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))r N air )b N father )b#2 N Ab (July/August) )b#4 N fruit )bgr#2 N nitre )bd V to be lost )bw N scraper )bw#2 N defense, advocacy )bwb N pipe, reed, flute )bwl N city gate; large opening in a wall )bwt N ruler; plow scraper )bygrn N penalty (for contract violation) )bydn N place of religious learning(?) )byl N mourner, mournful )bylw N mourning )bn N stone )br#2 N lead )brw+wnwn N artemesia )brnym X partially roasted )brt N extent (??), circumference(??) )b$wk N deserter (??) )b$wn N pestle; roasted ears of grain )g)lwkwn N a type of aloe )g)pt N Agrimonia eupatoria )gdn N silphium and/or asafoetida )gwr N temple; pagan shrine )gwr#3 N kiln-fired brick or tile )gwrs N field )gys#2 N a medicinal plant )gn N bowl, pitcher )gnws N agnus castus )gr V to hire (s.t., s.o) )grh N letter )gryqwn N agaric, tree fungus )dwwt) N foam (??), swelling )dwn#2 N route )dywrw N assistance )dyn X then, at that time )dynwn N licorice (?) )dyn+wn N maidenhair )dl N Lepidum latifolium )dlt) N folding doors )dmh N earth, ground )dmws N steel )dn N ear )dny@(wqbr) N myosotis, forget-me-not )dr#2 N Adar (February/March) )drgzr N counselor (?) )drwn N inner chamber )drng N guarantor )dr( N arm )drqys N marsh lye )hl N tent )hn R this )wdys N investigative report )wwr N pile of loose bricks )ww$ V to make a loud noise )wzn N basin )wxh N a type of lily )w+wqr+wr N autocrator, emperor )wlh N slave )wlwg N lign aloes )wmn N artisan, skilled worker )wnglywn N gospel )wnntys N vine blossom )wsy) N essence, being )wsqnyt) N a type of wood )wcr N storehouse; treasury )wrbny N papyrus reeds )wrbt) N layer of bricks )wrz N rice )wrx N way, road )wrsymwn N (??) )w$ N foundation )w$q N gum-ammoniac )zbys A disgraceful (?) )zgd N )zd N inquiry )zd) A certain, clear )zdkr N herald (??), inspector(??) )zy V to heat )zl V to go )zt A free )x N brother )xd V to hold, take, to catch, to seize )xh N sister )xl N alkali; saltwort )xsnh N inheritance )xr N posterity )xr) N ass )x$drpn N satrap )+w p on account of )+r V to pay off )y c if, whether )yw I well done! )yzgd N messenger )yk) X there is here )ykw X would that )ykw R where is it ? what about ? )yl#5 N projecting ledge; ship's prow )yln N tree )ylsr N hazel shrub )ystdyr) N collar of a mast )ystnys N weak )yq) X in vain, without cause )yryn N verdigris )yrs N iris )yt V there is, exists )yt p marker of definite direct object )yty V there is )kdn N viper )ksdr) N hall, arcade )kswmly N oxymel )ksny A strange, foreign )kr N farmer )kry N leasing payment )l#2 N family )l p to )lbwrs N hellebore )lhn c except, unless )lw)) N aloe )lwr d Iluwer )ly+rywn N elaterium )lyqh N windlass )lp N ship )lt d Allat )md V to flee )md#2 V to estimate )mh#4 N lower millstone )mwlwn N starch )mwnyqwn N gum ammoniac )my V )mpqynwn N oil pressed from immature olives )mc N a meat dish )mr V to say )mrk) N marjoram )mrkl N administrator (of finances?) )mty c when, whenever )n X where, wherever )n#2 c that )nbg N a liquid measure )ngl N angels )nglys N chickweed or pimpernel )ndr+ N statue )ndryn+ N statue )nwn R they, them )nwt) N a small vessel )nyswn N anise )nk N tin )nky R I )nnq) N necessity )ns V to force )nqrdy) N oriental cashew )n$ N person, someone )nth N woman, wife )s N myrtle )sd N head-rest, pillow )sh N wall )sw+w N intemperance )swp N vestibule )swp) N entryway )s+m) N steel )s+plyn N parsnip )s+q+) N myrrh-oil )s+rwbl N pine; cone )s+r+yg N general, commander )s+r+ygw N command )sy V D to heal )skwph N threshold; doorframe )spdr) N white poplar )spwg N sponge )spynd@)spyd N Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) )spynyq A reddish-black fabric )spyr N globe )splyny) N bandage with salve )splytws N a spiny shrub )spnyqy N spanish sword )sprgl N quince )sprn) X