa and the Neighbouring Countries, From the Year After our Lord\'s Ascension to the Beginning of the Fourth Century London, 1864.
ASLag P. Paul Anton de Lagarde, Analecta Syriaca (Lipsiae: Teubner, 1858). xx + 208 (Syriac & Arabic) pp.
ASLand J. P. N. Land, Anecdota Syriaca collegit, edidit, explicuit (4 vols.; Lugduni Batavorum, Apud E. J. Brill, 1862-1875).
AstrolabeLe Traité ser l’Atrolabe Plan de Sévère Sabokt, M. F. Nau, Extrait du Journal Asiatique, Paris, E. Leroux, 1899, cited by JAP page and line
AthWilliam Cureton, The Festal Letters of Athanasius, Discovered in an Ancient Syriac Version, and Edited (London: Printed for the Society for the Publication of Oriental Texts, 1848). The section with Roman pagination.
AthanSyr1Thomson, Robert W., ed. Athanasiana Syriaca. Part I: 1. De incarnatione; 2. Epistula ad Epictetum. CSCO 257-256, Syr. 114-115. Leuven: Secrétariat du CorpusSCO, 1965.
AthanSyr3Thomson, Robert W., ed. Athanasiana Syriaca. Part III De incarnatione contra Arianos; Contra Apollinarium I; De Cruce et Passione; Quod unus sit Christus; De incarnatione Dei Verbi; Ad Jovianum. CSCO 324-325, Syr. 142-143. Leuven: Secrétariat du CorpusSCO, 1972.
AthSyWilliam Cureton, The Festal Letters of Athanasius, Discovered in an Ancient Syriac Version, and Edited (London: Printed for the Society for the Publication of Oriental Texts, 1848). the section with pagination in Syriac.
AudoThomas(Touma) Audo, Dictionary of the Assyrian Language [in Syriac], reprinted many times in recent years,most recently, Gorgias Press, 2006
AzF. Frederic Macler, Histoire de saint Azazail. Texte syriaque inedit avec introduction et traduction francaise, precedee des actes grecs de saint Pancrace publies pour la premiere fois (Bibliotheque de l\'Ecole des Hautes Etudes, fasc. 141; Paris:
BabBabai in W. Frankenberg, Euagrius Ponticus (Abhandlungen der Königlichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, Phil.-hist. Kl., N.F., 13/2, Berlin 1912
BabVA. Vaschalde (ed.), Babai Magni, Liber de Unione (CSCO v. 79. Scriptores Syri t. 34 [=ser. II, 61]; Parisiis: E Typographeo Reipublicae, 1915).
BadgNest2George Percy Badger, The Nestorians and their Rituals: with the Narrative of a Mission to Mesopotamia and Coordistan in 1842-1844, and of a Late Visit to those Countries in 1850, vol. 2; also, Researches into the Present Condition of the Syrian Jacobites.
BalWritings of Balei, published in J.J. Overbeck, S. Ephraemi Syri, Rabulae episcopi Edesseni, Balaei aliorumque Opera selecta, Oxford 1865, pp. 251–-358
Bali Johann Georg Ernst Hoffmann (ed.), Syrisch-arabische Glossen. Erster Band. Autographie einer Gothaischen Handschrift enthaltend Bar Ali\'s Lexikon von Alaf bis Mim (Kiel: Schwers\'sche buchhandlung, 1874). VIII + 284 pp.
BAli1 Johann Georg Ernst Hoffmann (ed.), Syrisch-arabische Glossen. Erster Band. Autographie einer Gothaischen Handschrift enthaltend Bar Ali`s Lexikon von Alaf bis Mim (Kiel: Schwers`sche buchhandlung, 1874). VIII + 284 pp.
BAli2 Richard J. H. Gottheil, Bar cAli (Ishoc) The Syriac-Arabic Glosses. Part II ... Edited from the Manuscripts in Oxford, London, Paris, Berlin, Leyden and Rome (Atti della Reale Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienz
BalJosP. Bedjan, Histoire complète de Joseph2, (Paris and Leipzig, 1891)
BarEbr:CandSancGraffin, François, ed. Le Candélabre du Sanctuaire de Grégoire Abou’lfaradj dit Barhebræus. Troisième base: De la théologie. PO 133 (27.4). Paris: Firmin-Didot, 1957. (URL:
BarEbr:CandSanc4J. Khoury, Le Candélabre du Sanctuaire de Grégoire Abou’lfaradj dit Barhebræus. quatriéme base: De la`incarnation. PO XXXI:1. Paris: Firmin-Didot, 1965. (URL:
BarHexBaruch Syro-Hexapla in the Ceriani ms. where non-LXX columns are indicated, by Aqu, Symm, etc.
Barwahb Johannes Gerber (vorgelegt), Zwei Briefe Barwahbuns. Nebst einer Beilage: Das Schisma des Paulus von Beth-Ukkame (Inaugural-Dissertation ... Friedrichs-Universitat Halle Wittenberg, Halle a. S., 1911).
BarZubiLLMABarZubi as quoted by G. Bohas, "Les accidents du verbe dans la grammaire de Bar Zu‘bî ou : une adaptation de la Technê", Langues et littératures du monde arabe 4(2003)
BaumSABAA. Baumstark, Aristoteles bei den Syrem von 5. bis 8. Jahrhundert, 2 vols., Leipzig 1900; reprinted Aaalen 1975
BaumstarkLitA. Baumstark, Geschichte der syrischen Literatur, Bonn 1922
BBahThe native Syriac lexicon of Bar Bahlul, edited by R. Duval, (Lexicon Syriacum auctore Hassano bar Bahlule), 3 vols., Paris, 1890-1901
BedjMargP. Bedjan, Liber Superiorum: seu historia monastica ... (Paris: 1901)
BeeE.A.W. Budge, (Solomon, Bishop of Basra), The Book of the Bee (Anecdota Oxoniensia, Semitic Series, 1/2), Oxford 1886
BehnamJ.N.M. Saint-Laurent and K. Smith, The History of Mar Behnam and Sarah (Gorgias Press)
BHads F. Nau, Bar Hebraeus, Le livre de l\'’ascension de l’\'esprit sur la forme du ciel et de la terre; cours d\'’astronomie rédigé en 1279 par Grégoire Aboulfarag, dit Bar Hebraéus, 2 vols. (Paris, 1899)
BHadsment2F. Nau, Bar Hebraeus, Le livre de l`ascension de l`esprit ..., Paris, 1899
BHBSBarhebraeus(13th c.), Butyrum sapientiae, as cited from a London ms. in PSm Supplement.
BhBSJohn w. Watt, Aristotelian Rhetoric in Syriac (Brill: Leiden and Boston, 2005)
BhBS.EN. Peter Joosse, A Syriac Encyclopaedia of Aristotelian Philosophy: Barhebraeus(13th c.), Butyrum sapientiae, Books of Ethics, Economy and Politics; A Critical Edition, with Introduction, Translation, Commentary and Glossaries (Brill, Leiden: 2004).
BHBS.M Hidemi Takahashi, Aristotelian Meteorology in Syriac: Barhebraeus, Butyrum Sapientiae, Books of Mineralogy and Meteorology, Brill, Leiden and Boston, 2004: Min Mineralogy Met Meteorology cited by indicated paragraph number
BHBS.M Hidemi Takahashi, Aristotelian Meteorology in Syriac: Barhebraeus, Butyrum Sapientiae, Books of Mineralogy and Meteorology, Brill, Leiden and Boston, 2004: Min Mineralogy Met Meteorology cited by chapter.section.theory
BhBS.PhysJ.O. Schmitt, Barhebraeus, Butyrum sapientiae, Physics. Introduction, Edition, Translation, and Commentary, (Leiden: Brill, forthcoming).
BHCandBarhebraeus, Candelabrum Sanctorum [cited from PSm] (v. now: J Bakoš, ܟܬܒܐ ܕܡܢܪܬ ܩ̈ܘܕܫܐ, Le Candélabre des Sanctuaires, PO 22, pp. 489-628; 24, pp. 295-439); see Bh MQ
BHCandBakBarhebraeus, Candelabrum Sanctorum J Bakoš, ܟܬܒܐ ܕܡܢܪܬ ܩ̈ܘܕܫܐ, Le Candélabre des Sanctuaires, PO 22, pp. 489-628; 24, pp. 295-439)
BHcarAugustino Scebabi, Gregorii Bar-Hebraei Carmina ... correcta, ac ab eodem lexicon adiunctum (Romae, ex Typographia Polyglotta, 1877). 270 pp.
BHceJ. B. Abbeloos, T. J. Lamy, Gregorii Barhebraei Chronicon Ecclesiasticum quod e codice Musei Britannici descriptum conjuncta opera ediderunt, 3 vols. Louvain 1872-77
BHce1J. B. Abbeloos, T. J. Lamy, Gregorii Barhebraei Chronicon Ecclesiasticum quod e codice Musei Britannici descriptum conjuncta opera ediderunt, 3 vols. Louvain 1872-77, vol.1
BHce2J. B. Abbeloos, T. J. Lamy, Gregorii Barhebraei Chronicon Ecclesiasticum quod e codice Musei Britannici descriptum conjuncta opera ediderunt, 3 vols. Louvain 1872-77, vol. 2
BHce3J. B. Abbeloos, T. J. Lamy, Gregorii Barhebraei Chronicon Ecclesiasticum quod e codice Musei Britannici descriptum conjuncta opera ediderunt, 3 vols. Louvain 1872-77, vol. 3
Bhchr Paulus Bedjan (ed.), Gregorii Barhebraei Chronicon syriacum e codd. mss. emendatum ac punctis vocalibus adnotationibusque locupletatum (Paris: Maisonneuve, 1890). viii + 606 pp. "
BHdeH.J.D. Lulofs, E. L. J. Poortman, Nicolaus Damascenus De Plantis, Five Translations, Amsterdam 1989
BhdedivsapIoannis Notayn Darauni, Carmen de Divina Sapientia auctore celeberrimo viro Abulpharagio Gregorio Filio Haronis Bar-Hebraeo. Accedunt adnotationes et interpretationes (Romae: Ex Typographia Polyglotta, 1880). 47 pp. Text in Syriac; notes in Arabic
BHDolabGrigorios Bar ʿEbroyo. Mušḥoto. Edited by Yuḥanon Dolabani. Jerusalem: St. Mark\'s Monastery, 1929.
BHeb Scholia of Barhebraeus on OT, Apocrypha, and NT (w. name of book) : for Gen-Sam see: M. Sprengling & W.C. Graham, Barhebraeus’ Scholia on the Old Testament, Part I: Genesis–-II Samuel (Chicago 1931)
BhebActM. Klamroth, Gregorii Abulfaragii bar Ebhraya in Actus Apostolorum et Epistulas Catholicas Adnotationes (Gōttingen, 1878)
BHebGn-2Sm M. Sprengling & W.C. Graham, Barhebraeus’ Scholia on the Old Testament, Part I: Genesis–-II Samuel (Chicago 1931)
BHebIsO.F. Tullberg, Gregorii Bar Hebraei in Jesaima Scholia (Leipzig, 1842)
BhebJAPBarhebraeus in Journal asiatique
BhebLkBar Hebraeus scholia on Luke in W.E.W. Carr, Greogry Abu\'l Faraj (Bar-Hebraeus), Commentary on the Gospels from the Horreum Mysteriorum, (New York and Toronto, 1925)
BHebMS232Digitized manuscript of texts of Bar Hebraeus in the Hill Library Collection:
BhebMtBar Hebraeus scholia on Matthew in W.E.W. Carr, Greogry Abu\'l Faraj (Bar-Hebraeus), Commentary on the Gospels from the Horreum Mysteriorum, (New York and Toronto, 1925)
BhEthP. Bedjan, Ethicon, seu Moralia Gregorii Barhebrae (Leipzig, 1898)
BHEthTeuleTeule, Herman G.B., ed. Gregory Barhebraeus. Ethicon (Mēmrā I), CSCO 534-535, Syr. 218-219. (Leuven: Peeters, 1993)
BHGrA. Moberg, Le Livre des splendeurs, la grande grammaire de Grégoire Barhebraeus, Lund 1922
BhGr2 M. Martin, Oeuvres grammaticales d`Abou`lfaradj, dit Bar Hebreus, II, Paris 1872
BHLStLaughable Stories: E.A.W. Budge, The Laughable Stories, collected by Mâr Gregory John Bar­Hebraeus, London 1897 [reprinted Gorgias Press 1897]
BHLSttrBudge, Laughable Stories translation.
