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⬅︎ˀbdh, ˀbdtˀˀbṭy
ˀbdh, ˀbdtˀ (ˀaḇdā, ˀaḇdṯā) n.f.
   something lost
ˀbhqw, ˀbhqwtˀ (ˀaḇhāqū, ˀaḇhāqūṯā) v.n.C
ˀbwly bwlˀ (būlē) n.f./m. #2
   senate, council
[ˀbdwmˀ] n.m.
   seventh indiction
ˀbw, ˀbwtˀ (ˀāḇū, ˀāḇūṯā) n.f.
ˀbwly, ˀbwlˀh n.m. #2
   night watchman (??); ruffian of a city-quarter (??)
ˀbdwn ˀbdn, ˀbdnˀ (ˀaḇdan, ˀaḇdōn; ˀaḇdānā, ˀuḇdānā) n.m.
   destruction, ruin
ˀbw, ˀbwtˀ (ˀabbōṯā, ˀăḇūṯā) n.f. #2
   defense, advocacy
ˀbws ˀbs n.m.
ˀbdyn, ˀbdyˀ n.m.
   eternity, constancy
ˀbwb, ˀbwbˀ (ˀabbūḇ, ˀabbūḇā) n.m.
   pipe, reed, flute
ˀbwrgn wbwrgn adj.
ˀbdlh, ˀbdltˀ (ˀaḇdālā, ˀaḇdāltā) v.n.C
   havdalah ceremony
ˀbwb rˁyˀ (ˀabbūḇ rāˁyā) n.m.
ˀbwrgnˀ [wˀbrygn] adj.
   trustworthy, valid
ˀbdn, ˀbdnˀ (ˀaḇdan, ˀaḇdōn; ˀaḇdānā, ˀuḇdānā) n.m.
   destruction, ruin
ˀbwbh, ˀbwbtˀ (ˀabbūḇā, ˀabbūḇtā) n.f.
   pipe, reed
ˀbwt, ˀbwtˀ n.m.
   ruler; plow scraper
ˀbdny (ˀaḇdānāy) adj.
   harmful, ruinous
ˀbwbny (ˀabbūḇānāy) adj.
   like a pipe, like a reed
ˀbzh n.f.
   gathering of peah
[ˀbdq] n.m.
   a gem
ˀbwgdnˀ bgdn, bgdnˀ n.m.
   a type of demon
ˀbzyynˀ n.m.
ˀbdtˀ ˀbydh, ˀbydtˀ (ˀaḇīḏā, ˀaḇīḏtā) n.f.
   something lost
ˀbwgdnytˀ bgdn, bgdnˀ n.m.
   a type of demon
ˀbzngrˀ n.m.
   bath attendant
ˀbhˀyt (ˀaḇāhāˀīṯ) adv.
   in a fatherly way
ˀbwgwn [ˀnbˀqyn] n.m.
ˀbzr, ˀbzrˀ (ˀaḇzār, ˀaḇzārā) n.m.
ˀbhdy bhdy (bahăḏē) prep.
   with, while
ˀbwṭgrˀ pṭgrˀ (pṭagrā) n.m.
ˀbzr (ˀaḇzār) adj.
   error for ˀkzr
ˀbhw, ˀbhwtˀ (ˀabbāhū, ˀabbāhūṯā) n.f.
ˀbwl, ˀbwlˀ (ˀăḇul, ˀăḇullā) n.m.
   city gate; large opening in a wall
ˀbzrˀ bzr, bzrˀ (bzar, bazrā) n.m.
ˀbhwl ˀbhl, ˀbhwl n.m.
   fruit or seed of the mountain cypress
ˀbwlh, ˀbwltˀ (ˀăḇullā, ˀăḇulltā) n.f.
ˀbṭ, ˀbṭˀ n.m.
   a type of food (??)
ˀbhy (ˀaḇāhāy) adj.
   fatherly, paternal
ˀbwlwn ˀbwlws (ˀābbōlōs) n.m.
   small coin (1/6 of a drachma)
[ˀbṭˀbn] n.m.
   the Sun
[ˀbhysyts] n.m.
   of the anointed
ˀbwlws (ˀābbōlōs) n.m.
   small coin (1/6 of a drachma)
ˀbṭwqrˀṭwr [ˀwṭwqrṭwr] (ˀawṭōqraṭōr) n.m.
   autocrator, emperor
ˀbhl, ˀbhwl n.m.
   fruit or seed of the mountain cypress
ˀbwlḥwgg, ˀbwlḥwggˀ (ˀabbūlḥuggāḡ, ˀabbūlḥuggāḡā) n.m.
ˀbṭy ˀṣw, ˀṣwtˀ (ˀāṣū, ˀāṣūṯā) n.f.
   kneading trough


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