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⬅︎grwm, grwmˀgryˁ
grwm, grwmˀ (grūm, grūmā) n.m.
   bone, kernel
grwr ndyr, ndyrˀ n.m.
   slip (of a boathouse)
grydˀ adv.
   merely, alone
grwm, grwmˀ (gārōm, gārōmā) nom.ag. #2
   rolling pin
grwr, grwrˀ (gārōr, gārōrā) nom.ag. #2
   name of an accent
grydˀyt (grīḏāˀīṯ) adv.
   spoken distinctly
grwmh, grwmtˀ (gārōmā, gārōmtā) n.f.
grwry, grwrytˀ n.f.
   indissoluble residue of plant
grydw, grydwtˀ n.f.
grwmny n.f.
grwšy, grwšyˀ (grūšē, grūšyā) n.m.
   traction, pulling
gryw gryb, grybˀ (grīḇ, grīḇā) n.m.
   a dry measure
grwn, grwnˀ (grōn, grōnā) n.m.
   palate, throat
grzn n.m.
gryw, grywˀ n.m. #2
   neck of an animal
grwndˀ n.m.
   stony clod or tree root
grḥ, grḥˀ (garrāh, garrāḥā) n.m.
grywbˀn n.m.
grws, grwsˀ n.m.
   grist maker
grṭph qrṭwp, qrṭwpˀ n.m.
   crack; cutting instrument
gryzmy, gryzmytˀ n.f.
   a type of fruit dish
grwsˀ grys, grysˀ (grīs, grīsā) n.m.
   spelt, groats
GRY vb.
   to move, D to incite
grym (grīm) adj.
   certain, decided
grwsˀyt (gārōsāˀīṯ) adv.
   (sifting) finely
GRY vb. #2
   D to shoot an arrow
grymˀyt (grīmāˀīṯ) adv.
   decisively, clearly
grwsyˀ n.m.
gry GRY vb.
   to move, D to incite
grymw, grymwtˀ (grīmū, grīmūṯā) n.f.
grwˁ, grwˁˀ (gārōˁ, gārōˁā) nom.ag.
gry GRˁ vb. a/a
   to shear, to shave
gryn n.m.
   piece of silver money
grwp, grwpˀ (gārōp̄, gārōp̄ā) nom.ag.
gry, grytˀ (grī, grīṯā) n.f.
   young animal (f.)
gryn, grynˀ n.m. #2
   anger, passionateness
grwpdyn [grpydyn] (grapīdīn) n.m.
   doctor's prescription
gry (grē) adj.
   desirous, avid
grys, grysˀ (grīs, grīsā) n.m.
   spelt, groats
grwpy, grwpyˀ (grūp̄ē, grūp̄yā) n.m.
gryb, grybˀ (grīḇ, grīḇā) n.m.
   a dry measure
grys (grīs) adj.
grwpyˀ n.m.
   stylus, pen
gryb grb, grbˀ (grāٰ/aḇ, grāٰḇā/garbā) n.m.
   skin bottle, jug
grystˀ gryṣh, gryṣtˀ (grīṣā, grīṣtā) n.f.
   cake, loaf
grwṣy, grwṣytˀ n.f.
gryd (grīḏ) adj.
   worn; mere
gryˁ adj. #2
   beardless; inferior


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