BHMetGrE. Bertheau, Grammatica Linguae Syriacae in Metro Ephraemeo (Gottingen, 1843)
BHMQBarhebraeus, Menerat Qudshe; see also Bh Cand .For editions of the various bases see H. Takahashi, Barhebraeus: A Bio-Bibliography (Gorgias, 2005) 175ff. and BHMQDol
BHMQ5.6A. Torbey, A., “Le Candélabre du Sanctuaire de Grégoire Abou’lfaradj dit Barhebræus. VI. Des Anges”. Patrologia Orientalis 30.4 [146]. Turnhout: Brepols, 1962.
BHMQ7 M. Albert, "Le Candélabre du sanctuaire de Grégoire Abou`LFaradj dit Barhebraeus: Septiéme base: des démons PO 30:2 (1961): 275-340 .For other editions of the various bases see H. Takahashi, Barhebraeus: A Bio-Bibliography (Gorgias, 2005) 175ff.
BHMQDolabGrigorios Bar ʿEbroyo. Mnorath kudshe. Edited by Yuḥanon Dolabani. Bar-hebaeus Verlag, Holland. 1997.
BhMQPoirP.-H. Poirier, Le candélabre du sanctuaire ninth base, PO 43/2 1985.
BHMQSedN. Séd, N., “Le Candélabre du Sanctuaire de Grégoire Abou’faradj dit Barhebræus. XI. Du jugement”. Patrologia Orientalis 41.3 [188]. Turnhout: Brepols, 1983.
BHNom P. Bedjan, Nomocanon (seu jus ecclesiasticum et civile) Gregorii Barhebraei, Paris 1898
BHPO31J. Khoury, “Le Candélabre du Sanctuaire de Grégoire Abou’lfaradj dit Barhebræus. Quatrième base: De L\'incarnation”. Patrologia Orientalis 31.1 [148]. Brepols, 1961(?). URL:
BHpupBuch der Pupillen von Gregor Bar Hebräus, nach vier Handscriften der Königlichen Bibliothek zu Berlin herausgegeben und Teilweise übersetzt, Leipzig 1908. URL:
BO J.S. Assemanus, Bibliotheca orientalis Clementino-Vaticana, 4 vols., Rome 1719–28 [reprinted Hildesheim 2000]
BO1 J.S. Assemanus, Bibliotheca orientalis Clementino-Vaticana, 4 vols., Rome 1719–28 [reprinted Hildesheim 2000] vol. 1
BO2 J.S. Assemanus, Bibliotheca orientalis Clementino-Vaticana, 4 vols., Rome 1719–28 [reprinted Hildesheim 2000] vol. 2
BO3 J.S. Assemanus, Bibliotheca orientalis Clementino-Vaticana, 4 vols., Rome 1719–28 [reprinted Hildesheim 2000] vol. 3
BO3/1 J.S. Assemanus, Bibliotheca orientalis Clementino-Vaticana, 4 vols., Rome 1719–28 [reprinted Hildesheim 2000] vol. 3 part 1
BO3/2 J.S. Assemanus, Bibliotheca orientalis Clementino-Vaticana, 4 vols., Rome 1719–28 [reprinted Hildesheim 2000] vol. 3 part 3
BrChP. Bedjan, Brevarium Chaldaicum, 3 vols., Paris 1886-7
BrCh1P. Bedjan, Brevarium Chaldaicum, 3 vols., Paris 1886-7; vol. 1
BrCh2P. Bedjan, Brevarium Chaldaicum, 3 vols., Paris 1886-7; vol. 2
BrCh3P. Bedjan, Brevarium Chaldaicum, 3 vols., Paris 1886-7; vol. 3
BrGrC. Brockelmann, Syrische Grammatik, mit Paradigmen, Literatur, Chrestomathie und Glossar8 (Lehrbücher für das Studium der orientalischen Sprachen 4), Leipzig 1962 (reprint) [quoted by section or page]
Brock,S.P. Brock, Studies in Syrian Christianity (Variorum, 1992)
BrockCatS. Brock, Catalogue of Syriac Fragments (New Finds) in the Library of the Monastery of Saint Catherine Mount Sinai, Athens 1995
BrockIsaac2Brock, Sebastian P., ed. Isaac of Nineveh (Isaac the Syrian). \'The Second Part'\, Chapters IV-XLI. CSCO 554-555, Syr. 224-225. Leuven: Peeters, 1995.
BrockWisdBrock, Sebastian P.The Wisdom of St. Isaac of Nineveh (Gorgias, 2004)
BSP. de Lagarde, Bibliothecae Syriacae a P. de Lagarde collecta, Göttingen 1892
BSalVA.A. Vaschalde, Dionysii bar Salibi: Commentarii in Evangelia II (1). CSCO 95, Syr. III.99 [47]. II (2). CSCO 113-114, Syr. 60-61. Leuven: Secrétariat du CorpusSCO, 1939-1940.
BStrM. Moberg Der Buch der Strahlen, die grössere Grammatik des Barhebraeus, 2 vols., Leipzig 1907, –1913
BZ M. Martin, Bar Zu‘bi, Traité sur l’accentuation chez les Syriens orientaux, Paris 1877
BZMysNikolai N. Seleznyov, Yohannan Bar Zobi and his Explanation of the Mysteries: Critical text, Russian translation from Syriac, and Investigation, (Russian State University for the Humanities, Institute for Oriental and Classical Studies. Moscow:2014
BZSBar Zubi Treatise on Accentuation (see Moberg, Term 6*)
CandidaS. Brock, A Martyr at the Sasanid Court under Vahran II: Candida, in Syriac Perspectives on Late Antiquity (London, 1984)
CanSimRevA. Rücker, Die Canones des Simeon von Rêvârdešir, Leipzig 1908
CardG. Cardahi, Al-Lobâb, Dictionnaire syriaque-Arabe, Beirut 1887
CardRG. Cardahi, Liber thesauri de arte poetica Syrorum, Rome 1875
Cast E. Castellus, Lexicon Syriacum, ed. J.D. Michaelis, Göttingen 1788
CatBerlE. Sachau, Verzeichniss der syrischen Handschriften der Königlichen Bibliothek zu Berlin, Berlin 1899
CatBerl1E. Sachau, Verzeichniss der syrischen Handschriften der Königlichen Bibliothek zu Berlin, Berlin 1899, vol 1
CatBerl2E. Sachau, Verzeichniss der syrischen Handschriften der Königlichen Bibliothek zu Berlin, Berlin 1899, vol 2
CatBodCodices syricacos, carshunicos, mendaeos, complectens, confecit R. Payne Smith, Catalogi codicum manuscriptorum bibliothecae Bodleianae, Part 6, Oxford 1864
CatCamb W. Wright, A Catalogue of the Syriac Manuscripts Preserved in the Library of the University of Cambridge, with an Introduction and Appendix by S.A. Cook, 2 vols., Cambridge 1901
CatEscorDerNH. Derenbourg, Manuscrits arabes de l\'Escurial (Paris, 1884)
CatHambC. Brockelmann, Katalog der orientalischen Handschriften der Stadtbibliothek zu Hamburg, Part I, Hamburg 1908
CatMB F.A. Rosen & J. Forshall, Catalogus codicum manuscriptorum orientalium qui in Museo Britannico asservatur, Pars, Prima, Codices Syriacos et Carshunicos amplectens, London 1838
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CatVatS.A. Assemanus & J.S. Assemanus, Bibliothecae Apostolicae Vaticanae Codicum manuscriptorum catalogus in tres partes distributus, 3 vols, Rome 1756-­59
CatVat2S.A. Assemanus & J.S. Assemanus, Bibliothecae Apostolicae Vaticanae Codicum manuscriptorum catalogus in tres partes distributus, 3 vols, Rome 1756-­59, vol. 2
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CatWrW. Wright, Catalogue of the Syriac Manuscripts in the British Museum acquired since the year 1838, 3 vols., London 1870
CatWr1W. Wright, Catalogue of the Syriac Manuscripts in the British Museum acquired since the year 1838, 3 vols., London 1870, vol.1
CatWr2W. Wright, Catalogue of the Syriac Manuscripts in the British Museum acquired since the year 1838, 3 vols., London 1870, vol.2
CatWr3W. Wright, Catalogue of the Syriac Manuscripts in the British Museum acquired since the year 1838, 3 vols., London 1870, vol.3
CauseNativEvelyn Sabbagh, Moshe Bar Kepha\'s Causes of the Celebration of the Nativity (Gorgias Press).
CaverneSu-Min Ri, La Caverne des trésors les deux recensions syriaques Louvain: Peeters, 1987. Cited by chapter and paragraph.
CdESCahiers d\'Études Syriaques (Paris: Geuthner)
ChranJ.B. Chabot, Anonymi auctoris Chronicum ad annum Christi 1234 pertinans, 2 vols. (CSCO, vols. 14, 15), Paris 1916–-20
Chran1J.B. Chabot, Anonymi auctoris Chronicum ad annum Christi 1234 pertinans, vol. 1(CSCO, vol. 14, ), Paris 1916–
Chran2J.B. Chabot, Anonymi auctoris Chronicum ad annum Christi 1234 pertinans, vol. 2(CSCO, vol 15, ), Paris 1920
Christ J. Popescu, Die Erzählung, oder, Das Martyrium des Barbaren Christophorus und seiner Genossen, Leipzig 1903
Chrmin E.W. Brooks, I. Guidi, & J.B. Chabot, Chronica Minora (CSCO, vol. 3.4), Paris 1903
ChrPsD1J. B. Chabot, Incerti auctoris chronicon Pseudo-Dionysianum vulgo dictum, 1 of 2 vols, Louvain 1927-33.
ChrPsD2J. B. Chabot, Incerti auctoris chronicon Pseudo-Dionysianum vulgo dictum, 2 of 2 vols, Louvain 1927-33.
ChrRSy I.E. Rahmani, Chronicon civile et ecclesiasticum anonymi auctoris, Charfet (Lebanon) 1904 (Syriac# pages)
Chrysostomika Chrysostomika, studi e ricerche intorno A.S. Giovanni Chrisostomo a cura del comitato per il XV xenrario della sua morte 407–1907, Rome 1908
ÇiçekDoveGrigorios Bar ʿEbroyo. Kthobo d-Yawno (Book of the Dove). Edited by Julius Yeshu Çiçek. Monastery of St. Ephrem the Syrian Publications 3. Glane/Losser: Monastery of St. Ephrem, 1983.
CircusM. Folmer and R. Elitzur-Leiman, "A Jewish Aramaic Circus Curse Tablet from Antioch", Aramaic Studies 21(2023): 64-111.
CLA11Iain Torrance, The Correspondence of Severus and Sergius. Texts from Christian Late Antiquity 11. Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias, 2011.
ClrCorR.L. Bensly, The Epistles of S. Clement to the Corinthians in Syriac, Cambridge 1899
ClrepJ.T. Beelen, Sancti patris nostril Clementis Romani Epistolae binae de virginitate, syriace, Louvain 1856
ComLifeAbbaIsDraguet, René, ed. Commentaire du livre dâ\'Abba Isaïe (logoi I-XV) par Dadišo Qatraya (VIIe s.). CSCO 326-327, Syr. 144-145. Louvain: Secrétariat du CorpusSCO, 1972.
CSCOCorpus scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium
CSCO110G. Olinder, ed. Iacobi Sarugensis Epistulae quotquot supersunt. CSCO 110, Syr. II.45 [57]. Paris: E Typographeo Reipublicae, 1937. (Leuven: Secrétariat du CorpusSCO, 1965.)
Cyr1 R. Payne Smith, S. Cyrilli Alexandriae archiepiscopi commentarii in Lucae evangelium Oxford 1858
Cyr2 J. B. Chabot, S. Cyrilli Alexandrini Commentarii in Lucam (CSCO, vols. 70, 140), Paris 1912­
CyrEdess6Macomber, William F., ed. Six Explanations of the Liturgical Feasts by Cyrus of Edessa, an East Syrian Theologian of the Mid Sixth Century. CSCO 355-356, Syr. 155-156. Leuven: Secrétariat du CorpusSCO, 1974.