exactly )sr#2 N assarius (a small copper coin) )srwn N hazelwort )srtg N general )st) N mortar )( N wood )p c also, even )pwdyksys N demonstration )pwt) N forehead )py+rwp) N administrator, prefect )py+rpy N commander )pk V to turn around )pkl N a high religious official )plwtr) N freedman )pm X even so, even if )pml+w N term as curator )psr) N halter )pr N meadow )prqyd X supine )pt)#2 N balcony )ptm X surely (??); accounts(??) )cdq N legal heir )qrwn N sweet flag (??) )r) N decoy )rb(n N niche (??) )rgwbl N stone-mason )rdkl N builder, architect )rw c behold )rwn N chest )rx N traveller, guest )rx#3 N half a roof-tile )ry N lion )ry c because, since )ryh N lion )ryx#2 N small brick )ryk#2 A fitting, proper )ryt N channel )rk N )rk)s N magistracy, powers )rkwbh N knee )rkwn N ruler, archon; magistrate )rkwn#2 N magistrate )r( V to attain; to meet )r( N ground; land; Earth )r() X lower, earthwards )rch N sarcophagus )$h N fire; fever )$y#2 N wall )$kr N tribute quota; field )$p N exorcist )$rn N necessities; furnishings )$$ N raft )$tym N maitre d' )$tqd X last year )t p accusative particle )twn N oven )ty V to come, arrive )tly) N the eclipse dragon )tlyn N vapor; vaporizor )tn#2 N mesh, netting )tr V to indicate (??) )tr N place )trwdn N brazier (??) b)dg N a type of wine b)dyn c then b)$ V to be bad, to be displeasing bb N gateway; opening; section bbly A Babylonian bgn N curse, invocation bdyl p on account of bdyl c on account of, because bdl#2 N third party in a loan transaction (??) bhl V *to be troubled; to hurry bhryq_ p instead of bwby N canal, aqueduct bwdr N dispersion bwdr#2 N a religious functionary bwkn N pestle bwl N lump; seal stone bwl)#2 N senate, council bwlw+ N councilman bwndq N ball bwnn V bwcyn N lamp bwry#2 N reed mat bwrk#3 N borax bwt V to spend the night bxr V to choose b+l V to be stopped; impers.: to spend time with by N house; structure; place by@ncrpw N (??) byb N drainage conduit; frying pan byms N pedestal byn p between, among bysh N flask, jug byrh N fortress byrnh N citadel byt p between, among byt@qbwr N burial place, tomb bkh N hen bl d Bel blw N tribute blw( N hook; throat; chasm bl+y N wood rot, wood worm bly V to be worn out bll V to mix bls V D to stop up the mouth blty N Belti , Venus bny V to build bsdy N couch, pillow bsys N base, basis bsr N flesh bsry#2 A of flesh, human bstr p after b(y V to ask, to beg, to inquire b(l N husband; lord; master b(l@+(m N orderer, commander b(l@pqt N administrator b(ldbb N accuser, enemy b(ldyn N (legal) adversary bq N gnat bqy V to examine, to test bqr V to search diligently br N son br#2 N field, outside br@)gr) N evil spirit, spirit of lunacy br@)n$ N human, person br@mn p except for; outside of br@qym) N member of a religious community br) X outside br)wn N quittance brbry A barbarian brh N daughter brzmdn N shrine (??) bry#3 V D to clear (of guilt, vow) bryt N covenant bryt) N street(s) brk V to bow; D to bless brkh#2 N artemisia brs V to bray brspy A of Borsippa brt@xryn N free woman b$qr V to recognize; to search bt N bath (measure) btl V D to ravish g)wlh N redemption g)y A high g)rwn N obelus gb N side, flank: gbb N ball or tuft of fiber gbwl N border, territory gbwrh N might gby V to collect gby N hay (??) gbl N people, collectivity gbr N man gbr#2 N hero, strong man gbrh N manly woman gbrs V Qt to be made a homunculus gdbr N treasurer gdd N cutting off; thread gdwd V Qt to spend one's youth gdy N kid gdn A fortunate gdp N wing gdr N fence; cistern gd$ N accident, case gwb N well, cistern gwd#3 N troop, battle line gwx V to overflow; C make war gwx#2 N niche, burial place gwy A interior, inner gwyh N body gwmx N burial niche gwnsq N orchid gwr V to commit adultery gwrz N bundle gwr$n N a digestive medicine gzbr N treasurer gzl V to rob gzr N cutting: