CAL Bibliography for Arameans


Nöldeke, Theodor, "Die Namen der aramäischen Nation und Sprache." ZDMG 25 (1871): 113–31. Arameans

Sachau, E., "Zur historischen Geographie von Nordsyrien." SPAW 21 (1892): 313–38. Arameans Zak Pan Had

Halévy, J., "Les deux inscriptions hétéennes de Zindjîrlî." RevSém 1 (1893-94): 138–67, 218-58, 319-36; 2:25-60. Had Pan BarRak.1 BarRak.3 Sam'al Arameans

McCurdy, J.F., "Aram, Arameans, and the Aramaic Language." Pp. 254–57 In The New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge. , New York: Funk and Wagnalls, 1908. Arameans LangGen

Daiches, S., The Jews in Babylonia in the Time of Ezra and Nehemiah according to Babylonian Inscriptions. Jews' College London Publications no. 2. London: Jews' College, 1910. Arameans

Schiffer, S., , Die Aramäer: Historisch-geographische Untersuchungen, . Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs, 1911. Pp. . Arameans Sam'al Pan Had LionWts

Kraeling, E.G., Aram and Israel; or the Aramaeans in Syria and Mesopotamia. CUOS 13. New York: Columbia Univ., 1918. Arameans Zak Pan BarH Had

Galling, K., "Denkmäler zur Geschichte Syriens und Palästinas unter der Herrschaft der Perser." Palästinajahrbuch des Deutschen evangelischen Instituts für Altertumswissenschaft des Heiligen Landes zu Jerusalem 34 (1938): 59–79. Arameans

Rosenthal, Franz, Die aramäistische Forschung seit Th. Nöldeke's Veröffentlichungen. . Leiden: Brill, 1939. LangGen Sam'al AssOstr Zak Asok.2 UrukInc TADB1.1 TorqDock Arameans Bibliog

Elliger, K., "Sam'al und Hamat in ihrem Verhältnis zu Hattina, Unqi und Arpad: Ein Beitrag zur Territorialgeschichte der nordsyrischen Staaten im 9. und 8. Jahrhundert v. Chr.." Pp. 69–108 In Festschrift Otto Eissfeldt zum 60. Geburtstage 1. September 1947. Dargebracht von Freunden und Verehrern. Fück, J., ed. Halle (Saale): Niemeyer, 1947. Arameans Sf.1 Sf.2 Sf.3 Had Zak

O'Callaghan, R.T., Aram Naharaim. Analecta Orientalia 26. Rome: Pontifical Biblical Institute, 1948. Arameans HalAlt

Schneider, N., "Aram und Aramäer in der Ur III-Zeit." Bib 30 (1949): 109–11. Arameans

Malamat, A., "The Tell Ḥalâf (Gozan) Texts [in Hebrew]." BJPES 15 (1949-50a): 99–102. HalAlt Arameans

Dupont-Sommer, A., Les Araméens. L'orient ancien illustré . Paris: Maisonneuve, 1949a. Arameans ArslanTash Arebsun Pan AssOstr Sf BarRak TADA1.1 Zak HamGr BarH BarRak Nerab Stelae Asok.6 TADA5.3 Had

Hitti, P.K., , History of Syria Including Lebanon and Palestine, . New York: Macmillan, 1951. Pp. . Arameans BarH Zak

Spadafora, F., "Hazael." Pp. 1380 In Enciclopedia cattolica. , Vatican City: Ente per l'Enciclopedia cattolica, 1951. Arameans

Moscati, S., "Sulle origini degli Aramei." RSO 26 (1951a): 16–22. Arameans

Dupont-Sommer, A., "Sur les débuts de l'histoire araméenne." Pp. 40–49 In Congress Volume Copenhagen 1953. , Leiden: Brill, 1954. Arameans

Pohl, A., "Personalnachrichten." Or 23 (1954): 83–4. Arameans

Unger, M., , Israel and the Aramaeans of Damascus, . London: Clarke, 1957. Pp. . Arameans

McNamara, M., "De populi Aramaeorum primordiis." VD 35 (1957): 129–42. Arameans

Malamat, A., "The Kingdom of David and Solomon in its Contact with Egypt and Aram Naharaim." BA 21 (1958): 96–102. Arameans

Zahdi, B., "Mamlakat Dimašq al Aramiyya [The Aramean Kingdom of Damascus]." Syria 8-9 (1958-59): 75–102 + 6 pls.. Arameans

Moscati, S., "The Aramaean AḥlamÅ«." JSS 4 (1959): 303–07. Arameans

Sacchi, P., "Per una storia di Aram." ParPass 14 (1959): 124–34. Arameans

Gibson, J.C. L., "Observations on Some Important Ethnic Terms in the Pentateuch." JNES 20 (1961): 217–38. Arameans

Tadmor, H., "גבולה הדרומי של ארם–דמשק." Yediot 25 (1961): 201–10. Arameans

Mazar, B., "The Aramean Empire and Its Relations with Israel." BA 25 (1962): 98–120. Arameans Sf

Edzard, D.O., "Mari und Aramäer?." ZA 56 (1964): 142–49. Arameans

Buccellati, G., Cities and Nations of Ancient Syria. Studi Semitici 26 . Rome: Università  degli studi 'La Sapienza', 1967. Arameans