CyrilDie Gedichte des Cyrillonas, ZDMG 27 (18xx), pp. 566 ff.
CyrilLetR.Y Ebied and L. R. Wickham, A Collection of the Unpublished Letters of Cyrial of Alexandria (CSCO 359, Louvain: 1975)
CyrLetEbied, Rifaat Y. and Wickham, Lionel Ralph, eds. A Collection of Unpublished Syriac Letters of Cyril of Alexandria. CSCO 359-360, Syr. 157-158. Leuven: Secrétariat du CorpusSCO, 1975.
DalSabaColless, B.E., The Mysticism of John Saba (Ph.D. dissertation; University of Melbourne, 1969). URL:
DanSalJ.Y. Çiçek, Commentary on the Psalms by Daniel of Salah. 2nd ed., Gorgias Press, 2011.
dapP. de Lagarde, Didascalia Apostolorum syriace, Göttingen 1854
DAPM.D. Gibson, The Didascalia apostolorum in Syriac, edited from a Mesopotamian manuscript (Horae semiticae, no. 1), London 1903; Idem, The Didascalia apostolorum in English, translated quoted from the Syriac (Horae semiticae, no. 2), London 1903
DaraResA. Shemunkasho, John of Dara On the Resurrection of Human Bodies. Bibliotheca Nisibinensis 4. Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias, 2020.
DaraResurShemunkasho, Aho, ed. and trans. John of Dara On the Resurrection of Human Bodies, Bibliotheca Nisibinensis 4. Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias, 2020.
DaraSaderSader, Jean, ed. Le "De oblatione" de Jean de Dara, CSCO 308-309, Syr. 132-133. Leuven: Secrétariat du CorpusSCO, 1970.
DepW. Wright, The departure of my Lady Mary from this Life,” JSL, NS, vols. 6 & 7, London 1865
DidascA. Voöbus, The Didascalia Apostolorum in Syriac (CSCO 401,407; Louvain 1979)
DionabScomtevv. J. Sedacek & J. B. Chabot, Dionysius bar Ṣalibi, Pushaka de­Evangeliyon (CSCO II, vols. 100, 101), Paris 1906ff
DionbSH. Labourt, Dionysius bar Ṣalibi, Expositio liturgiae, edidit [et interpretatus est], 2 vols. (CSCO, 13-14), Paris 1903
DionbSalResponseJoseph P. Amar, ed., Dionysius Bar Salibi: A Response to the Arabs; CSCO 238 (Peeters, Louvain: 2005)
DionbScomt J. Sedacek & J. B. Chabot, Dionysius bar Ṣalibi, Pushaka de­Evangeliyon (CSCO II, vols. 100, 101), Paris 1906ff
DionbScomtAp I. Sedlacek, Dionysius bar Ṣalībī in Apocalypsim, Actus et Epistulas Catholicas = CSCO 101], Paris 1909
DionbSJJ. de Zwaan, The Treatise of Dionysius bar Salibhi against the Jews Leiden 1906
DionigiFiori, Emiliano, ed., Dionigi Areopagita. Nomi divini, teologia mistica, epistole: La versione siriaca di Sergio di Rēš‘aynā (VI secolo). CSCO 656-657, Syr. 252-253. Leuven: Peeters, 2014.
DionOnNumDionysius bar Ṣalibi literal commentary on Numbers, from the Homs ms. as collected for the Hill Library and available at:
DionT O.F. Tullberg, Dionysii Telmahharensis Chronici, liber primus e codice mss. syriaco bibliothecae vaticanae transcriptus notisque illustratus, Upsalla 1850
DionT4 J. B. Chabot, Chronique de Denys de Tell-Mahré Quatrième partie, 2 vols. (Bibliothèque de l’école des hautes Études ... Sciences philologiques et historiques, 112), Paris 1895
DionThrSyriac grammar of Dionysius Thrax in MerxSy, pp. 50–72. See also the new edition by Daniel King in his as yet unpublished paper on
Diyarbakir22L. van Rompay, Le commentaire sur Genèse–Exode 9,32 du manuscrit (olim) Diyarbakir 22. CSCO 483-484, Syr. 205-206. Leuven: Peeters, 1986.
DM J. B. Chabot, Documenta ad origines Monophysitarum illustrandas, 2 vols (CSCO, vols. 17, 103), Paris 1907-33
DM1 J. B. Chabot, Documenta ad origines Monophysitarum illustrandas (CSCO 17), Paris 1907
DnHexDaniel Syro-Hexapla in the Ceriani ms. where non-LXX columns are indicated, by Aqu, Symm, etc.
DQLADadisho Qatraya`s Letter to Abkosh, published by D. Phillips in Bulletin de l\’Académie Belge pour l’Etude des Langues Anciennes et Orientales 4(2015):201ff.
DSSD.G.K. Taylor, The Syriac Versions of the De Spiritu Sancto by Basil of Caesarea, CSCO 576 (Peeters: 1999)
DtHexSyro-Hexapla of Deuteronomy material as collected by A. Voöbus, The Pentateuch in the Version of the Syro-Hexapla (Louvain, 1975)
Due55H. Duensing, Nachlese christlich-palästinisch-aramäischer Texte und Fragmente Nachrichten … Göttingen, Ph-hiist-Kl 1955, no. 5 115-52
DuvB2R. Duval & M. Berthelot, Histoire des sciences, La chimie au moyen Age, Vol. 2: L\'alchimie syriaque ..., Paris 1893
DuvGrR. Duval, Traité de Grammaire Syriaque, Paris 1881
EbMai10 Ebediesu collection canonum, in A. Maio, Scriptorum veterum nova collectio e vaticanis codicibus, vol 10, Rome 1825-1838
EbMai10Marg Ebediesu collection canonum, in A. Maio, Scriptorum veterum nova collectio e vaticanis codicibus, vol 10, Rome 1825-1838; published at the end of the volume in separate pagination.
EbParE. Gismondi, Ebed-Jesu Sobensis carmina selecta ex libro Paradisius Eden Beirut 1888
EbPar P. Cardahi, Ebedjesu Liber Paridis, Beirut 1889
EcclHexEcclesiates Syro-Hexapla in the Ceriani ms. where non-LXX columns are indicated, by Aqu, Symm, etc.
ECheW. Wright & N. McLean, The Ecclesiastical History of Eusebius in Syriac, Cambridge 1898
ECheBP. Bedjan, Histoire ecclésiastique d’Eusèbe de Césarée, Leipzig 1897
ECmPalW. Cureton, History of the Martyrs in Palestine, London 1861
ECthS. Lee, Eusebius, Bishop of Caesarea, On the Theophania or Divine Manifestation of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, London 1842
EinlPs G. Diettrich, Eine jakobitische Einleitung in den Psalter (BZAW 5), Giessen 1901
EliaVan Roey, Albert, ed. Eliae epistula apologetica ad Leonem, syncellum Harranensem. CSCO 469-470, Syr. 201-202. Leuven: Peeters, 1985.
EN"Eliae Nisibeni interpres" in P. de Lagarde, Praetermissorum libri duo Göttingen 1879
ENchr12 E.W. Brooks & J. B. Chabot, Eliae metropolitae Nisibeni opus chronologicum (CSCO, vols. 62-62a, 63-63a), Paris 1910, vol 1
ENchr22 E.W. Brooks & J. B. Chabot, Eliae metropolitae Nisibeni opus chronologicum (CSCO, vols. 62-62a, 63-63a), Paris 1910 vol 2
EOER.H. Connolly, Anonymi auctoris Expositio officiorum ecclesiae, Georgio Arbelensi vulgo adscripta, 4 vols. (CSCO, vols. 64, 71-72, 76), Paris 1911-15
EpBarLag Epistle of Baruch in P. de Lagarde, Libri Veteris Testamenti Apocryphii Syriacae, Leipzig 1861, pp. 88-100, pp. 88–100. See MosEph.
EphCrucEphrem hymns on the Crucifixion, in E. Beck, Ephraem des Syrers Paschahymnen , CSCO 245 (Louvain, 1964)
EphEcclDom. E. Beck, Des heiligen Ephraem des Syrers Hymnen de Ecclesia, CSCO 199 (Peeters: 1960)
EphIeIunDom. E. Beck, Des heiligen Ephraem des Syrers Hymnen de Ieiunio, CSCO 247 (Peeters: 1964)
EphKidDom.E. Beck, Des heiligen Ephraem des Syrers Hymnen auf Abraham Kidunaya und Julianos Saba. CSCO 322-323, Syr. 140-141. Leuven: Secrétariat du CorpusSCO, 1972.
EphNatDom. E. Beck, Des heiligen Ephraem des Syrers Hymnen De Nativitate (Epiphania), CSCO 187 (Peeters: 1959)
EphNisE. Beck, Des heiligen Ephraem des Syrers Carmina Nisibena. Erster Teil, [Textus] by Ephraem, Syrus (Louvain : Secretarat du CorpusSCO, 1961)
EphResEphrem hymns on the Resurrection, section three of E. Beck Ephraem des Syrers Paschahymnen, CSCOSS 108, Louvain 1964.
Epiph P. de Lagarde, Veteris testamenti ab Origene recensiti fragmenta apud Syros servata quinque praemittitur Epiphanii de mensuris et ponderibus liber nunc primum integer et ipse Syriacus, Göttingen 1880
EpiphDean J.S. Dean, Epiphanus’ Treatise on Weights and Measures, the Syriac Version, Chicago 1935
ERJ.J. Overbeck, S. Ephraemi Syri, Rabulae episcopi Edesseni, Balaei aliorumque Opera selecta, Oxford 1865
ESP. Benedictus, Ephraem Syrus, Opera omnia quae exstant, graece, syriace, latine, in sex tomos distributa ad MSS. codices Vaticanos ..., vols. 4-6, Rome 1732-46
ES1Ephraemi Syri opera omnia, ed. P. Bendictus (Rome:1737-43) vol. 1
ES2Ephraemi Syri opera omnia, ed. P. Bendictus (Rome:1737-43) vol. 2
ES3Ephraemi Syri opera omnia, ed. P. Bendictus (Rome:1737-43) vol. 3
ESAct1Life of Ephrem in Benedictus, Ephreaem Syrus, Opera omnia ... vol. 3 (Rome, vatican, 1732-46) in the front-matter appendix
ESAct2Life of Ephrem in T.L.Lamy, Sancti Ephraem des Syrers... vol. 2 (Mechelin); see also Bedjan in Acta martyriorum 3
ESDomE.Beck, Des heiligen Ephraem des Syrers, Sermo de Domino Nostro (CSCO 270), Louvain, 1966
ESHaerE. Beck, Des heiligen Ephraem des Syrers, Hymnen contra haereses (CSCO 412), Louvain, 1957
ESJ1P. Bedjan, Histoire de Joseph par Saint Ephraem, Paris 1887, vol. 1
ESJ2P. Bedjan, Histoire complète de Joseph, Paris & Leipzig 1891, vol. 2
ESLT.L. Lamy, Sancti Ephraem Syri hymni et sermones, 4 vols., Mechelin 1882-1902
ESL1T.L. Lamy, Sancti Ephraem Syri hymni et sermones, vol. 1, Mechelin 1882-1902
ESL2T.L. Lamy, Sancti Ephraem Syri hymni et sermones, vol. 2, Mechelin 1882-1902
ESL3T.L. Lamy, Sancti Ephraem Syri hymni et sermones, vol. 3, Mechelin 1882-1902
ESL4T.L. Lamy, Sancti Ephraem Syri hymni et sermones, vol. 4, Mechelin 1882-1902
ESNatE. Beck, Des heiligen Ephraem des Syrers, Hymnen de Nativitate (CSCO 186), Louvain, 1959
ESNisG. Bickell, S. Ephraemi Syri Carmina Nisibena, Leipzig 1866
ESNisB1E. Beck, Des heiligen Ephraem des Syrers Carmina Nisibena erster Teil (CSCO 240=CSCOSS 102, Louvain, 1963) by page and line
ESNisB2E. Beck, Des heiligen Ephraem des Syrers Carmina Nisibena zwieter Teil (CSCO 218=CSCOSS 92, Louvain, 1961) by page and line
ESobR. Gottheil, A Treatise on Syriac Grammar by Mâr(i) Elia of Ṣöbhā: Edited and Translated quoted from the Manuscripts in the Berlin Royal Library Berlin, Peiser Verlag, 1887. 47 + 71 + 54 pp.]
