Since the publication of An Aramaic Bibliography I, many additional texts from the Old Aramaic and Imperial Aramaic have been published or reissued, conveniently now assembled in the work of Dirk Schwiderski, Die alt-und reichsaramäischen Inschriften Band 2: Texte und Bibliographie . Dr. Schwiderski has been kind enough to provide us with a list of his text sigla that do not occur in our first volume. Herewith a table of collations, including links to the texts in the CAL database of those texts as well as other newly published material.
Text |
Bibliographic Information |
CAL Siglum |
CAL text number |
A. Lemaire, Nouvelles tablettes araméennes (Hautes études orientales 34), Genf 2001 |
14306 |
A. Lemaire, NTA 120; V. Hug, Grammatik, 19. |
AECT-L:*1 |
1430801 |
A. Lemaire, NTA 120f.; Hug, Grammatik, 24f. |
AECT-L:*2 |
1430802 |
A. Lemaire, NTA 121f.; P. Bordreuil, “Tablet mentionnent” |
AECT-L:*3 |
1430803 |
A.Lemaire, NTA; Frederick Mario Fales, "An Aramaic Tablet from Tell Shioukh Fawqani, Syria," Sem 46, 79-121, 1996 |
13300 |
See A. Lemaire, NTA 126 |
AECT-L:*5 |
unpublished |
Pierre Bordreuil and Francoise Briquel-Chatonnet, "Aramaic Documents from Til Barsib," Abr-Nahrain 34 (1996-97) 100-07; fig 9-13 |
Til Barsib |
14307 |
A. Lemaire, "Contrat de prêt d'orge sur tablette araméenne (VIIe s. av. J.-C.)," Sem 47(1997), 47-51 |
AECT-L:*8 |
14303 |
A. Lemaire, NTA 130f.; C. Müller-Kessler, MDOG 130 (1998), 189-95. |
AECT-L:*9 |
1430809 |
A. Lemaire, NTA 132f.; Fales, “Use and Function” 112f.; Homès-Fredericq et al., Archives |
Brussels 42 |
1430201 |
A. Lemaire, NTA 133f.; Fales, “Use and Function” 112f.; Homès-Fredericq et al., Archives |
Brussels 45 |
1430202 |
A. Lemaire, NTA 133f.; Homès-Fredericq et al., Archives |
Brussels 46 |
1430209 |
A. Lemaire, NTA 135.; Homès-Fredericq et al., Archives |
Brussels 47 |
1430210 |
A. Lemaire, NTA 136.; Homès-Fredericq et al., Archives |
Brussels 48 |
1430205 |
A. Lemaire, NTA 136f..; Homès-Fredericq et al., Archives |
Brussels 49 |
1430211 |
A. Lemaire, NTA 137f..; Homès-Fredericq et al., Archives |
Brussels 50 |
1430212 |
A. Lemaire, NTA 138.; Homès-Fredericq et al., Archives |
Brussels 52 |
1430213 |
A. Lemaire, NTA 138.; Homès-Fredericq et al., Archives |
Brussels 53 |
1430203 |
A. Lemaire, NTA 138.; Homès-Fredericq et al., Archives |
Brussels 54 |
1430214 |
A. Lemaire, NTA 140.; Homès-Fredericq et al., Archives |
Brussels 56 |
1430204 |
A. Lemaire, NTA 141.; Homès-Fredericq et al., Archives |
Brussels 59 |
1430215 |
A. Lemaire, NTA 142f..; Homès-Fredericq et al., Archives |
Brussels 60 |
1430207 |
