Page refs. in other dictionaries: DJPA: 110a; DJBA: 230b; Jastrow: 186; Levy Ch-W: 1:109; Tal Sam: 111;
bqy vb. to examine, to test bqy (bqē/ī) adj. expert bqˁh, bqˁtˀ (biqˁā, biqˁəṯā) n.f. valley bqˁh, bqˁtˀ n.f. #2 chip of wood pqˁ vb. a/a to split, to burst open pqˁ, pqˁˀ (pqaˁ, pi/aqˁā) n.m. #4 a poisonous fruit
bqy (bqē/ī) adj. expert
pqˁ, pqˁˀ (pqaˁ, pi/aqˁā) n.m. #4 a poisonous fruit