Page refs. in other dictionaries: DJPA: 355b; DJBA: 770a; Jastrow: 927; Levy Ch-W: 2:122; Tal Sam: 538; DNWSI: 744ff; DJA: 66a; Cook,Qumran: 159;
npš vb. a(i)/u to breathe; to be extensive npyš (np̄īš) adj. substantial; refreshed npyš, npyšˀ (npˀšˀ) (nəp̄ēš, nəp̄ēšā) n.m. #2 space; relief; breathing
npyš (np̄īš) adj. substantial; refreshed npyš, npyšˀ (npˀšˀ) (nəp̄ēš, nəp̄ēšā) n.m. #2 space; relief; breathing