ESParE. Beck, Des heiligen Ephraem des Syrers, Hymnen de Paradiso und Contra Julianum (CSCO 174) (Paradiso), Louvain, 1957
ESPasE. Beck, Des heiligen Ephraem des Syrers, Paschahymnen (CSCO 248) Louvain, 1964
ESRefC. W. Mitchell, S. Ephraim’s Prose Refutations of Mani, Marcion, and Bardaisan, 2 vols., London 1912-21
ESRef1C. W. Mitchell, S. Ephraim’s Prose Refutations of Mani, Marcion, and Bardaisan, 2 vols., London 1912-21; vol. 1
ESRef1EREphrem to Hypatius #1 in J.J. Overbeck, S. Ephraemi Syri, Rabulae episcopi Edesseni, Balaei aliorumque Opera selecta, Oxford 1865
ESRef2C. W. Mitchell, S. Ephraim’s Prose Refutations of Mani, Marcion, and Bardaisan, 2 vols., London 1912-21; vol. 2
ESSerm1E. Beck, Des heiligen Ephraem des Syrers, Sermones I (CSCO 334), Louvain, 1970
ESSerm2E. Beck, Des heiligen Ephraem des Syrers, Sermones II (CSCO 334), Louvain, 1970
ESSerm3E. Beck, Des heiligen Ephraem des Syrers, Sermones III (CSCO 334), Louvain, 1970
ESSerm4E. Beck, Des heiligen Ephraem des Syrers, Sermones IV (CSCO 334), Louvain, 1973
ESSermFidE. Beck, Des heiligen Ephraem des Syrers, Sermones de Fide, Louvain, 1961
ESVI.E. Rahmani, Ephraem Syrus, Hymni de virginitate quos e codice Vaticano III, Beirut 1906
ESVirgE. Beck, Des heiligen Ephraem des Syrers, Hymnen de Virgnitate, CSCO 223, 1960
ETFr. Baethgen, Syrische Grammatik des Mar Elias von Ṭirhan, Leipzig 1880
EuagrW. Frankenberg, Euagrius Ponticus (Abhandlungen der Königlichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, Phil.-hist. Kl., N.F., 13/2, Berlin 1912
Euph F. C. Burkitt, Euphemia and the Goth, with the Acts of Martyrdom of the Confessors of Edessa, London 1913 [reprint Amsterdam 1981]
EvXIIJ. Rendel Harris, The Gospel of the Twelve Apostles, together with the Apocalypses of Each One of them, Cambridge 1900; reprint Georgias Press 2002
ExHexSyro-Hexapla of Exodus material as collected by A. Voöbus, The Pentateuch in the Version of the Syro-Hexapla (Louvain, 1975) and/or Lagarde, Bibliothecae syriacae (Göttingen, 1892)
EzHexEzekiel Syro-Hexapla in the Ceriani ms. where non-LXX columns are indicated, by Aqu, Symm, etc.
FabS. Hochfeld, Beiträge zur syrischen Fabelliteratur, Halle/Salle 1893
FerrJ.B. Ferrarius, Nomenclator Syriacus, Rome 1622
GalHGalatians in the Harklean version, for which see B. Aland and A. Juckel, Das Neue Testament in syrischer Überlieferung I (James, 1Pet, 1John), Berlin 1986; II/I (1Rom-1Cor), Berlin 1991; II/2 (2Cor-Col), III (1Thes-Heb), Berlin 2002.
GalSimpA. Merx, “Proben der syrischen Übersetzung von Galenus’ Schrift über die einfachen Heilmittel”, ZDMG, 39 (1885), pp. 237–-305
GalZDMG39A. Merx, "Proben der syrischen Übersetzung von Galenus Schrift über die einfachen Heilmittel"”, ZDMG, 39 (1885), pp. 237–305 [translation of Sergius of Reš‘š cayna; v. R. Degen, Galen im Syrischen...
GBASReinink, Gerrit J., ed. Gannat Bussame. 1: Die Adventssonntage, CSCO 501-502, Syr. 211-212. (Leuven: Peeters, 1988)
GeopP. de Lagarde, Geoponicon in sermonem syriacum versorum quae supersunt, Leipzig 1860
GeoppraefPreface to P. de Lagarde, Geoponicon in sermonem syriacum versorum quae supersunt, Leipzig 1860
GeschJosLinkS.S.W. Link, Die Geschichte Josef, angeblich verfasst von Basilius aus Caesarea, Part 2, Berlin 1895
GeschJosWeinM. Weinberg, Die Geschichte Josefs, Halle 1893
GeZA8V. Ryssel, “Die astronomische Briefe Georgs des Araberbischofs”, ZA 8 (1893), pp. 1–55
glherm Glossary to G. Hoffmann, De Hermeneuticus apud Syros Aristoteleis, Leipzig 1869
GnHexSyro-Hexapla of Genesis material as collected by A. Voöbus, The Pentateuch in the Version of the Syro-Hexapla (Louvain, 1975)
GottheilList R. Gottheil, A List of Plants and their Properties quoted from the Menârth Kudshê of Gregorius Bar ‘Ebrâyâ, Berlin 1886
GrP.J. Bollig, S. Gregorii theologi Liber carminum iambicorum, Pars prima, Versio syriaca e Cod. Vat. CV, Beirut 1895-6
Gr2H. Gismondi, S. Gregorii Theologi liber carminum iambicorum, Beirut, 1896.
GregNHalHaelewyck, Jean-Claude, Sancti Gregorii Nazianzeni Opera. Versio Syriaca IV. Orationes XXVIII, XXIX, XXX, XXXI. Brepols, 2007.
GrNazGregory of Nazianzus
GWGI. Folkmann, Ausgewahlte Nestorianische Kirschenlieder uber das Martyrium des å heiligen Georg von Giwargis Warda, Erlangen 1896
GWH H. Hilgenfeld, Ausgewahlte Gesänge des Giwaris Warda von Arbel, Leipzig 1904
GWVGeorge Warda, in B. Vandenhoff, Vier geistliche Gedichte, in syrischer und neusyrischer Sprache, Munster 1907
Hab Habib in F. C. Burkitt, Euphemia and the Goth, with the Acts of Martyrdom of the Confessors of Edessa, London 1913 [reprint Amsterdam 1981]
HarThe Story of the Merchant of Harran, in Burkitt, Euph
HbHexHabakuk Syro-Hexapla in the Ceriani ms. where non-LXX columns are indicated, by Aqu, Symm, etc.
HebrHebraica [journal]
hermG. Hoffmann, De Hermeneuticus apud Syros Aristoteleis, Leipzig 1869
HexSyro-Hexapla Ambrosianus ms., available at
HexBaarsW. Baars, New Syro-Hexaplaric Texts (Leiden: Brill, 1968)
HexBasilThomThomson, Robert W., ed. The Syriac Version of the Hexaemeron by Basil of Caesarea. CSCO 550-551, Syr. 222-223. Leuven: Peeters, 1995.
HieroMarshMarsh, F.S., The Book which is Called the Book of the Holy Hierotheos, with Extracts from the Prolegomena and Commentary of Theodosios of Antioch ... (Text and Translation Society 7; London: Williams and Norgate, 1927).
HimyA. Moberg, The Book of the Himyarites, Fragments of a hitherto Unknown SyriacWork, Lund 1924
HippAph Hippocrates Aphorisms: H. Pognon, Une version syriaque des aphorismes d’ Hippocrate, 2 vols., Leipzig, 1903.
ḤnanishoNicolas Atas, David Phillips, Flavia Ruani, “Ḥnanisho‘ de Beth Qoqa, Lettre: édition du texte et traduction,“ BABELAO 8 (2019), p. 129-139
HoffmAuszG. Hoffmann, Auszüge aus syrischen Akten persischer Martyrer (AKM 8/3). Leipzig 1880
HoffmKirchG. Hoffmann, Verhandlungen der Kirchenversammlung zu Ephesus am XII. August CDXLIX aus einer syrischen Handschrift vom Jahre DXXXV, Festschrift Herrn Dr. Justus Olshausen, Kiel 1873
HormizdE.A.W. Budge, The Life of Rabban Hormizd and the Foundations of his Monastery at Al-Kosh (Berlin, 1894, reprinted Gorgias Press, 2012
HosHexHosea Syro-Hexapla in the Ceriani ms. where non-LXX columns are indicated, by Aqu, Symm, etc.
Hugoyethe journal Hugoye available online at
HunQuestWilson, E.J., and Dinkha, S., Hunain Ibn Ishaq’s “Questions on Medicine for Students”: Transcription and Translation of the Oldest Extant Syriac Version (Vat. Syr. 192) (Studi e Testi 459; Città del Vaticano: Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, 2010)
HVChr E.A.W. Budge, The History of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and The History of the Likeness of Christ which the Jews of Tiberias Made to Mock at, 2 vols. (Luzac’s Semitic text and translation series, vols. 4-5), London 1899; reprinted AMS Press, New Yor
IA1G. Bickell, Isaac of Antioch, Opera, omnia ex omnibus, quotquot exstant, codicibus manuscriptis cum varia lectione syriace arabiceque vol. 1, Giessen 1873
IA2G. Bickell, Isaac of Antioch, Opera, omnia ex omnibus, quotquot exstant, codicibus manuscriptis cum varia lectione syriace arabiceque vol. 2, Giessen 1877
IAB1 P. Bedjan, Homiliae S. Isaaci Syri Antiocheni, vol. 1, Leipzig 1903
IgnW. Cureton, Corpus Ignatianum, a Complete Collection of the Ignatian Epistles, Geniune, Interpolated, and Spurious; together with Numerous Extracts from them, as quoted by Ecclesiastical Writers down to the Tenth Century, London 1849
INB P. Bedjan, Mar Isaacus Ninivita, De perfectione religiosa, Leipzig 1909. Note that the pagination of this edition does not seem to match that of the 2007 reprint.
INChabot J.B. Chabot, De S. Isaaci Ninivitae scriptis et doctrina, Accedunt ejudem Isaaci tres integri sermones,... Paris 1892
ISE. Sachau, Inedita Syriaca, Vienna 1870 [reprinted Hildesheim 1868]
Ish J. Schliebitz, Isodadhs Kommentar zum Buche Hiob (BZAW 11), Giessen 1907; replaced in CAL by IshJob
IsHexIsaiah Syro-Hexapla in the Ceriani ms. where non-LXX columns are indicated, by Aqu, Symm, etc.
IshHabCommentary on Zephaniah; Ceslas van den Eynde, ed., Commentaire d’I’šo‘dad de Merv sur l’Ancien Testament: IV. Isaïe et les Douze, (Corpus Scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium, 303; Scriptores Syri, 128) (Peeters, Louvain): 1969, pp. 114-16. subtext #2# = variant in apparatus of van den Eynde, with corrections
IshHosText as per Celas van den Eynde, ed., Commentaire d’I’šo‘dad de Merv sur l’Ancien Testament: IV. Isaïe et les Douze(CSCO, 303; Scriptores Syri, 128) (Peeters, Louvain): 1969, pp. 63-77.
IshIs12Ceslas van den Eynde, ed., Commentaire d'Išoˁdad de Merv sur l'Ancien Testament: IV. Isaïe et les Douze, (Corpus Scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium, 303; Scriptores Syri, 128) (Peeters, Louvain): 1969
IshJobText as per Celas van den Eynde, ed., Commentaire d’I’šo‘dad de Merv sur l’Ancien Testament: III. Livres des Sessions (CSCO, 229; Scriptores Syri, 96) (Peeters, Louvain): 1962, pp. 233-68.