portion; decree gzr#2 N diviner gzr#3 N slice; flock; prey gy) N valley gyd N sinew, nerve gydrwn N young ass gywr N sojourning gywr A foreign, alien gyny) N sacrifices gys N side gyr X indeed; for gyt) N (??) gl#5 N door glb N little knife, razor glb#2 N barber glgl V to roll glgl N wheel glwgdq N royal litter or foot stool glwsqwm N chest, box, case gly V to uncover; D to exile gll N rock, stone; excrement glmh N hill gm c also gmlh N gm(h N immersion gmr V to complete, to fulfill gnh N garden gnwn N bridal chamber; canopy gnws N birth gnz N treasure gnzy N treasurer gnys N family gns N kind gn$y N ischial tendon gspr N fin gsprh N (bird's) comb g(y V to low; to cry for help g(yr A dirty, foul g(r V to rebuke; roar gpny A winged gcyc N club gr N patron, client grb#2 V to rob grgl N grgr N rocket, i.e., arugula grd N beaver grd#3 N domestic staff grdh N shaved material grdn N weaver (?) gry(#2 A beardless; inferior grm V to cause to happen grm+ws N scribe grny N dearth g$h N touch g$wr N beam g$m N body g$q N dripping, flowing gt N corpse d_ p d_ c dbb N lawsuit dbx V to slaughter dbx N animal sacrifice dbxh N sacrifice; eucharist dbr V to lead, to drive dbr N plowing; movement dbr#2 N high pasture, desert dgm N decree dwd V D to disturb dwkh N place dwkn N dais, platform dwmly A sufficient dwmlyw N sufficiency dwr#3 N ridge dw$wn A ill-willed dw$r) d the chief god of the Nabatean dynasty dzw+r A different dxyl A terrible, frightening dxl V to fear dx$ N attendant, lictor dx$p+) N an epithet of Nergal (=chief judge or the like) dx$t N steppe dy p of, genitive particle dy c who,which (relative) dyky R that dyl+wr A obnoxious, corrupting dymwsyn N public facility dyms N people dyn N judgment dyn#2 N judge dyn X then, thereupon dyn R this one dynmws N power dynr N denarius dytyq) N testament, will dkr V to remember dlmh X lest, perhaps dls V D to deal falsely; to malinger dmh X perhaps dmw N likeness dmy V to be like dmyn N price, value dms#3 N building dn#2 N vat; branch dnxy$ N a demon dnn X this time, now dstbyr N writ of expulsion d(r V to irritate dp N tablet, column dqyqh N severe fever dqyr#2 N crushed grain dqq V to pound dr N age, generation; row drh N court, courtyard; dwelling d$ N door panel h_ I interrogative particle h) I here! look! h)@kdy c as h)y R this hdbr N a royal official hdr#2 V to be glorious hw) R he hwy V to be, to become hwk V hwpwgrp) N inscription, signature hwrd) N reed mat h++) N briar hygmwn N leader, governor hykl N palace; temple hyl) N matter, material hymn V to believe; trust in hl) X affirmative/interrogative particle hlb$w$ N wound hlk V to go; D to walk hlk N tribute hmwnyt X together with hmrkr N accountant hn c where hndz V to mark to a standard, make coincide hndz N measure hpk V to turn around/over hpstywn N military official hprk N prefect hprky) N prefecture hcd) X is it true? hqd$ N consecrated object hrg V to slay hrwm) N fragrant herbs hrzq V to imprison hry V to conceive h$tn X now w_ c and, also wgr N stele wzn N box wy I woe, alas! wsq)#2 N Parsee cultic drink wrz N wild boar wr$n N wood dove, pigeon zbn V to buy; D to sell zbn#2 N time zbny N scale zdq N that which is due zwg V D to yoke, to join zwg#2 N pair zww) N pair zwz N a weight (half shekel) zw( V to move; to tremor zwpryn N spike, tooth of a key zyw N appearance; splendor zyp N mold, forgery; falsehood zyq N water skin zky V to be innocent; to defeat zky A innocent; righteous zkyw N innocence zlp V to sprinkle zmn V to invite zmn N set time; instance z(p V to impel; rebuke zqp V to erect; be erect zrnwq N water bag; irrigation device zr( V to sow zr( N seed zrp#2 V to transfer property rights x)ry N ditch; canal xbwl#2 N interest; debt xb+ V to beat downward xbyh N amphora xblbl N a type of weed xbr N comrade xgg V to celebrate xgrh