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⬅︎br sybw, br sybwtˀbrˀ
br sybw, br sybwtˀ n.m.
   child of old age; old man
br ṣwrˀ n.m.
   neckpiece of a garment
br šlyh (bar šelyeh) n.f.
   sharer of one's repose
br sywm, br sywmˀ n.m.
   a backbencher in the academy
br qblyy n.m.
br šlmwtˀ, br šlm (bar šalmūṯā) n.f.
   agreeable person
br syˁtˀ (bar sīˁtā) n.f.
br qwmth (bar qawmṯeh) n.f.
br šmˀ, brt šmˀ (bar šmā) n.m./f.
   having same name
br smkˀ (bar smāḵā) n.m.
   authority; table companion
br qwqyˀ n.m.
br šmšˀ n.m.
   parhelion (or: Saturn?)
br ˁwmrˀ (bar ˁumrā) n.m.
   one living in the same house
br qyywm (bar qiyyūm(ī)) n.m.
   premature but viable child
br šnyn adj.
   x years old
br ˁydˀ (bar ˁyādā) n.m.
br qymˀ, brt qymˀ n.m.
   member of a religious community
br šˁh (bar šāˁā) adj.
   one moment old, newborn
br ˁyṣh n.m.
br qlh (bar qāleh) n.m.
   according to the same melody
br šˁt_ br šˁth (bar šāˁṯeh/ā) adv.
   at once
br ˁlm, br ˁlmˀ (bar ˁālmā) n.m.
br qš, br qšˀ n.m.
   a civil official
br šˁth (bar šāˁṯeh/ā) adv.
   at once
br ˁnynˀ (bar ˁenyān, bar ˁenyānā) n.m.
   friend, companion
br rgl, br rglˀ n.m.
   one who participates in a pilgrimage festival
br twr, br twrˀ n.m.
br pˀty pḥh, pḥtˀ (peḥḥā, paḥḥəṯā) n.m
br rhṭˀ (bar rehṭā) n.m.
   s.t. concurrent
br twryn twr, twrˀ (tōr, tawrā) n.m.
   ox, cow
br pḥyn n.m.
   accursed person
br rkh [rkh] n.f.
br tlyˀ ˀtlyˀ (ˀāṯallyā) n.m.
   the eclipse dragon
br pḥmˀ n.m.
   equal, similar
br rˁynˀ (bar reˁyānā) n.m.
   one agreeing
br trbytˀ (bar tarbīṯā) n.f.
   disciple, pupil
br pḥty pḥh, pḥtˀ (peḥḥā, paḥḥəṯā) n.m
br šbyˀ (bar šebyā) n.m.
   captive, fellow-captive
br ttˀ (bar tettā) n.f.
   sore on a cheek
br plḥwtˀ br, brˀ (bar (ber), brā) n.m.
br šwywt mwˁyth (bar šawyūṯ mawˁīteh) n.f.
brˀ [bˀrˀ] n.m.
br prq, br prqˀ n.m.
br šṭy, br šṭyˀ n.m.
   one subject to insanity attacks
brˀ bry (brē) adj.
   healthy, firm
br ṣbˁˀ (bar ṣebˁā) n.m.
   covering of finger
br šylm br šlmwtˀ, br šlm (bar šalmūṯā) n.f.
   agreeable person
brˀ adv.


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