CAL Bibliography output

CAL Bibliography for Alphabet


Kooij, G. van der, "The Identity of Trans-Jordanian Alphabetic Writing in the Iron Age," in Hadidi, A., Studies in the History and Archeology of Jordan III, . Amman: Department of Antiquities, 1987. Pp. 107–21, esp. 113. Alphabet

Isserlin, B.S. J., "The Transfer of the Alphabet to the Greeks: The State of Documentation," in Baurain, C., Bonnet, C. and Krings, V., Phoinikeia Grammata: Lire et écrire en Méditerranée [ ] , Collection d'à‰tudes Classiques 6. Liège: Namur, Société des à‰tudes Classiques, 1991. Pp. 283–91. Alphabet

Millard, A., "The Uses of the Early Alphabets," in Baurain, C., Bonnet, C. and Krings, V., Phoinikeia Grammata: Lire et Ecrire en Méditerranée, . Liège: NAMUR, Société des Etudes Classiques, 1991. Pp. 101–14. Alphabet

Briquel-Chatonnet, F., "Etude comparée de l'évolution del alphabèts judéen, israélite et phénicien." Langues orientales anciennes, philologie et linguistique 4 (1993): 1–30. Alphabet

Földes-Papp, K., Vom Felsbild zum Alphabet: Die Geschichte der Schrift von ihren frühesten Vorstufen bis zur modernen lateinischen Schreibschrift. . Stuttgart: Belser, 1996. Alphabet Paleography

Tropper, J., "Aegyptisches, Nordwestsemitisches und Altsuedarabisches Alphabet." UF 28 (1996): 619–32. Alphabet

Jursa, M. and Weszeli, M., "Der 'Zahn' des Schreibers. Ein aramäischer Buchstabenname in akkadischer Transkription." ZA 90 (2000): 78–84. Alphabet

Peckham, B., "Phoenician and Aramaeans: The Literary and Epigraphical Evidence.," in Daviau, P.M. Michèle, Wevers, John W. and Weigl, Michael, eds., The World of the Aramaeans II. Studies in History and Archaeology in Honour of Paul-Eugène Dion., JSOT Supplement Series . Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 2001. Pp. 19–44. Arameans Alphabet

Amadasi Guzzo, Maria Giulia, "'Alphabet insaisissable'. Quelques notes concernant la diffusion de l’écriture consonantique." Trans 44 (2014): 67–86. Alphabet

Nemirovskaya, A., "Origins of the Canaanite Alphabet and West Semitic Consonants’ Inventory." Acta Linguistica Petropolitana 15.3 (2019): 425–45. Alphabet

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