N restriction; throat xd b one xdwh N joy xdr V to go around xdr N area around, surroundings xwd N diadem xw+ V to sew xwy V to see (??); D to show xwk V to laugh xwl+n N comingling, contact xwlq N portion xwmr)#2 N amulet xwmrh N charm xwsy N propitiation xwq N stairstep xwr V to be white xwr A white xwrg N stepson xwt V to be loathsome xwtl N wrapper xzzy N lichen; psoriasis xzy V to see xzy#2 N seer; watcher xzn N mayor; sexton xzq V to gird; to depart x+y N sin xyy A xyyn N life xkm V to be wise xkmh N wisdom xlbwn N egg-white; mythological cosmos xld N mole xlh#3 N ossuary; sheath xlwl N festival xl+ V *to be inalienable, C to confirm (leprosy) xlyph N substitute xlyc N skin bottle xll V to cleanse xll N cavern, empty space xlm V to dream xlp V to pass by, pass away; D to change s.t. xlc N strength xlq N portion xm#2 N straw; radish xmh N anger xmw(h N sorrel; cress xmwrh#2 N cylinder; bead; amulet xmy V to see xmn N chapel (??) xmr N wine xn N favor xnyk N trainee; nickname xnyn#2 A one shown mercy xnn#2 N mercifulness xnn R we xnp V to deceive; lead into paganism xnp N pagan; liar xsd N devotion, grace xsyk A free; lean xsyn A strong xsn V to be strong xsn#2 N fortress xsrwn N want, lack x(n V to clasp xcb N pitcher; tub xcy N plucking out xcl V D to rescue xcr#2 N grass xql N field xrg V to rub xr+m N magician xryc N ditch xrm N ban; sacred object xrr A arid xrt#2 N stylus xrt#3 N incision; eroded mud x$bwn N x$w$w N sensitivity x$l V to crush x$qbwl A reciprocally equivalent xty N (??) xtyl N string (??), padding (??) +b A good +bh N goodness, good thing +bhqy N a Persian meat dish +bw N goodness +b( V to seal; to sink +wy#2 V to fast +ws N peacock +wps N form; type +wr N mountain +wt X fasting ++h X then +yb A satisfied +yqs N battle formation or standard (flag) (??) +yr N sheepfold +lwl N roof; shadow +ll V to cast shade on +m N bone +my A +s N foil, metallic plating +(m N taste; order +(n V to carry +pq) N bread cooked in a pan +rwg N citron +r$#2 V to sprinkle y) I O (vocative) yb$h N dry land, earth yd N hand, arm; side; power ydy V C to give thanks; to confess yd( V to know yhb V to give yhw d short form of the Tetragram ywgn N yoke ywm N day yx+#2 V D to set down, fix firmly yxydy A lone ykl V to be able ymh N lake ymyn N right, right hand yny V C to vex y(+ V to advise y(nh N ostrich yqr V to be heavy yrwr N jackal; fennel yrq V to spit yrt V to inherit y$r V C to transmit (goods, greetings) yt p accusative particle ytb V to sit ; to dwell; to stay, remain ytb#2 V to set on scales k)wn N Saturn kby$h N intercalated year kb$ V to tread on, subjugate kd c when kdbh N lie kdm N jeweler kdn) X so kh X thus; here khyw N blindness khl V to be able khn N priest kwb N thorn kwh N window kwyx A having everted eyelids kwyxw N ectropion kwyl N ark kwk#4 N burial chamber for bones; small hut kwky N storm, whirlwind kwmr N priest kwsp) N residue after pressing kwpt)#2 N basket (??) kwpt N bondage kwr#5 N fish kwrsy N chair, throne kwrp) N female serpent kw$y A Ethiopian kw$nyn N bitter vetch kwty A Samaritan kwtl N wall kyn N nature kys) N cramps kyp#2 N shore kyr#2 N handwriting ky$ N bunch of vegetables kyth N group kk N molar kkln N hairy coat (!?) kl N all, every kl@qbl p klb#3 N one who hunts with dogs klb) N (??) kldy A Chaldean; astrologer klwqbl p opposite, facing klyrk N commander of 1000 klk#2 N storehouse for grain kll V to include klqwbl c because klq+yr N letter, character kmr#2 V to be gloomy kn N stem, base knwn N brazier; December kny V D to name knt N colleague kswy N cover ksy V to conceal kslw N Kislev (November/December) ksn)#2 N corals kss V to chew into pieces,; C to admonish ksp N silver, money k(n X now k(nt X now k(t X now kp N palm; ladle kph N dome; arch kpp V to bend kpr N village; tomb kpt V to bind, tie