Page refs. in other dictionaries: DJBA: 464a; Jastrow: 468; DNWSI: 375; Cook,Qumran: 85;
ḥwlyl, ḥwlylˀ (ḥōlēl, ḥōlēlā) n.m. auger ḥlḥl vb. to pierce; to be in disarray ḥwlḥwlh n.f. worry, distress ḥlḥly n.f. #2 hollow place ḥlyl (ḥlīl) adj. hollow ḥll, ḥllˀ (ḥlāl, ḥlālā) n.m. cavern, empty space mḥylh n.f. cavity; cavern
ḥwlḥwlh n.f. worry, distress