A. Lemaire, NTA 143; Homès-Fredericq et al., Archives |
Brussels 61 |
1430206 |
A. Lemaire, NTA 143f..; Homès-Fredericq et al., Archives |
Brussels 62 |
1430208 |
A. Lemaire, NTA 144f..; Homès-Fredericq et al., Archives |
Brussels 64 |
1430216 |
AECT-L:*35-36 |
T. Kwasman, "Two Aramaic legal documents," BSOAS 63 (2000) 274-83 |
AECT-L:*35-36 |
14304 |
ArslandTash Bilingual(!) |
W. Röllig, 2009 |
ArslanTashBil |
13200302 |
BabAlph |
M. Geller, “The Aramaic Incantation in Cuneiform Script (AO 6489 = TCL 6,58)”, JEOL 35-36, 1997-2000, 127-146, esp. 144f) |
BabAlph |
BabCont:1-4 |
Francis Joannès and André Lemaire, "Contrats babyloniens d'epoque achéménide du Bīt-Abī Rām avec une épigraphe araméenne," RA, vol. 90, pp. 41-60, 1996. |
BabCont |
BethSaida:1 |
Arav, Bethsaida [hebr.] (Qadmoniot 117, 1999, 78-91, esp. 84) |
BethSaida 1 |
BethSaida:2 |
Arav, “ Bethsaida Excavations Preliminary Report,” 17f. |
BethSaida 2 |
Bukan |
A. Lemaire, "Une Inscription Araméenne du VIIIe S. av. J.-C. trouvée à Bukân (Azerbaïdjan Iranien)”, Studia Iranica 27, 1998, pp. 15-30, esp. 16-17. |
BukânStel | 14200 |
CIS:53 |
CIS II/1 53; Euting, “Epigraphisches” ZDMG 37(1883), 541-543, Taf.I-III) |
CIS:53 |
CIS:111 |
CIS:111 |
Aramaic?? |
ClGan:272 |
Lozachmeur, “Deux épigraphes sur jarre d'Éléphantine (Collection Charles Clermont-Ganneau, no 272 et X5)”, in: Chr.-B. Amphoux et al. eds., Études sémitiques et samaritaines offertes à Jean Margain, Lausanne 1998, 53-61, esp. 54-56.
ElJarI.13 |
2235213 |
ClGan:X5 |
Lozachmeur, “Deux épigraphes” |
EljarI.14 |
2235214 |
Daskyleion:2 |
Altheim-Stiehl – Cremer, “Eine gräko-persische Türstele mit aramäischer Inschrift aus Daskyleion,”Epigraphica Anatolica 6, 1985) 1-15.
Daskyleion:2 |
2820020 |
EkJar |
Ekron Kruginschrift ( Israel): Gitin, Seventh Century B.C.E. Cultic Elements at Ekron, in: A.Biran - J. Naveh (Hgg.): Biblical Archaeology Today, 1990, Jerusalem 1993, 248-258, hier 251f. – Lit.: Lemaire, Nouvelles inscriptions I 86. |
For now omitted from the database. Not demonstrably in Aramaic. |
FailSt |
Sandsteininschrift (Failaka, Kuweit) Naveh, The Inscriptions from Failaka and the Lapidary Aramaic Script (BASOR 297, 1995, 1-4); Puech, Inscriptions araméennes du Golfe: Failaka, Qalaʿat al-Baḥreïn et Mulayḥa (ÉAU) (Transeuphratène 16, 1998, 31-55, hier 31-35); Sznycer, Une inscription araméenne de Tell Khazneh, in: Y. Calvet – J.-F. Salles u.a. (Hgg.): Failaka. Fouilles Françaises 1984-1985, Paris 1986, 273-280; Teixidor, A propos d'une inscription araméenne de Failaka, in: T. Fahd (Hg.): L'Arabie préislamique et son environnement historique et culturel, Strasbourg 1989, 169-171.