up kr N mattress kr#2 N place krblh N a type of head covering krwz N herald krwspd N fringe krz V to announce krysmwn A useful (?) krk N walled city; enclosure krkdn N rhinoceros krkwm N siege works krm N vineyard krs V to dry up k$d N necklace ktb V to write ktb N writing ktn N linen; flax kt$ V to beat; to fight l_ p to, for l_ c in order to [Arab.] l) X no, not l)w X not, it is not l)y V to toil l)m N eponym official lb N heart; mind lb#2 N lion-fish lbb N heart lbh N wrath lbyh N lioness lbk V to hold, to take lbr X outside lbrny A Liburnian ship lgm N rein, bridle ldd V to remove, efface lhb N flame lwbr A aged (??) lwx N tablet lwqbl p opposite lwt p towards lxdh X much lxm V to be fitting; to join; to threaten lxm N bread, food lxn N temple servitor lxnh N serving woman; concubine lybt d Libat, Delibat =Venus lyly#2 N female demon lyt V there is/are not lm X enclitic particle marking direct speech lm)n N l(bq X quickly l(y V to work; grow weary l(l X above l(n V to curse lpyc N pot lpn+y p towards lqbl p lqbl c lqx V to take m)h b hundred m)y R what m)klh N food; eating m)mr N speech m)n N vessel; garment m)tyn b two hundred mgw$ N magus mgzy N sickle mglh N scroll mgmr N incense carrier mgn N shield mgn X gratis mgnnw N enveloping; overshadowing mgr#2 V to fall; D to overthrow mdbx N altar mdbr N desert mdwr N dwelling place mdynh N province; capital city mdr#3 N water course mh@)m c perhaps mhymn N believer mhyr A skilled mwdd N friend, ally mwzg N mixture mwzn N scales mwznyn N scales mwlky) N mallow mwql N bdellium mwqr#2 N yolk; marrow mwrzm) N a permitted bird, probably the greater flamingo mwtb N seat; dwelling place mwtn N plague, pestilence mzg V to mix mzl N constellation mxgh N fortification wall mxwz N port; town mxw$ N suffering mxzy N mirror; sight mxy V to strike mxl V to forgo, to remit mxnh N army, camp mxr N geometrician, surveyor m+r N rain m+r#2 N prison, watch m+rypwly+) N Metropolitan my c interrogative particle mydh N measure my+r) N womb myyn N water myswn N middle mkwl N curtain (?) mkn) N lodging mks#2 N duty, i.e., tax on goods mkr V to acquire property for a price; to betroth ml)k N messenger; angel mlh N word, speech; thing mlwyt) d a demon - co-name or associate of Lilith mlw$ N zodiacal sign mlx V to salt mlk N king mlkw N kingdom mll V D to speak mmwn N money mn N manna mn X indeed, on the one hand mn R who? mn p from mn c since, after; while mn@qdm p mn@qwdm p from before, in front of mn@qwdm c mn) N mina mndh N a tax, tribute mnd( N mnh N part, portion mnwbyyt) N mourners mnxm N comforter mnyk N necklace mnyn N number, amount mnsy A leprous mnr N lampstand mnrh N lampstand msgd N place of worship, mosque mskn N poor man msknh N storehouse msmh N terrace (of the altar) m(h N a weight, a small coin m(rwk N rolling pin mpr$ A diverse; distinct mc+(r N idol, statue mcr V to twist mcr#4 N siege mqrh#2 N bundle of straw mqrh#4 N hewn basin mrbyn#2 N guardian, fosterer mrdw N punishment mrwl N sickness mrw(h N oppression mrzb N spout mrzx N funerary banqueting society mrxq N quitclaim mry N master, lord mrkb N ship; chariot mrcwp N a type of sack m$wny N dike m$x N oil m$xh N measurement m$y V to sweep up; remove debris m$k N skin m$kb N bed m$kbh N garden bed m$kwn N pledge m$kn V to give/take as a pledge m$kn N tent m$kn#2 N pledge m$knw N pledging m$l V to rule mt N region mtwr N rake nbw)h N prophecy nbz#2 N receipt nbzbh N gift, supplies nby N prophet nbl V D to soil, defile nb( V to gush forth nbr$h N lampstand nb$#3 N ngd V to draw towards oneself ngw N island ngwd#2 N leader ngr N carpenter ngr#4 N irrigation channel or stream ndb V to motivate to action; Dt to donate ndbk N course of bricks ndd V to be restless; move away from ndh N uncleanliness; menstrual period ndn#2 N sheath ndr#2 N vow nhm