CAL Bibliography for np\$ N


Terzoli, Riccardo, "à‚me et esprit chez Aphraate." Parole de l'Orient 3 (1972): 105–18. np$ N rwx N

Alzoubi, M. and Rababeh, S, "The Terminology Used to Describe Tombs in the Nabataean Inscriptions and its Architectural Contex." Levant 40 (2008): 195–202. Nabataean gwy A np$ N

Pardee, D., "A New Aramaic Inscription from Zincirli." BASOR 356 (2009): 51-71. KTMW np$ N syd#3 N

Struble, E.J. and Struble, E.J., "An Eternal Feast at Sam'al: The New Iron Age Mortuary Stele from Zincirli in Context." BASOR 356 (2009): 15-49. KTMW np$ N

Bevan, G.A. and Reeves, M.B., "A New Nabataean Funerary Inscription from Humayma." JSS 55/2 (2010): 497-507. Nabataean np$ N

Steiner, Richard C., Disembodied Souls: The Nefesh in Israel and Kindred Spirits in the Ancient Near East, with an Appendix on the Katumuwa Inscription. SBL Monograph Series 11. Atlanta: SBL, 2015. Religion np$ N

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