Failaka |
2820129 |
Gezer:1–3 |
Gezer Ostracon 1-3 Yardeni, Judaean Desert A 362, B 121. |
GezerOst.1–3 |
2035311–13 |
HamWt:2–6 |
Hamath Weights 2-6: Bron – Lemaire, Poids inscrits phénico-araméens du VIIIe siècle av. J.-C. 763-765. – Lit.: Bordreuil, Métropoles et métrologies poliades (Semitica 43-44, 1995, 9-20, hier 15 fig.4); Bordreuil – Gubel, Bulletin d'antiquités archéologiques du Levant inédites ou méconnues (Syria 67, 1990, 483-520, hier 489 Heltzer, “A New Weight from Hamath and Trade Relations with the South in the Ninth-Eighth Centuries BCE”, in: M.P. Michèle Daviau u.a.(eds.): The World of the Aramaeans II (JSOT.S 325), Sheffield 2001, 133-135. Heltzer, “An Inscribed Weight in the Reuben and Edith Hecht Museum” (Michmanim 12, 1998, *44-*46, hier *45). |
HamWt.2–6 |
1320152–5 |
HechtWt |
Hecht Museum Weight: Heltzer, “An Inscribed Weight in the Reuben and Edith Hecht Museum” (Michmanim 12, 1998, *44-*46). Lit.: Lipinski, Aramaeans 505 |
HechtWt |
1320157 |
HorvMaz |
Horvat Mazor-Fragment: Amit, “An Aramaic Inscription from the Hellenistic Period at Ḥorvat Mazor [hebr.]” (Eretz-Israel 26, 1999, 129-131, engl. Abstract 233*). |
HorvMaz |
2035314 |
IdOstr |
The hoard of antiquities market ostraca from Idumea. |
IduOstr |
20357 |
Ira:2 |
Lemaire, NI II 227; Naveh, “Aramaic Ostraca” in Beit-Arieh, Tel ‘Ira |
Tel Ira.2 | 2035030 |
Jemmeh:2–13 |
Tell Jemmeh Ostraca: Naveh, “Aramaic Ostraca and Jar Inscriptions From Tell Jemmeh”(Atiqot 21, 1992, 49-53, hier 49.51 Nr.1. |
Jemmeh.2–13 |
2035036–47 |
JerusOst:2 |
Yardeni, Judean Desert A 360, B 120 |
JerusOst.2 |
2035035 |
KadBJar( |
Kadeš Barnea Jar: Cohen, “Excavations at Kadesh-Barnea 1976-1982 [hebr.]” (Qadmoniot 61, 1983, 2-14); Eph˜al – Naveh, Aramaic Ostraca of the Fourth Century BC from Idumaea, Jerusalem 1996, 54 Anm.98.
IduJar.2 |
203582 |
KamLozJar |
Kamid el-Loz jar: Lipinski, Aramaeans 331; Röllig, “Ein phönikischer Krugstempel,” in: R. Hachmann et al. (eds..): Frühe Phöniker im Libanon, Mainz 1983, 47f.
For now omitted from the database. Not demonstrably in Aramaic. |
KTMW Stele |
D. Pardee in "A New Aramaic Inscription from Zincirli," BASOR 356 (2009):51ff.
12250 |
LurBr:4 |
Luristan Bronze astrological bowl: Lemaire, “Coupe astrale inscrite et astronomie araméenne”, in: Y. Avishur – R. Deutsch (eds.): Michael, Tel Aviv-Jaffa 1999, 195-221. K. Lawson Younger "Another Look at an Aramaic Astral Bowl." JNES 71 (2012): 209–30 |
LurBr.11 |
2720011 |
Maresha |
Eshel-Kloner, “An Aramaic Ostracon …” IEJ 46. |
Maresha |
20301 |
MiscBab:12-33 |
Endorsements on Late Babylonian tablets. |
MiscBab.12-33. |
2135042ff. Also: See the note in Bibliography volume I. |
MurDoc:55–56 |
Murašû Docket 55: Delaporte, Épigraphes araméens 65 Nr.67; Vattioni, Épigraphes araméens 507 Nr.70. 56: Delaporte, Épigraphes araméens 75 Nr.88; Vattioni, Épigraphes araméens 512 Nr.92. |
MurDoc.55–56 |
2135155–56 |
MurDoc-St:1-8 |