N roaring nwd V to quiver nwhdr N leader of an army nwwl) N (??) nwl#3 V to weave nwmyq N jurist nws V to tremble; C to remove nws N temple; shrine nwsx N text, book nwr#2 N mirror nzh V to make a loud animal noise nzx V to withdraw (??) nzy N large clay vessel for fermentation nzk N nzl A flowing nzq V to hurt someone nxyr N nose; nostril nxm V to comfort nxn) R nxt V to descend nxtwm N baker n+l V to lift up nymws N law nys N island nysws N island ny$ N sign, goal nks V to slaughter nksyn N property, wealth nktm) N lid of a pitcher nl N nightmare nmws N law; custom nmy#2 V to take part nmy N part, share nmy X also nms#2 N tassel nmr N leopard/panther nmrh N den, cage nny d Nanai nns N dwarf ns N miracle nsx V to remove nsy V to lift up, take away n(ymh N melody, tone npxr N total npc V to shake or beat with a sharp movement npq V to go out np$ N soul; life; self ncb V to plant ncb N stele ncx V to shine; to be victorious ncl V C to save, rescue ncr V to sing or speak softly ncry N Nazarene nqw$ N one knocking nqy N sheep, ewe nrgl d Nergal n&g V C to achieve, to discover n$b#2 N blowing n$yb N father-in-law n$yp A pure n$n N woman, lady n$r N vulture n$twn N document ntl V to give ntn V to give; make into ntr V to drop s)m) N silver sbk N net, curtain sbk#2 N lyre sbl V to carry sblh#2 N ladder sbny N linen cloth sbs V to do much, pile on sgy V to be many sgy A many, much sgyl N temple sglt) N an aromatic plant sgn N prefect sdyn#2 N linen sheet sdn N foundation; anvil sdr N order; rank shyty N to whit swwr) N wooden framework sw+ V to swing, move swkr N bolt swm V to place, put swmpnyh N symphony: a wind instrument swmq A swsw N sossoi swsy#2 N healing swsn N lily swp V to come to an end swrng) N tube swt V C to instigate, to entice swt N stele sxwr X around sxwr@sxwr X all around sxy V to bathe sxl N scouring powder sxp V to throw down sxr V to go around; to beg sxr#5 N demon s+m V to bear a grudge against syg#3 N wall syd N lime, plaster syd#3 N funerary chamber (??) symh N treasure; placement synq N half-drachma syp N end skl#2 V D to understand; Dt to look at skn N governor, majordomo slq V to go up sm)#2 N standard, insignia smyk@l_ A near smr V Gt to be careful snb b two-thirds (?) sndl N sandal sndlkyn N a precious stone sndst N brocade sny V to hate snpyr N fin ssgwn N vermillion (any shiny dark color?) s(r V to visit; to act spsyp A burning (?) spsyr N sword spr#2 V to tell; count spr N document spr#2 N scribe spr#3 N bank, edge sprb N monument, tomb (??) sqr V to stare at; to envy sqrh N red color, paint srg V to weave together, plait srd N (??) srhb V to do quickly srys N eunuch st N vine stm V to stop up str#2 N hidden place (bd V to make, act, do (bq V to hurry (br#2 N bar, bolt (d p until (d c until (dd V to prune (dh N assembly; church (dy V to pass over (dyh#2 N spoil, booty (dn V D to make fertile, pleasant (dn N set time (wl#2 N crime, injustice (wtr N wealth, riches (z N goat (zgd N messenger (zyb A ugly (zqh N ring (zrh N Temple Court (yn N eye; spring (yn#2 N spring (yr A watching, awake; angel (l p upon; against; to (l@kn c therefore (l) X upwards, above (lh#3 N pretext, occasion (lwy N aloe (ly#2 N upper story (ly A supreme, highest, exalted (lym N youth (ll V to enter (ll#2 N entrance (lm#3 V to be young and courageous (lm N eternity; world (md V to sink; be baptized (mc V to close the eyes or other senses (mr@gpn N cotton (mrw N residency (??) (nby@t(l) N nightshade? (nw$h N treasury (ny V to respond (ny N humble, poor person (ntwty A of Anatot (sy V to press, pound (pr N dust (ry A cold (rs N bed (rq V to flee ($h N measuring rod ($rtn N a size of weight at Hamath ($t V to think well of ($twnyn N thoughts (td V to be prepared (tyd A prepared, future (tr(th d Atargatis p_ c and moreover p)q A mute; stammerer