IshMalCommentary on Malachi; Ceslas van den Eynde, ed., Commentaire d’I’šo‘dad de Merv sur l’Ancien Testament: IV. Isaïe et les Douze, (Corpus Scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium, 303; Scriptores Syri, 128) (Peeters, Louvain): 1969, pp. 135ff. subtext #2# = variant in apparatus of van den Eynde, with corrections
IshMicCommentary on Micah; Ceslas van den Eynde, ed., Commentaire d’I’šo‘dad de Merv sur l’Ancien Testament: IV. Isaïe et les Douze, (Corpus Scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium, 303; Scriptores Syri, 128) (Peeters, Louvain): 1969, pp. 99ff. subtext #2# = variant in apparatus of van den Eynde, with corrections
IshNahumText as per Celas van den Eynde, ed., Commentaire d’I’šo‘dad de Merv sur l’Ancien Testament: IV. Isaïe et les Douze (CSCO, 303; Scriptores Syri, 128) (Peeters, Louvain): 1969, pp. 105-08.
IshodadM.D. Gibson, The Commentaries of Ishodad of Merv, Bishop of Hadatha (c. 850 A.D.), 5 vols. (HS, no. 4-7, 10-11), Cambridge 1916
IshodadEpM.D. Gibson, The Commentaries of Ishodad of Merv, Bishop of Hadatha (c. 850 A.D.), 5 vols. (HS, no. 4-7, 10-11), Cambridge 1916: vol. 5: epistles
IshProvText as per Celas van den Eynde, ed., Commentaire d’I’šo‘dad de Merv sur l’Ancien Testament: III. Livres des Sessions (CSCO, 229; Scriptores Syri, 96) (Peeters, Louvain): 1962,
IshSongS. Euringer, Der Ishoˁdad von Maru Kommentar zum Hohenlied (Gorgias, 2010)
IshZephCommentary on Habakkuk; Ceslas van den Eynde, ed., Commentaire d’I’šo‘dad de Merv sur l’Ancien Testament: IV. Isaïe et les Douze, (Corpus Scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium, 303; Scriptores Syri, 128) (Peeters, Louvain): 1969, pp. 109-14. subtext #2# = variant in apparatus of van den Eynde, with corrections
IsNin2Bedjan, The Ascetical Homilies of Mar Isaac of Nineveh, available both online or pdf from BYU or the Gorgias Press reprint editon, 2007. Note that the pagination of this edition is not the same as that of the original Bedjan (Paris, 1909) edition.
IsNin3Chialà, Sabino, ed. Isacco di Ninive. Terza Collezione. CSCO 637-638, Syr. 246-247. Leuven: Peeters, 2011.
ISSWapIsaac the Syrian's Spritual Works, Edited and translated by Mary T. Hansbury (Piscataway: Gorgias Press, 2016); From the Fifth Part, pp. 351ff.
JabP. Bedjan, Yabhalaha III, Patriarch of the Nestorians, 1245-1317 (Harrasowitz: 1895) = 2nd edition of JARS
JacShakJacob Bar Shakko’s grammar as edited by Daniel King in an unpublished paper posted on
JAOS Journal of the American Oriental Society
JAPJournal Asiatique, Paris
JARSP. Bedjan, Histoire de Mar Jabalaha III, Patriarche des Nestoriens (1281-1317) et du moine Rabban Sauma2, Leipzig 1895
JARS1P. Bedjan, Histoire de Mar Jab-Alaha, patriarche, et de Raban Sauma, Leipzig 1888
JARS3P. Bedjan, Histoire de Mar-Jabalaha, de trois autres patriarches, d`un prêtre et de deux laïques nestoriens, Leipzig 1895
JARS3P. Bedjan, Histoire de Mar-Jabalaha, de trois autres patriarches, d`un prêtre et de deux laïques, nestoriens, Paris and Leipzig, 1895
Jbh G. Phillips, A Letter by Mar Jacob, Bishop of Edessa, on Syriac Orthography, also a Tract by the Same Author, and a Discourse by Gregory bar Hebraeus on Syriac Accents, London 1869
JChrysChildChilders, Jeff W., ed. The Syriac Version of John Chrysostom’s Commentary on John I. Memre 1-43. CSCO 651-652, Syr. 250-251. Leuven: Peeters, 2013.
JDR. Duval, Išoyabh Patriarchae III Liber epistularum (CSCO, vols. 11-12) Paris 1904–5 = Ishoy3
JDalBeulayRobert Beulay, La Collection des lettres de Jean de Dalyatha (Patrologia Orientalis 39/3, Brepols, Turnhout: 1978)
JECanSyC. Kayser, Die Canones Jacob`s von Edessa (Leipzig: 1886) Syriac pages
JEhA. Hjelt, Études sur l\'Hexaméron de Jacques d\'Edesse, Helsinki 1892
JEhChJ.B. Chabot, Jacobi Edesseni Hexaemeron, CSC0 92 (Louvain: Peters, 1952)
JEMartinJ.P. Martin, Jacobi Episcopi Edesseni Epistola ad Georgium
JerHexJeremiah Syro-Hexapla in the Ceriani ms. where non-LXX columns are indicated, by Aqu, Symm, etc.
JEScholG. Phillips, Scholia on Passages of the Old Testament by Mar Jacob [of Edessa], London 1864
JEWrW. Wright, Two Epistles of Mar Jacob, Bishop of Edessa, JSL, NS, 10 (1867), pp. 430–460
JobE Job of Edessa, Book of Treasures, ed. A. Mingana, Woodbrooke Scientific Publications 1, Cambridge 1935
JobHexJob Syro-Hexapla in the Ceriani ms. where non-LXX columns are indicated, by Aqu, Symm, etc.
JoelHexJoel Syro-Hexapla in the Ceriani ms. where non-LXX columns are indicated, by Aqu, Symm, etc.
JohEphW. Cureton, The Third Part of theEcclesiastical History of John, Bishop of Ephesus, Oxford 1853
JohEphBE. W. Brooks (ed.) Johannis Ephesini, Histoirae ecclesiasticae pars tertia (CSCO 105=CSCOSS 54) (Louvain, 1935)
JohEphLESE.W. Brooks, John of Ephesus: Lives of the Eastern Saints, Patrologia Orientalis 17(1923)i-xv, 1ff., 18(1924)513-697, 19(1926)153-273; cited by running pagination in square brackets or by individual pagination without
JohHJohn in the Harklean version, available now as part of G.A.Kiraz, Comparative Edition of the Syriac Gospels: Aligning the Sinaiticus, Curetonianus, Peshitta and Harklean Versions. 4 volumes. New Testament Tools and Studies, vol. 21/1-4. ( Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1996).
JohTellH.G. Kleyn, Het leven van Johannes van Tella door Elias, Leiden 1882
JosephH. Kottek, Das sechste Buch des Bellum Judaicum, Berlin 1886 [v. R. Gottheil, Hebraica, 3 (1887), pp. 136–151]
JosephB ed. P. Bedjan in JSB1
JosHexJosuhua Syro-Hexapla in the Ceriani ms. where non-LXX columns are indicated, by Aqu, Symm, etc.
JSJacob of Sarug in Cureton, Ancient Syriac Documents
JSJacob of Sarug
JSJ. Zingerle, Jac. Sar. Sermo de Thamar, Innsbruck 1871; see now S. Brock, "Jacob of Serugh's Verse Homily on Tamar (Gen. 38)", Le Museon 115(2002)279-315
JSA Poem on Alexander in ZDMG 60 (1906) 169–209; 558–599; 802–821; v. KnösChrest 66–107; E.A.W. Budge, ZA 6 (18xx) 356ff.; translated in PsC, pp. 163–200
JSAbb J. B. Abbeloos, De vita et scriptis Sancti Jacobi, Batnarum Sarugi in Mesopotamia episcopi, Louvain 1867
JSB P. Bedjan, Homilae Selectae Mar-Jacobi Sarugensis, 5 vols. Leipzig 1905–1910
JSB1P. Bedjan, Memre mgabye d-mar(y) Yaqub d-Serug. (Parisiis : Via Dicta ; Lipsiae : O. Harrassowitz, 1905-1910), vol 1
JSB2P. Bedjan, Memre mgabye d-mar(y) Yaqub d-Serug. (Parisiis : Via Dicta ; Lipsiae : O. Harrassowitz, 1905-1910), vol 2
JSB3P. Bedjan, Memre mgabye d-mar(y) Yaqub d-Serug. (Parisiis : Via Dicta ; Lipsiae : O. Harrassowitz, 1905-1910), vol 3
JSB4P. Bedjan, Memre mgabye d-mar(y) Yaqub d-Serug. (Parisiis : Via Dicta ; Lipsiae : O. Harrassowitz, 1905-1910), vol 4
JSB5P. Bedjan, Memre mgabye d-mar(y) Yaqub d-Serug. (Parisiis : Via Dicta ; Lipsiae : O. Harrassowitz, 1905-1910), vol 5
JSBLetG. Olinder, Jacobi sarugensis epistulae quotquot supersunt CSCO 110 (Louvain, 1937, 1965)
JSConstA.L. Frothingham Jr., L’omelia di Giacomo di Sarug sul battesimo di Costantino imperatore, Atti della R. Accademia dei Lincei, Memorie della Classe di scienze morali, storiche e filologiche, Rome 1883, Ser. 3, vol. VIII, pp. 167-–192
Jsddev1M.D. GIbson, The Commentaries of Isho\'dad of Merv on the New Testament: Matthew and Mark, Cambridge 1911
Jsddev2M.D. GIbson, The Commentaries of Isho\'dad of Merv on the New Testament vol. 3: Luke and John, Cambridge 1911
JshBCP. Scott-Moncrieff, The Book of Consolations or, The Pastoral Epistles of Mâr Isho-yahbh of Kûphlânâ in Adiabene, Part I: The Syriac text (Luzac\'s Semitic text and translation series), London 1904 = IshyBC
JshBC1P. Scott-Moncrieff, The Book of Consolations or, The Pastoral Epistles of Mâr Isho‘-yahbh of Kûphlânâ in Adiabene, Part I: The Syriac text (Luzac’s Semitic text and translation series), London 1904 = IshyBC
JshDR. Duval, Išoˁyabh Patriarchae III Liber epistularum (CSCO 11 = CSCOSS 11), Paris 1904-5
JshdJ. B. Chabot, Le livre de la chasteté composé par Jésusdenah, évêque de Basrah (Extrait des Mélanges d’\'archéologie et d\'histoire publiés par l'\école française de Rome), vol. 16, Rome 1896
JshddDietG. Diettrich, Išôdâdh’s Stellung in der Auslegungsgeschichte des Alten Testamentes (BZAW 6), Giessen 1902
JshJSJ.-B. Chabot, Histoire de Jésus-Sabran, écrite par Jésus-Yab d'Adiabène, Archives des missions scientifique et littéraires, 7 (1897), pp. 483-584 = IshyJS
JšJSJ.-B. Chabot, “Histoire de Jésus-Sabran, écrite par Jésus-Yab d’Adiabène,” Archives des missions scientifique et littéraires, 7 (1897), pp. 483–584 = IshyJS
JSL Journal of Sacred Literature
JSMemTheatCyril Moss, Jacob of Serugh`s Homilies on the Spectacles of the Theater, LeMus 48(1935):87-112
JSMemThomW. Strothmann, Jakob von Sarug: drei Gedichte ueber den Apostel Thomas. Goettinger Orientforschungen, Reihe Syriac 12, 1976
JudchrdocA. Mingana, Some Early Judaeo­Christian Documents in the John Rylands Library, Syriac Texts, Manchester 1917 [= BJRL 4 (1917), pp. 59–118]
JudHexJudges Syro-Hexapla in the Ceriani ms. where non-LXX columns are indicated, by Aqu, Symm, etc.
Jul G.E. Hoffmann, Iulianos der Abtruennige, Syrische Erzaehlungen Leiden 1880; English translation: H. Gollancz, Julian the Apostate, Oxford & London 1928
JulianBasilBrock, Sebastian P., "The Letter of the Emperor Julian to Basil of Caesarea, and Basil’s Reply, in a Syriac Translation," in: P. Fodor, G. Mayer, M. Monostori, K. Szovák and L. Takács (eds.), More modoque: Die Wurzeln der europäischen Kultur und deren Rezeption im Orient und Okzident. Festschrift für Miklós Maróth zum siebzigsten Geburtstag (Budapest: Forschungszentrum für Humanwissenschaften der Ungarischen Akademie der Wisssenschaften, 2013), 215-224.
