Note that, for the G stem, if an impersonal construction is used, or the subject is a part of the body, then the meaning is "to be bad, upset", but if the subject is a person, then it is "to be sick". Page refs. in other dictionaries: DJPA: 83a; DJBA: 183a; Jastrow: 135; Levy Ch-W: 1:79; Tal Sam: 78; DNWSI: 142; Cook,Qumran: 30;
bwš n.m. sickness byš (bīš) adj. bad bˀyš (baˀˀīš) adj. #2 very sick bbyš adv. antagonistically bbyšh adv. antagonistically byšh, byštˀ (bīšā, bīštā) n.f. evil byšw, byšwtˀ (bīšūt, bīšūṯā) n.f. evil
bˀyš (baˀˀīš) adj. #2 very sick bbyš adv. antagonistically bbyšh adv. antagonistically byšh, byštˀ (bīšā, bīštā) n.f. evil byšw, byšwtˀ (bīšūt, bīšūṯā) n.f. evil