pgwd N reins, bridle pg( N chance meeting; affliction pgr N corpse; body pddw) N a medicament, propolis(?) pdr#2 N dung pwxd) N testicle pwxr#2 N banquet pwkh#3 N languor pwsq N dividing pwr V G/Dt to become angry pwr N lot pwr$n N separation; discretion pxd#2 N tribe pxh N governor pxz V to be lewd pxz N salaciousness pxz A shameless pxlc N straw bale or basket p+r V to separate p+rwz N sacrificial animal pys N persuading pl)h N parable, allegory plg#6 N canal (?) plx V to work plx N workman plk#2 N spindle, distaff pls V D to demolish pls N a small coin pl$ V to break through pny A empty pnqyt) N psx N Passover psktyrw N psykter psntryn N harp, lyre ps( V to step in or over; violate p(y V to bleat, low p(l#2 N worker p(rm) N a plant name pcgryb) N crown prince pcl#2 V to clear a claim pqdwn N deposit prdys) N prds N garden, park prhz V to keep something away prhzn N protector prwnq N messenger przh N residential area prys N small dry measure prk#2 N altar prn N marriage settlement (ketubbah) prny#2 N dowry prns V to supply, to support, to provide prs#2 N half unit prs#3 N allotment, salary prsy N boldness of speech; public matter pr( N bud, flower prp N clasp, small ring for fastening prcwp N face; individual prq V to redeem; to dismantle pr$ V to separate, distinguish pr$gn N copy prtrk N governor; foreman p$y+ A simple ptgm N statement; matter ptwr N table ptwr#2 N dream interpreter ptx#2 N opening; short /a/ vowel pty#3 N canal ptkr N idol ptr V to interpret,explain pt$gn N c)y A filthy cbw N desire; matter cb+ V to prepare something ornate cby V to desire cb( V to moisten; to dye cbt V to join together (intrans.) cbt#2 V to prepare; D to adorn cbt N ornament cd N side cdy V to be deserted and laid waste cwp N sheep; wool cwcy#2 N fringes; curl cwr V to depict cyc N high-priest's head-plate clb V to impale, to crucify clw N prayer clx V to prosper clx#2 V to split cly V to bend down; D to pray clyb N pole, cross cll N ringing clm N image cpy V to look out, observe crb V to be scorched crp#4 N smelting q) X aspectual particle qbylh N complaint, accusation qbl#3 N charm qbl p qdy V D to enjoy the possession of qdy$ A holy qdm p before qdrws N cedar qd$h N earring qhy V to be dull, blunt qwbll N face qwbln N counter-charm qwbrny+ N helmsman qwdwt X held in temporary possession (??) qwd$#3 N consecrating qwy V D to remain qwlwn N colon qwm V to rise; to stand; to last qwp#4 N basket; hoop qwpn N mallet qwrbn N sacrifice qwryy N village, rural qwty N spider and web q+w N stick, rod q++h N dispute q+l V to kill q+r N knot q+rywn N centurion q+ryn N a type of citron qym N covenant; standing qyny N smith qysr N emperor qyqlh N garbage heap qyrys N the Lord qy$) d al-Qays (??) qytr N cithern, lyre qytrs N lyre ql N voice qlby N a liquid measure qlw+ N holder (?) qlwl N a liquid measure larger than a qlby qlm N louse, lice qls V D to praise ql( V to plait qlq) N pebbles qlqlh#2 N garbage heap qn N nest qnwm N person, essential nature qn+ryn N centurion qns V to punish qs+ N pitcher; xestes qpyz N a measure qcr#6 N cella (??) qct N end qqwl N cardamom and/or shrubby sea-blite qqwlg N cardamon qrb V to approach, to be near qrbtn A warlike qrwx A white-spotted qrx V to become bald qrx#4 N weaver (??) qr+ V to gnaw away qry V to call qryh N city, town; village qrn N horn; angle qrny@nxyr) N rhinoceros qrc V to rise early qrcyn N pieces qrqws N circle qr$ A heavy, thick (??) q$w+ N honesty, truth q$wt N truth q$y+ A honest q$y$ A old, elder qtl V qtr N rock rbby N steward rbw N anointment rbw b ten thousand rbw(h N plate rbxyl N general rby V to increase rby#3 N young man rbn N lord, master rb( V to lie down rb(#4 N one-fourth rb(h N cella (?); couch(?) rgz V to be angry rgz N rgl N foot; pilgrimage rg$ V to rage; sense rhbwn N deposit, pledge