JulNeumann E. Nestle, Cyrilli Alexandrini librorum contra Iuliamum fragmenta syriaca, in C.I. Neumann, Cyrilli Alexandrini librorum contra Iuliamum XI­XX fragmenta graeca et syriaca latine, 1880
Kays C. Kayser, Das Buch von der Erkenntniss der Wahrheit, oder, Der Ursache aller Ursachen, Leipzig 1889; German translation: Idem, Causa omnium causarum, Das Buch von der Erkenntniss der Wahrheit, oder, Der Ursache aller Ursachen, Strassburg
KDAndreas Juckel, Der Ktābā D-Durrāšā (Ktābā D-Ma`wāt¯) des Elijā von Anbār (CSCO 226, Peeters, Leuven: 1996)
KelaitaParDe Kelaita, Joseph E. Y., ed. The Paradise of Eden. Second Edition. Mosul, Iraq: The Assyrian Press, 1928; reprint Gorgias, 2009.
KellisM. Franzmann and I. Gardner, "Section B: Syriac Texts," in I. Gardner, et. al, Kellis Literary Texts (Monographs of the Dakhleh Oasis Project, Oxbow Books, Oxford: 1996) pp. 101-31; the Syriac knowledge of the editors is minimal; reader beware
Kessel,G. Kessel, "The Syriac Epidemics and the Problem of Its Identification," in Epidemics in Context, ed. P. Pormann, (DeGruyter, 2012)
KohelethApamW. Strothmann, ed. and trans. Kohelet-Kommentar des Johannes von Apamea: Syrischer Text mit vollständigem Wörterverzeichnis. Göttinger Orientforschungen, I. Reihe: Syriaca 30; Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 1988.
KwD1G. Bickell, Kalilag und Damnag, alte syrische Übersetzung des indischen Fürstenspiegels, Leipzig 1876 [reprinted Amsterdam 1981]
KwD2 Fr. Schulthess, Kalila und Dimna, 2 vols, Berlin 1911
KwDWW. Wright, Book of Kalilah and Dimnah, translated from Arabic into Syriac, Oxford 1884 [reprinted Amsterdam 1981]
Lag,P. de Lagarde, Bibliothecae Syriacae, Göttingen 1892
Lag,P. de Lagarde, Symmicta, 2 vols., Göttingen 1877
LagBeitrP.A. Lagarde, Beitraege zur baktrischen Lexikographie, Leipzig 1868
LagPraeterm P. de Lagarde, Praetermissorum libri duo, Göttingen 1879
LagProvP. de Lagarde, Anmerkungen zur griechischen Übersetzung der Proverbien, Leipzig 1863
LamHexLamentations Syro-Hexapla in the Ceriani ms. where non-LXX columns are indicated, by Aqu, Symm, etc.
LausDragDraguet, René, ed. Les formes syriaques de la matière de l\'Histoire lausiaque I: Les manuscrits Édition des pièces liminaires et des ch. 1-19. CSCO 389-390, Syr. 169-170. Leuven: Secrétariat du CorpusSCO, 1978. II: Édition des ch. 20-71, Épilogue, [72-73]. CSCO 398-399, Syr. 173-174. Leuven: Secrétariat du CorpusSCO, 1978.
LES1 A.J. Wensinck, Legends of Eastern Saints, chiefly from Syriac Sources, 2 vols. [Vol. 1. The story of Archelides, Leiden 1911-13
LES2 A.J. Wensinck, Legends of Eastern Saints, chiefly from Syriac Sources, Vol. 2. The legend of Hilaria], Leiden 1911-13
LGThe Syriac Book of Steps, ed. R. A. Kitchen(Gorgias, 2010-)
LitOr2E. Renaudot, Liturgiarum Orientalium Collectio ..., 2 vols., Paris 1716
LittmSemInscr E. Littmann, Semitic Inscriptions, New York 1904
LJerHexLetter of Jeremiah Syro-Hexapla in the Ceriani ms.
LkHLuke in the Harklean version, available now as part of G.A.Kiraz, Comparative Edition of the Syriac Gospels: Aligning the Sinaiticus, Curetonianus, Peshitta and Harklean Versions. 4 volumes. New Testament Tools and Studies, vol. 21/1-4. ( Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1996).
LobabJ. al-Qardahi,Al­ Lobab, seu Dictionarium Syro-Arabicum, Beirut 1887–91
LvHexSyro-Hexapla of Leviticus material as collected by A. Voöbus, The Pentateuch in the Version of the Syro-Hexapla (Louvain, 1975)
Métr P. Martin, De la métrique chez les syriens (AKM 7/2), Leipzig 1879
Macc R.L. Bensly & W.E. Barnes, The Fourth Book of Maccabees and Kindred Documents in Syriac, Cambridge 1895
MAMQ H. Feige, Die Geschichte des Mâr `Abhdô und seines Jüngers Mâr Qardagh, 2 vols., Kiel 1889
Mar J. B. Abbeloos, Acta Sancti Maris, Assyriae, Babyloniae ac Persidis seculo i apostoli, (Leipzig 1885)
MariCh. and F. Jullien, Les actes de Mār Māri, CSCO 601, Scriptores Syri 234, Louvain, 2003
Maron J. Hobeica, St. J. Maron, le sacerdoce, Basconta 1912
MartinSyr J.P. Martin, Syriens orientaux et occidentaux, Essai sur le deux principaux dialectes araméens, JAP, 6/19 (1872), pp. 305-483
MartyrGeorgeWeyhW. Weyh, Die syrische Legende der 40 Märtyrer von Sebaste, ByZ 21 (1912), pp. xxx
MarutaArthur Vööbus, The Canons Ascribed to Mārūtā of Maipherqaṭ and Related Sources (Peeters 1982)
MasJs G. Diettrich, Die Massorah der östlichen und der westlichen Syrer in ihren Anagaben zum Propheten Jesaia, London 1899
MasJsAppAppendix to MasJs
MaximusS. Brock, Of Maximus the Confessor, in Syriac Perspectives on Late Antiquity (London, 1984)
MBThe Legend of Mar Bassus as published by J. Chabot, La legende de Mar Bassus, martyr persan, suivie de l`histoire de l fondation de son convent a Apamee, d`apres un manuscrit de la Biotheque Nationale (Paris: 1892)
MedE.A.W. Budge, Syrian Anatomy, Pathology and Therapeutics, or, The Book of Medicines, 2 vols, London 1913
MemLinceiAttidella R. Accademia ddei Lincei ..., Memorie della Classe di scienze morali, storiche e filolgiche
MerxA. Merx, Historia artis grammaticae apud Syros (AKM 9/2). Leipzig 1889
MerxSySyriac texts in A. Merx, Historia artis grammaticae apud Syros (AKM 9/2). Leipzig 1889
MidyatA. Voöbus, The Pentateuch in the Version of the Syro-Hexapla (Louvain, 1975)
MillosMillos, Elia Joannes, ed. Directorium spirituale ex Libris Sapientialibus desumptum a Presbytero Doctore Joanne Monacho Chaldaeo, compositum A.D. 1245. Rome: Typis Sacrae Congregationis de Propaganda Fide, 1868.
MingA. Mingana, Sources syriaques, I, Leipzig
Ming2A. Mingana, Sources syriaques, II, Leipzig
MiS J.B. Chabot, Chronique de Michel le Syrien, patriarche jacobite d’Antioche, 1166-1199, 4 vols., Paris 1899-1910 [Syriac text in vol. 4]
MkHMark in the Harklean version, available now as part of G.A.Kiraz, Comparative Edition of the Syriac Gospels: Aligning the Sinaiticus, Curetonianus, Peshitta and Harklean Versions. 4 volumes. New Testament Tools and Studies, vol. 21/1-4. ( Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1996).
MnorathQBar Hebraeus, Mnorath Kudshe (Lamp of the Sanctuary). Edited by Yuḥanon Dolabani. Holland: Bar-Hebraeus Verlag, 1997.
MobergTermM. Moberg, Zur Terminologie, in Der Buch der Strahlen, die grössere Grammatik des Barhebraeus, 2 vols., Leipzig 1907, –1913, pp. 1*-119*
MPJ. Corluy, “Historia ancti Mar Pethion maryris syiace et latine edidit”, Analecta Bollandiana, 7 (1888), pp. 5–44
MS1P. Zingerle & G. Moesinger, Monumenta syriaca ex romanis codicibus collecta, vol 1, Oeniponte 1869
MS2P. Zingerle & G. Moesinger, Monumenta syriaca ex romanis codicibus collecta, vol 2, Oeniponte 1878
MS2055/25S. Shaked, "Manichaean Incantation Bowls in Syriac", JSAI 24(2000): 58ff.
MtHMatthew in the Harklean version, available now as part of G.A.Kiraz, Comparative Edition of the Syriac Gospels: Aligning the Sinaiticus, Curetonianus, Peshitta and Harklean Versions. 4 volumes. New Testament Tools and Studies, vol. 21/1-4. ( Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1996).
MTSN.E. Pedersen and J. M. Larsen, Manichaean Texts in Syriac (Brepols, 2013)
MyronMoses Bar Kepha: Commentary on Myron, Translation and Introduction by Baby Varghese (Gorgias, 2014)
NarsF. Feldmann, Narsai, Syrische Wechsellieder, ein Beitrag zur alt­christlichen syrischen Hymnologie, Leipzig 1896
NarsaiA. Mingana, Narsai doctoris syri homilia et carmina, 2 vols., Mosul 1905
Narsai1A. Mingana, Narsai doctoris syri homilia et carmina, 2 vols., Mosul 1905; vol 1.
NarsGrab V. Grabowski, Die Geschichte Josefs von Mar Narses, nach ein syrischen Handschrift der Königlichen Bibliothek in Berlin, Berlin 1889
NarsJos Homilies of Mar Narses in P. Bedjan, Histoire complète de Joseph, Paris 1891
Nat K. Ahrens (ed. & trans.), Das Buch der Naturgegenstande (Kiel: C. F. Haeseler, 1892). VIII + 84 + III + 71
Nest F. Nau, P. Bedjan, Nestorius: Le livre d’Héraclide de Damas, Paris 1910; reprinted Farnborough 1969
NestCollAbramowski, Luise, and Goodman, Allen .E., A Nestorian Collection of Christological Texts: Cambridge University Library Ms. Oriental 1319. 2 vols. University of Cambridge Oriental Publications 19; Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1972.
NestKampF. Loofs, Neostriana: Die Fragmente des Nestorius (Halle, Neimeyer, 1905)
NestleChr1Chrestomathy in E. Nestle, Brevis linguae grammatica, litteratura, chrestomatia, cum glossario, Karlsruhe 1864
NHist7Natural History, in Bar Hebraeus, Butyrum Sapientiae, ms. in possession of E.A.W. Budge [v. PSSup X]
NicSyrNicolaus Damascenus, Compendium of Aristotelian Philosophy (Syriac versions) cited from mss. and publications in Hidemi Takahashi, Aristotelian Meteorology in Syriac: Barhebraeus, Butyrum Sapientiae, Books of Mineralogy and Meteorology, Brill, Leiden and Boston, 2004
NmHexSyro-Hexapla of Numbers material as collected by A. Voöbus, The Pentateuch in the Version of the Syro-Hexapla (Louvain, 1975)
OCPOrientalia Christiana Periodica
Off Liber psalmorum, horarum diurnarum, ordinis officii divini et homiliarum rogationum, Paris 1886
OMOfficium feriale iuxta ritum Ecclesiae Syrorum Maronitarum5, Beirut 1877
ONG. Hoffmann, Opuscula Nestoriana syriace tradidit, Kiel 1880
OnSacr F. Wutz, Onomastica Sacra, Untersuchungen zum Liber interpretationis nominum hebraicaorum des hl. Hieronymos, Leipzig 1914
OrChrOriens Christianus
OSJ. Rendel Harris, The Odes and Psalms of Solomon Published from the Syriac Version2, Cambridge 1911
OSIH.J.W. Drijvers, Old-Syriac (Edessean) Inscriptions, Leiden 1972
OSSahdde Halleux, André, ed. Martyrius (Sahdona). Œuvres spirituelles, I. Livre de la perfection, Ie partie. CSCO 200-201, Syr. 86-87. Louvain: Secrétariat du CorpusSCO, 1960; IIe partie CSCO 214-215, Script. Syri 90-91, 1961; CSCO 252-253, Script. Syri 110-111, 1965
PallME.A.W. Budge, The Book of Paradise, being the Histories and Sayings of the Monks and Ascetics of the Egyptian Desert by Palladius, Hieronymus and Others, the Syriac texts, according to the recension of Anan-Ishô of Beth Abha, 2 vols. (Lady Meux man
PallMThe Book of Paradise being the histories and sayings of the monks and ascetics of the Egyptian desert by Palladius, Hieronymus and others, E. A. W. Budge (London: 1904)
ParPatrO.F. Tullberg, Praes. Libri qui inscribitur Paradisus Patrum partes selectae ..., Upsalla 1851
PelJ. Gildemeister, Acta sancti Pelagiae syriace, Bonn 1879
PetrIb R. Raabe, Petrus der Iberer, ein Charakterbild zur Kirchen und Sittengeschichte des fünften Jahrhunderts, Leipzig 1895
PharmGignoux, Un livre de pharmacopée en syriaque, CSCO 670 (Louvain: Peeters 2019)
PhilalHespel, Robert, ed. Sévère d’Antioch. Le Philalèthe. CSCO 133-134, Syr. 68-69. Leuven: L. Durbecq, 1952.
