Page refs. in other dictionaries: Tal Sam: 427b; DNWSI: 567;
ˀlw (ˀe/illū) conj. if, if only ˀylwly conj./prep were it not for ˀlwlˀpwn conj. if not, unless ˀpylw conj. even if , even kˀylw conj. as if kˀylwlˀ conj. as if not lwy (lway/lwē) interj. O that mlwˀ conj. if only, would that
ˀylwly conj./prep were it not for ˀlwlˀpwn conj. if not, unless ˀpylw conj. even if , even kˀylw conj. as if kˀylwlˀ conj. as if not
kˀylwlˀ conj. as if not