rh+ V to run rhn V to give as a pledge rwx V to breathe easily; D to placate rwx N wind; spirit rw+ V to run; Dt to vibrate rwy N razor, scraper rwm V to be high rw$ N spelt (?), emmer (?) rz N mystery rxm V to love rxm#2 N womb rxmyn N mercy; prayer rx( V to wash, rinse rxq V to be(come) distant r+yn) N resin ryd N affliction ry$ N head; top; chief ry$y A first rkn V to incline rks V Gt to be lost rk$ V to bind rmwn N pomegranate rmz V to signal rmz N hint rmy V to throw; put down rmy A thrown out, down rmyz A s.t. hinted at, alluded to rmn d Ramman rny N thought rss V to sprinkle r(y V to feed, to graze r((#2 V to crush, break up rp+ V Gt to fall apart rpyd N terrace (?) rps V to trample rpq V to hoe rp$ N shoulder; winnowing fan rpt V to wriggle or move around, show signs of life rqh N alluvial ground rqy N stomach of a ruminant r$y V to obligate; bring suit r$l V to be loosened r$m V to make a mark $)lh N request; question $)r#2 N bracelet $bb N neighbor $bh N sabbath; week $bwqyn N divorce $bx#2 V to grow, sprout; increase in value $bx N praise $b+ N tribe; staff; plague $byl N path $blh N ear of grain $bq V to leave; to permit $bq N undressed vine $br V to behave childishly $br N boy, child $brh#2 N cultivated land(?) $brw N childhood $bt N dill, anise $gl V C to be occupied $glh N consort $d N demon $dh#2 N base, chest $dr#2 V D to confront $hy#2 N desert $wg V to purge $wxlp N change, transformation $w+ V to go about floating $w+ N whip $wy V to be equal; D to put down $wy#4 N bed, lounge $wly#2 N apprentice $wq N street; market $wryyq N small trace or piece of fiber $w$byn N groomsman; best-friend $w$nky A Susaite $wt N south wind $zg V to wash $zr V to twist $xp V to crawl $xrc N full price $+ N a size weight at Hamath; a large oven(?) $yzb V to save $yx N pit, cistern $ypwr N trumpet $ycy V to destroy, finish $yqwph N afflicting spell $yrh#2 N caravan $kx V to find; to be capable $kx#2 V to forget $kynh N dwelling; the Divine Presence $kll V to complete $kn#2 N dwelling; sediment; a demon $kr N intoxicating drink $ld N corpse, body $lh#2 N blasphemy $lhby N flame $l+ V to rule $l+wn N ruler $ly+ A ruling; ruler; permitted $ll N chain(??); trouble $lm V to be whole, complete $lm A whole $m N name $md V D to excommunicate; C to destroy $mw(h N reported news; hearing $m( V to hear $m$ N sun $mt V D excommunicate $mt N excommunication, ban $nh N year $ny V to be different $ncy V to be able $nt V to brand $s+m V to shackle $p+ V to quarrel $py V to smooth $pl V to be low $pn V to harrow $p$ N door in a gate (??) $pt)#2 N text $q N thigh, leg $qwp N lintel $qy+n)y N a type of bird $ql V to lift, take away, accept $qq N street, course $rb N heat $rb#2 N story; matter $rbh N family $ry V to loosen; D to begin $r$y#2 V to benefit $t N $ty V to drink $tl V to plant t)h N ewe t)wry) N contemplation; theoretical speculation tb( V to seek, demand tg N crown tgm) N order tgr V D to trade with tgr N merchant tdyr A regular twb V to return twbly N rope device for climbing palm trees twm X then twn N chamber twsph N addition; Tosephta twr N ox, cow twr#2 N wonder twrh N cow tw$bxh N praise txwy N demonstration txwm N border; territory; definition txwt p under; instead of tyb A penitent tygr N dispute, quarrel tyr N guide tyr A compassionate tkwnh N jewelry tl N tell, mound tlwl N fortress tly V to suspend tlym N (twin) brother tll V D to stain, to befoul tm N duty, tax tmwz) d Tammuz tnwrh N oven tnynwt X a second time tp N stream, canal tpy N hearth tpty N magistrate tclw N prayer tqwp N strength, vigor tqyp A strong tql N shekel tqm N castor (?) tqn V to be proper tqp V to be strong trbc N courtyard trgmn N interpreter trwg N ethrog (citron) try V to soak s.t. tryn b two trngl N rooster trnwgl) N tr(y N thought tr(sr b twelve t$br N suffering