PhilopSandSanda, A., ed. Opuscula Monophysitica Ioannis Philoponi, Typographia Catholica PP. Soc. Jesu., 1930 (reprint: Gorgias Press, 2012).
Philox E.A.W. Budge, The Discourses of Philoxenus, Bishop of Mabbôgh, A.D. 485­519, 2 vols., London 1894
Philox1 E.A.W. Budge, The Discourses of Philoxenus, Bishop of Mabbôgh, A.D. 485­519, 2 vols., London 1894; vol. 1
Philox2Rom E.A.W. Budge, The Discourses of Philoxenus, Bishop of Mabbôgh, A.D. 485­519, 2 vols., London 1894, translation volume roman numeral pages
PhiloxV A.A. Vaschalde,Three Letters of Philoxenus, bishop of Mabbogh (485-519), Rome 1902
PhilVA. Vaschalde, Philoxeni Mabbugensis tractatus tres de trinitate et incarnatione (CSCO, Ser. 2, vol. 27), Paris & Leipzig 1907
PhysO.G. Tychsen, Physiologus Syrus, seu, Historia animalium XXXII in S.S. memoratorum syriace, Rostock 1795
POPatrologia Orientalis
PO12Patrologia Orientalis vol. 12
PO13Patrologia Orientalis vol. 13
PO14Patrologia Orientalis vol. 14
PO16Patrologia Orientalis vol. 16
PO2Patrologia Orientalis vol. 2
PO34A. Torbey, Le Candélabre du Sanctuaire de Grégoire Abou’lfaradj dit Barhebræus. Cinquième base: Des anges. Patrologia Orientalis 30.4 [146]. Paris: Firmin-Didot, 1963.
PO4Patrologia Orientalis vol. 4
PO5Patrologia Orientalis vol. 5
PO7Patrologia Orientalis vol. 7
PO8Patrologia Orientalis vol. 8
PO9Patrologia Orientalis vol. 9
PognInscrH. Pognon, Inscriptions sémitique de la Syrie, de la Meopotamie et de la région de Mossoul, Paris 1907
PognKhuabir H. Pognon, Inscriptions mandaïtes des coupes de Khouabir, Paris 1898-99
PrHexProverbs Syro-Hexapla in the Ceriani ms. where non-LXX columns are indicated, by Aqu, Symm, etc.
ProclusChabot Chabot, Trois homélies de Proclus, Évêque fr Constantinople, Rome 1896
Prot H. Gollancz, The Book of Protection, being a Collection of Charms, Oxford 1912; reprinted Amsterdam 1976
PS-NonnPseudo_Nonnos: The Syriac Version of The Pseudo-Nonnos Mythological Scholia, ed. Sebastian Brock, Cambridge, 1971.
PsAthVirgD. Brakke, Pseudo-Athanasius on Virginity (CSCO 592; Peeters, 2002)
PsCE.A.W. Budge, The History of Alexander the Great, being the Syriac Version of the Pseudo-Callisthenes, Cambridge 1889; reprinted Amsterdam 1976
PsHexPsalms Syro-Hexapla in the Ceriani ms. where non-LXX columns are indicated, by Aqu, Symm, etc.
PsInscrInscriptions at head of Psalms
PSmR. Payne-Smith, Thesaurus Syriacus
PsMethDie syrische Apokalypse des Pseudo-Methodius (CSCO 540; Peeters: 1993)
PsmSupJ.P.Margoliouth, Supplement to theThesaurus Syriacus of R. Payne Smith, Oxford 1927
QACatQuestions and Answers on the Categories, from Sami Aydin, "The Remnant of a Questions and Answers Commentary on Aristotle’s Categories in Syriac (Vat. Syr. 586)", in Studia graeco-arabica 9 (2019):69ff.
QdhamWDaily offices of the east Syrian church, see TSSup p. xv.
Qentos The History of the Great Deeds of Bishop Paul of Qentos and Priest John of Edessa, edited and translated by Hans Arneson, Emanuel Fiano, Christine Luckritz Marquis & Kyle Smith, Gorgias Press, 2010.
RabbWorks of Rabbula, published in Overbeck S. Ephraemi Syri, Rabulae episcopi Edesseni, Balaei aliorumque Opera selecta, Oxford 1865. pp. 362–-81
RabbSBLPhenix, R.R., Jr., and Horn, C.B., The Rabbula Corpus: Comprising the Life of Rabbula, His Correspondence, a Homily Delivered in Constantinople, Canons, and Hymns (SBL Writings from the Greco-Roman World 17; Atlanta: SBL Press, 2017).
Rahlfs,Alfred Rahlfs (ed.), Des Gregorius Abulfarag genannt Bar Ebhroyo Anmerkungen zu den Salomonischen Schriften (Inaugural dissertation ... Georg-Augusts-Universitat zu Gottingen; Leipzig: Buchdruckerei von W. Drugulin, 1887). Syriac text pp. 1-29.
RahmanifastiI.E. Rahmani, I fasti della chiesa patriarcale Antiochena, Rome 1920
RechtsEduard Sachau, Syrische Rechtsbcher, 3 vols., Berlin: Georg Reimer, 1907-1
Rechts1E. Sachau, Syrische Rechtsbücher, 3 vols., Berlin 1907-14, vol.1. See now: W. Selb and H. Kaufhold, Das Syrisch Römische Rechtsbuch 3 vols., Vienna 2002
Rechts2E. Sachau, Syrische Rechtsbücher, 3 vols., Berlin 1907-14, vol.2. See now: W. Selb and H. Kaufhold, Das Syrisch Römische Rechtsbuch 3 vols., Vienna 2002
Rechts3E. Sachau, Syrische Rechtsbücher, 3 vols., Berlin 1907-14, vol.3. See now: W. Selb and H. Kaufhold, Das Syrisch Römische Rechtsbuch 3 vols., Vienna 2002
RechtsbK.G. Bruns & E. Sachau, Syrisch­ Römisches Rechtsbuch aus dem fünften Jahrhundert, Leipzig 1880 [reprinted Aalen 1985]; see Syr-RomLaw
ReininkGanBusReinink, Gerrit J., ed., Gannat Bussame. 1: Die Adventssonntage. CSCO 501-502, Syr. 211-212. (Peeters, 1988)
RendLinceiAccademianazionale dei Lincei, Rendiconti
RevNYRevelations cited from the Bible Society edition of New York, 1874
RHRB E.A.W. Budge, The Histories of Rabban Hôrmîzd the Persian and Rabban Bar­ Idtâ, 2 vols., London 1902 [reprinted New York 1976]
Rie P. de Lagarde, Reliquiae iuris ecclesiastici antiquissimae, Graece et Syriace, Leipzig 1856
RingDoveA. Pritula, O Ringdove! Where are You Heading For? A Syriac Dialogue Poem of the Late 13th Century, in D.W.Winkler, ed. Syrische Studien: Beiträge zum 8. deutschen Syrologie-Symposium (Vienna, Lit Verlag: 2016) 351ff.
Roche,Henri Hugonnard-Roche, Studia graeco-arabica 7(2017):105-70
RödigerChrest3J. Rödiger, Chrestomathia Syriaca quam glossario ey tabulis grammaticus3 ..., Leipzig 1868
ROrChrRevue de l’Orient chrétien
RSRevue sémitique
SahdP. Bedjan, S. Martyrii qui et Sahdona quae supersunt omnia, Leipzig 1902
SALE.W. Brooks, The Sixth Book of the Select Letters of Severus, Patriarch of Antioch, in the Syriac version of Athanasius of Nisibis, 2 vols., London 1902-04
SAL1E.W. Brooks, The Sixth Book of the Select Letters of Severus, Patriarch of Antioch, in the Syriac version of Athanasius of Nisibis, 2 vols., London 1902-04; vol. 1
SAL2E.W. Brooks, The Sixth Book of the Select Letters of Severus, Patriarch of Antioch, in the Syriac version of Athanasius of Nisibis, 2 vols., London 1902-04; vol. 2
SanctVitLives of saints, ms. of Quatremère, cited from PSm
SAOC11JE Dean, Epiphanius` Treatise on Weights and Measures (SAOC, 11; Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1935)
SBBA1899Sitzungsberichte der Königlich-Preussischen Akademie der Wissneschaftern zu Berlin, 1899
SbŠ J.F. Ruska, Das Quadrivium aus Severus bar Šakkû`s Buch der Dialoge, Leipzig 1896
SchRiS. M. Ri, La caverne des trèsors, CSCO 207-8, 1987.
SE1G.F. Perry, Secundam Synodum Ephesinam excerpta qae ad eam pertinent, Oxford, 1875
SE2 J. Flemming, Akten der Ephesinischen Synode vom Jahre 449, syrisch, mit G. Hoffmanns deutscher Übersetzung und seinen Anmerkungen (AGWG, N.F., 15/1), Berlin 1917
SevAG. Boderiano, D. Severi Alexandrini de ritibus baptismi et sacrae synaxis apud Syros Christianos receptis, Antwerp 1572
SevAntBriBrière, Maurice, ed. Les Homiliae cathedrales de Sévère d’Antioche: traduction syriaque de Jacques d’Édesse , multiple volumes. Patrologia Orientalis . Paris: Firmin-Didot,, reprint Turnhout: Brepols, 1969ff.
SevAntCathGuidi, Ignazio, ed. Les Homiliae Cathedrales de Sévère d’Antioche: traduction syriaque de Jacques d’Édesse (suite). Homélies XCIX à CIII. Patrologia Orientalis 22.2 [108]. Paris: Firmin-Didot, 1929
SevAntHomLes Homiliae Cathédrales de Sévère d\'Antioche, ed. R. Duval, Patr.Or iv.1, viii.2
SevAntLetE. W. Brooks, "A Collection of Letters of Severus of Antioch" PO 12/2, 14/1 (1915,1920; reprint Brepols, 1985)
SevGramLebLebon, Joseph, ed., Severi Antiocheni Liber contra impium Grammaticum: oratio prima et secunda. CSCO 111, Syr. IV.4 [58]. Paris: E Typographeo Reipublicae, 1938.
SevHymE.W. Brooks, James of Edessa, the Hymns of Severus of Antioch and Others (Paris, 1911f.)=PO 6 pp. 9ff, PO 7 pp. 595ff.
SevLetE. W. Brooks, "A Collection of Letters of Severus of Antioch" PO 12/2, 14/1 (1915,1920; reprint Brepols, 1985) (pagination is per article, in square brackets)
SevOratLebLebon, Joseph. Severi Antiocheni Orationes Ad Nephalium. Eiusdem Ac Sergii Grammatici Epistulae Mutuae. L. Durbecq, 1949.
SevPolemHespel, Robert, ed. Sévère d’Antioche. La polémique antijulianiste, II.A: Le Contra additiones Juliani. CSCO 295-296, Syr. 124-125. Louvain: Secrétariat du CorpusSCO, 1968.