Stolper Murašû Dockets (M. Stolper, Entrepreneurs and Empire, Leiden 1985. |
MurDocSt.1–8 |
21352 |
NimrBr:17 |
Barnett, note in: M. Heltzer, Eighth Century p 9. |
Not demonstrably Aramaic, but see 14350 |
QarqarWt:1 |
Qarqar Weight 8 th cent. Bordreuil, "Métropoles et métrologies poliades" (Semitica 43-44, 1995). |
QarqarWt |
13200301 |
SaqGraf |
Saqqarah-Graffito : Lozachmeur, “Un Nouveau graffito araméen provenant de Saqqâra” (Semitica 48, 1998, 147-149). |
SaqGraf |
22357 |
Seals:300–419 |
Various |
Due to their unknown provenance, legitimacy, and uncertain linguistic identification – let alone their lack of interesting lexical information, texts from seals are not currently included in our databases. |
SharBr:1–6 |
Sharon Bronze mirrors(!): Deutsch – Heltzer, Forty New Ancient West Semitic Inscriptions, Tel Aviv 1994. |
SharBr.1–6 |
2035036–41 |
ShHasOst:2–5 |
Schwemer, “Vier aramäische Ostraka” |
ShHasOst.2–5 |
2035031–34 |
These were mostly included in the Bibliography volume under different sigla, but have now been revised to follow the TAD system as follows: 23358 TAD D4 (fragments) 23359 TAD D5 (fragments) 23360 TAD D6 (leather fragments) 22555 TAD D7 (Letters) 23361 TAD D8 (Accounts) 22353 TAD D11 (Jars) 22354 TAD D12-13 (Stone and Wooden Plaques) 22355 TAD D14-22 (various) 23203 TAD D23.1 ( Sheikh Fadl Cave Inscription) |
TAD D1 = TAD D2 = TAD D3 = TAD D9-10 = TAD D24 (Aramaica Dubiosa) =
22554 23315 2335723362 22356
TBarsip:3 |
TBarsip:3 Bordreuil – Briquel-Chatonnet, “Aramaic Documents from Til Barsib” (Abr-Nahrain 34, 1996-1997, 100-107, here 102, 107 fig.13). |
Til Barsib.3
TDanSt |
Tel Dan-Stele: Biran – Naveh, “An Aramaic Stele Fragment from Tel Dan” (IEJ 43, 1993, 81-98); Biran – Naveh, “The Tel Dan Inscription: A New Fragment” (IEJ 45, 1995, 1-18). |
TDanStel |
13250 |
TelNim:1 |
Tell Nimrin Ostracon: Dempsey, “An Ostracon from Tell Nimrin” (BASOR 289, 1993, 55-58). |
TelNim.1 |
2035315 |
TelNim:2-10 |
Tell Nimrin 2-10: Dempsey, “Ostraca and a Seal Impression from Tell Nimrîn, Jordan” (BASOR 303, 1996, 73-78). |
NA |
Omitted as valueless |
TelSheHa:1-5 |
TelSheHa:1-5Tell Š eḥ Ḥamad dockets on clay tablets: Postgate, ‘The Four „Neo-Assyrian" Tablets from Š eḥ Ḥamad’ (SAAB 7, 1993, 109-124); Röllig, “Die aramäischen Beischriften auf den Texten 1 und 3” (SAAB 7, 1993, 125-128). Also, Röllig, “Aramaic Haburensia” I and II and KAI 77 no. 314 ( of # 5) |
Š eḥ Ḥamad.1-5 |
1330002-06 |
TelUmOst |
Tell el- ʽUmeiri-Ostrakon : Herr, “Epigraphic Finds from Tell el- ʽUmeiri During the 1989 Season” (Andrews University Seminary Studies 30, 1992, 187-200, here195f, 200, fig. 10f). |
NA |
Not obviously Aramaic |
UrukDoc |
Uruk-Docket: Frame, “A Neo-Babylonian Tablet with an Aramaic Docket and the Surety Phrase pūt šēp(i) ... našû” in: P.M. Michèle Daviau et al. (eds.): The World of the Aramaeans III, Sheffield 2001, 100-133 |
UrukDoc |
1430125 |