CAL Bibliography for 4Q196-199


Neubauer, Adolf, The Book of Tobit: A Chaldee Text from a Unique MS. in the Bodleian Library with Other Rabbinical Texts, English Translations and the Itala. . Oxford: Clarendon, 1878. 4QTobit ar 4Q196-199

Milik, J.T., "La patrie de Tobie." RB 73 (1966): 522–30. 4QTobit ar 4Q196-199

Rabenau, M., Studien zum Buch Tobit. BZAW . Berlin: de Gruyter, 1994. 4QTobit ar 4Q196-199

Fitzmyer, Joseph A., "The Aramaic and Hebrew Fragments of Tobit from Qumran Cave 4." CBQ 57 (1995): 655–75. 4QTobit ar 4Q196-199

Greenfield, Jonas C., "The Wisdom of Ahiqar," in Day, John, Gordon, Robert P. and Williamson, H., ed., Wisdom in Ancient Israel: Essays in Honour of J. A. Emerton. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1995. Pp. 43–52. TADC1.1 4QTobit ar 4Q196-199 Syr.Ahiqar

Cook, Edward M., "Our Translated Tobit," in Cathcart, K.J. and Maher, Michael, eds., Targumic and Cognate Studies: Essays in Honour of Martin McNamara, JSOTSp 230 . Sheffield, UK: Academic, 1996. Pp. 153–62. 4QTobit ar 4Q196-199

Grelot, Pierre, "Les noms de parenté dans le livre de Tobie." RevQ 17 (1996): 327–37. 4QTobit ar 4Q196-199

Otzen, B., "Aramaeiske Tobitfragmenter fra Qumran," in Fatum, L. and Müller, M., ed., Tro og historie: Festskrift til Niels Hyldahl ..., Forum for bibelsk eksegese . Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanums Forlag, 1996. Pp. 193–205. 4QTobit ar 4Q196-199

Morgenstern, M., "Language and Literature in the Second Temple Period.." JJS 48 (1997): 130–45. 4QTobit ar 4Q196-199 sxr V qwm V

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