SevPolemIHespel, Robert, ed. Sévère d’Antioche. La polémique antijulianiste, I Le Contra additiones Juliani: Premier échange de lettres..... CSCO 244-245, Syr. 104-105. Louvain: Secrétariat du CorpusSCO, 1964.
SevPolemIIBHespel, Robert, ed. Sévère d\'Antioche. La polémique antijulianiste, II.B: L\'Adversus apologiam Juliani. CSCO 301-302, Syr. 1136-137. Louvain: Secrétariat du CorpusSCO, 1971.
SevPolemIIIHespel, Robert, ed. Sévère d\'Antioche. La polémique antijulianiste, III: L\'Apologie du Philalèthe. CSCO 318-319, Syr. 136-137. Leuven: Secrétariat du CorpusSCO, 1971.
SevRhet Rhetorical text of Severus of Alexandria [cited from ms. in PSm]
SevSebLe Traité ser l’Astrolabe Plan de Sévère Sabokt, M. F. Nau, Extrait du Journal Asiatique, Paris, E. Leroux, 1899
SevSergTorrance, Iain, trans. The Correspondence of Severus and Sergius. Texts from Christian Late Antiquity 11. Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias, 2011.
SevVitM.A. Kugener, Vie de Sévère, par Zacharie le Scholastique, PO 2(1903) pp. 1-115=Paris 1907.
SharMartyrdom of Sharbel, in William Cureton, Ancient Syriac Documents Relative to the Earliest Establishment of Christianity in Edessa and the Neighbouring Countries... , (pp. 40-62)
ShemQartAdam McCollum, "An Episode in the Story of Šem`on of Qartmin: (Syriac and Arabic)",
ShGSyStory of Shemona and Gurya in F.C.Burkitt, Euphemia and the Goth ... (London, 1913)
Shub:BookGiftsLane, David J., ed. Šubhalmaran. The Book of Gifts, CSCO 612-613, Syr. 236-237. Leuven: Peeters, 2004.
Simanql F. Müller, Die Chronologie des Simeon Šanglâwâyâ, Leipzig 1889
SindFr. Baethgen, Sindban, oder, Die sieben weisen Meister, Leipzig 1879
Sing S. Giamil, Monte Singar, Storia di un Popolo Ignoto, Rome 1900
SirEcclesiasticus [acc. to Lag, Apoc]
SKFr. Schulthess, Die Syrischen Kanones der Synoden von Nicaea bis Chalcedon nebst einigen zugehörigen Dokumenten, (AGWG, N.F., 10/2), Berlin 1908
SolitaryJohn the Solitary on the Soul: Translation and Introduction by Mary T. Hansbury (Gorgias, 2013) with text taken from Sven Dedering, Johannes von Lykopolis. Ein Dialog über die Seele und die Affekte des Menschen (Leipzig: O. Harrassowitz, 1936)
SongHexSong of Songs Syro-Hexapla in the Ceriani ms. where non-LXX columns are indicated, by Aqu, Symm, etc.
Soph J. Landsberger, Die Fabeln des Sophos, Posen 1859
Spic William Cureton, Spicilegium syriacum, containing remains of Bardesan, Meliton, Ambrose, and Mara bar Serapion, London 1855
SpSol4 J. B. Pitra, Analecta sacra spicilegio Solesmensi parata, vol. 4: Patres antenicaeni, Paris 1893
SRRechtsbWalter Selb and Hubert Kaufhold, Das syrisch-roemische Rechtsbuch(Vienna, Verlag der Oesterreichischen Akkademie der Wissenschaften, 2002)
StephA.L. Frothingham, Stephen bar Sudhaili, the Syrian Mystic, and the Book of Hierotheos, Leiden 1886; reprinted Amsterdam 1981
StrothPsDionW. Strothmann, Das Sakrament der Myron-Weihe in der Schrift De ecclesiastica hierarchia des Pseudo-Dionysios Areopagita in syrischen Übersetzungen und Kommentaren. 2 vols (Göttinger Orientforschungen, I. Reihe: Syriaca 15; Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 1977-1978)
StSin1A.S. Lewis, Catalogue of the Syriac Manuscripts in the Convent of Saint Catherine on Mount Sinai (Studia Sinaitica 1), London 1894
StSin5 M.D. Gibson, Apocrypha sinaitica, Anaphora Pilati (Studia Sinaitica 5). London 1896
StSyr1 I.E. Rahmani, Studia Syriaca, seu, collectio documentorum hactenus ineditorum ex codicibus Syriacis, 4 vols., Scharfensi 1904-1909, vol. 1
StSyr2 I.E. Rahmani, Studia Syriaca, seu, collectio documentorum hactenus ineditorum ex codicibus Syriacis, 4 vols., Scharfensi 1904-1909, vol. 2
StSyr4 I.E. Rahmani, Studia Syriaca, seu, collectio documentorum hactenus ineditorum ex codicibus Syriacis, 4 vols., Scharfensi 1904-1909, vol. 4
StudSin11Apocrypha syriaca sinaitica: The Protevangelium Jacobi and Transitus Mariae, ed. Agnes Smith Lewis, London, 1902
StudSin4E. Nestle, A Tract of Plutarch, On the Advantage to be Derived from one’s Enemies, De capienda ex inimicis utilitate (Studia Sinaitica 4), London 1894
StudSin9-10A.S. Lewis, Select Narratives of Holy Women, from the Syro-Antiochene or Sinai Palimpsest, as written above the Old Syriac Gospels by John the Stylite, of Beth-Mari-Qanûn in A.D. 778, 2 vols. (Studia Sinaitica 9-10), London 1900
StudSyr I.E. Rahmani, Studia Syriaca, seu, collectio documentorum hactenus ineditorum ex codicibus Syriacis, 4 vols., Scharfensi 1904-1909
Sus Susanna
Syn J. B. Chabot, Synodicon orientale, ou, Recueil de synodes nestoriens (Notices et extraits des manuscrits de la Bibliothèque nationale et autres bibliothèques, 37), Paris 1902
SynVA. Voöbus, The Synodicon in the West Syrian Tradition I. CSCO 367-368, Syr. 161-162. (Leuven: Secrétariat du CorpusSCO, 1975)
T27983Ford, J.N. and Abudraham, O., Syriac and Mandaic Incantation Bowls. Finds Gone Astray: ADCA Confiscated Items, eds. D. Regev and H. Hizmi, Jerusalem 2018: 75–111.
TAS. Samuel, Das Gedicht ... Tekkaf l`Arestotalîs, als Beitrag zur syrischen Origanallexicographie und -Grammatik, Halle 1893
TBP-H. Poirier et al., Titi Bostrensis Contra Manichaeos Libri IV Corpus Christianorum, Series graeca, vol. 82, (Brepols, Turnhout: 2013)[previously: P. de Lagarde, Titi Bostreni contra manichaeos libri quator syriace, Berlin 1859]
TBKHespelHespel, Robert, ed. Théodore bar Koni. Livre des Scolies (recension d’Urmiah). CSCO 447-448, Syr. 193-194. Leuven: Peeters, 1983.
TGHarkHarkavy, Responsen der Geonim, Berlin 1887
ThS.J. Carr, Thomae Edesseni Tractatus de Nativitate Domini nostri Christi, Rome 1898; see now: Possekel, U., and Coakley, J.F., Thomas of Edessa’s Explanations of the Nativity and Epiphany (Oxford Early Christian Texts; Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021).
Th Ed. Sachau, Theodori Mopsuesteni Fragmenta Syriaca, e codicibus Musei Britannici Nitriacis, Leipzig 1869
ThbKA. Scher, Theodore bar Konai, Liber scholiorum, 2vols. (CSCO, ser. 2, vols. 65-66) Paris 1910-1912
ThbK1A. Scher, Theodore bar Konai, Liber scholiorum, 2vols. (CSCO, ser. 2, vols. 65-66) Paris 1910-1912 vol1
ThbK2A. Scher, Theodore bar Konai, Liber scholiorum, 2vols. (CSCO, ser. 2, vols. 65-66) Paris 1910-1912 vol.2
ThMEd. Sachau Theodori Mopsuesteni Fragmenta Syriaca, e codicibus Musei Britannici Nitriacis (Leipzig, 1869)
ThMargE.A.W. Budge, The Book of Governors, the Historia Monastica of Thomas, Bishop of Marga, A.D. 840, 2 vols., London 1893 [reprinted Gorgias Press 2003]
ThMJohJ.B. Chabot, Commentarius Theodori Mopsuesteni in Evangelium, D: Johannis ... (Paris, 1897)
ThMVosVosté, Jacques Marie, ed. Theodori Mopsuesteni Commentarius in Evangelium Iohannis Apostoli. CSCO 115-116, Syr. 62-63. Leuven: Secrétariat du CorpusSCO, 1940.
TimotheoH. Labourt, De Timotheo I. Nestorianorum Patriarca–728-823–et Christianorum orientalium condicione sub Chaliphis Abbasidis, Paris 1904
TimpepO. Braun, Timotheus I, Patriarch of the Nestorians, Epistulae, 2 vols. (CSCO, vols. 74-75; Scriptores Syri, ser. 2, vols. 30-31). Paris 1914-15
to I. Guidi, Testi orientali inediti sopra i Sette dormienti di Efeso (Atti della R. Accademia dei Lincei. Memorie della Classe di scienze morali, storiche e filolgiche, ser. 3, vol. XII), Rome 1885
TurfanAJS. Minov, "An Unpublished Anti-Jewish Syriac Dialogue from Turfan", Aramaic Studies 21:2(2023):185ff.
VatSyr161Syriac Manuscript from the Vatican Library, available on CD from Brigham Young University, 2005 (a collection of martyrologies)
Vc E. W. Brooks, Vitae virorum apud Monophysitas, celeberrimorum (CSCO, vols. 7-8, Scriptores Syri, ser. 3, vols. 25), Paris 1907
VersPhil1,2 J. White, Sacrorum Evangeliorum versio Syriaca Philoxeniana, 2 vols., Oxford 1778
VitSev M.A. Kugener, Vie de Sévère, Patriarche d’Antioche 512-518, par Zacharie le Scholastique, PO2/1,3, etc., Paris 1903-
VRabbVita Rabbulae in J.J. Overbeck, S. Ephraemi Syri, Rabulae episcopi Edesseni... (Oxford, 1865)
WattRhet5Watt, John W., ed. The Fifth Book of the Rhetoric of Antony of Tagrit. CSCO 480-481, Syr. 203-204. Leuven: Peeters, 1986.
WeylWeyl, M., Das zweite Josephs-Gedicht von Narses, nach 2 Handschriften der Königl. Bibliothek zu Berlin vorgelegt (Berlin: M. Poppelauer, 1901).
WilkinsBhayroJohn Wilkins and Siam Bhayro, "The Greek and Syriac Traditions of Galen, De alimentorum facultatibus", Rivista di filologia dei testi medici antichi 7(2013): 95-114
WisN.P. Wiseman, Horae syriacae, seu, Commentationes et anecdota res vel litteras syriacas spectantia, Rome 1828
WZKMWiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes
ZaM.A. Kugener, Zacharias Rhethor, Vita Severi (PO 2/1), Paris 1907
ZA12 Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und verwandte Gebiete vol. 12
ZA13 Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und verwandte Gebiete vol. 13
ZA8 Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und verwandte Gebiete vol. 8
ZACZeitschrift für Antikes Christentum / Journal of Ancient Christianity
ZachSch:ActsSevAmbjörn, Lena. The Life of Severus by Zachariah of Mytilene. Texts from Christian Late Antiquity 9. Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press, 2008
ZDMG Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft
ZechHexZechariah Syro-Hexapla in the Ceriani ms. where non-LXX columns are indicated, by Aqu, Symm, etc.
ZingerleChrestP. Zingerle, Chrestomathia Syriaca, Rome 1871
ZME.W. Brooks, Historia Ecclesiastica Zachariae Rhetori Vulgo Adscripta 2 vols. (Peeters, Leuven: 1921-29)
ZM1E.W. Brooks, Historia Ecclesiastica Zachariae Rhetori Vulgo Adscripta vol. 1 (Peeters, Leuven: 1921)
ZM2E.W. Brooks, Historia Ecclesiastica Zachariae Rhetori Vulgo Adscripta vol. 2 (Peeters, Leuven: 1929)

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