See also s.v. lšm prep., a usage often difficult to distinguish semantically from l_ prep. preceding this word. We assume that in JLAtg there was at one time a distinction of a sort (i.e., idiolectal and/or between absolute and construct forms) among the three attested forms with short /o/,/u/, and /e/ vowels, but the versions of the texts at our disposal do not provide any clear evidence. Page refs. in other dictionaries: DJPA: 555b; DJBA: 1153b; Jastrow: 1590; Levy Ch-W: 2:491; Tal Sam: 907; DNWSI: 1155; DJA: 83a; Cook,Qumran: 237;
lšm prep. for the sake of mšwm prep. because of mšwm conj. because, since ˁl šm (ˁal šum, ˁal šmā d_) prep. in the name of
mšwm conj. because, since