Page refs. in other dictionaries: DJPA: 539a; DJBA: 1108a; Jastrow: 1520; Levy Ch-W: 2:453; Tal Sam: 866b; DNWSI: 1107; DJA: 81a;
ˀrbˁ bšbˀ n.m. Wednesday ḥd bšbˀ, ḥd bšbtˀ (ḥaḏ bšabbā, *ḥaḏ bšabbəṯā) n.m. Sunday ḥmšˀ bšbh n.m. Thursday šby vb. to rest on the sabbath šbtn (šabbəṯān) n.m. rest day tlth b$bh (tlāṯā bšabbā) n.f. Tuesday tryn bšbˀ, tryn bšbtˀ (trēn bšabbā, trēn bšabbəṯā) n.m. Monday