Page refs. in other dictionaries: DJPA: 275a; DJBA: 679; Jastrow: 686; Levy Ch-W: 1:398; Tal Sam: 422; DNWSI: 561;
lˀw, lˀwtˀ (leˀū, leˀwtā) n.f. work, labor lhy vb. to grow weary hly vb. to tire šlhy vb. to weaken mšlhy (məšalhāy) adj. exhausted šlˀhw, šlˀhwtˀ n.f. fatigue šlhwy (šilhūy) v.n.Q pining away šlhy (ša/ilhē) n.m.cs. end, dissolution
hly vb. to tire šlhy vb. to weaken mšlhy (məšalhāy) adj. exhausted šlˀhw, šlˀhwtˀ n.f. fatigue šlhwy (šilhūy) v.n.Q pining away šlhy (ša/ilhē) n.m.cs. end, dissolution
mšlhy (məšalhāy) adj. exhausted šlˀhw, šlˀhwtˀ n.f. fatigue šlhwy (šilhūy) v.n.Q pining away šlhy (ša/ilhē) n.m.cs. end, dissolution