Fitzmyer, Joseph A., "Arameans; Aramaic Language, Ancient." Pp. 735–37 In New Catholic Encyclopedia. McDonald, W.J., et al., ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1967a. Arameans LangGen

Diringer, D., The Alphabet: A Key to the History of Mankind. . New York/London: Funk and Wagnalls/Hutchinson, 1968. Arameans BarH KLMW Zak BarRak SarGr Armazi

Porten, Bezalel, "The Religion of the Jews of Elephantine in Light of the Hermopolis Papyri." JNES 28 (1969): 116–21. Arameans

Dietrich, Manfried, Die Aramäer Südbabyloniens in der Sargonidenzeit (700-648). Alter Orient und Altes Testament 7. Neukirchen: Kevelaer, 1970. Arameans

Lipinski, Edward, "An Israelite King of Hamat?." VT 21 (1971b): 371–73. Arameans

Malamat, A., "The Aramaeans." Pp. 134–55 In Peoples of Old Testament Times. Wiseman, D.J., ed. Oxford: Clarendon, 1973. Arameans

Teixidor, Javier, "Bulletin d'épigraphie sémitique." Syria 50 (1973): 400–442. Arameans AECT.37 AECT.43 AECT.44 AECT.45 AECT.60 APE.94 ArtashInscr AshdodOstr Asok.1 ClGan.228 CowleyOstr HalAlt LachAlt Lexicography Nisa Onomastics Persep TAbuZeitun Zak

Mudarres, J., "Syria and Lebanon in Antiquity." Berytus 23 (1974): 105–25. Arameans

Teixidor, Javier, "Bulletin d'épigraphie sémitique." Syria 51 (1974): 299–340. Arameans AECT.58 BarH Daskyleion Gaza.1 Had Pan Persep

Helck, W., "Aramäer." Pp. 361 In Lexikon der à„gyptologie. Helck, W.Otto, E., ed. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1975. Arameans

Elat, M., , Economic Relations in the Lands of the Bible c. 1000-539 B.C., . Jerusalem: Mosad Bialik and the Israel Exploration Society, 1977. Pp. . Arameans

Brinkman, J.A., "Notes on the Aramaeans and Chaldeans in Southern Babylonia in the Early Seventh Century B.C.." Or 46 (1977): 304–25. Arameans

Eph'al, I., "The Western Minorities in Babylonia in the 6th-5th Centuries B.C.: Maintenance and Cohesion." Or 47 (1978): 74–90. Arameans Nerab Tablets

Wiseman, D.J., "They Lived in Tents." Pp. 195–200 In Biblical and Near Eastern Studies: Essays in Honor of William Sanford LaSor. Tuttle, G.A., ed. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 1978. Arameans

Lipinski, Edward, "Aramäer und Israel." Pp. 590–99 In Theologische Realenzyklopädie. , Berlin: de Gruyter, 1978c. Arameans

Aharoni, Y., The Land of the Bible, A Historical Geography. . Philadelphia: Westminster, 1979. Geogr Arameans

Görg, M., "Namenstudien III: Zum Problem einer Frühbezeugung von Aram." BN 9 (1979): 7–10. Arameans

Lipinski, Edward, "Aram et Israel du Xe au VIIIe siècle av. n. è.." AUTHOR_ANALYTICASH 27 (1979a): 49–102. Arameans

Millard, A.R., "A Wandering Aramean." JNES 39 (1980): 153–55. Arameans

Mulder, M.J., "Der Gott Hadad im norwestsemitischen Raum." Pp. 69–83 In Interaction and Acculturation in the Mediterranean. Best, J.G. P.Vries, N.M. W. de, ed. Amsterdam: Grüner, 1980. Arameans

Heltzer, M., The Suteans. Seminario di studi asiatici ser. minor, vol. 13. Naples: Istituto universitario orientale, 1981. Arameans

Akurgal, E., "Aramaean and Phoenician Stylistic and Iconographic Elements in Neo-Hittite Art." Pp. 131–41 In Temples and High Places in Biblical Times: Proceedings of the Colloquium in Honor of the Centennial of Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion. Biran, AvrahamPommerantz, Inna, ed. Jerusalem: Hebrew Union College, 1981. Arameans

Lemaire, André, "Le pays d'Eden et le Bît-Adini aux origines d'un mythe." Syria 58 (1981): 313–30. Arameans

Rossi, A.V., "La varietà  linguistica nell'Iran achemenide." AION Sez. Linguistica 3 (1981): 141–96. History Arameans

Greenfield, Jonas C., "Babylonian-Aramaic Relationships." Pp. 471–82 In Mesopotamien und seine Nachbarn: politische und kulturelle Wechselbeziehungen im Alten Vorderasien vom 4. bis 1. Jahrtausend v. Chr. : xxv. Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale Berlin, 3. bis 7 Juli 1978. Nissen, H.J. and Renger, J.R., ed. Berlin: Reimer, 1982a. Arameans

Tadmor, H., "The Aramaization of Assyria: Aspects of Western Impacts." Pp. 449–70 In Mesopotamien und seine Nachbarn: politische und kulturelle Wechselbeziehungen im Alten Vorderasien vom 4. bis Jahrtausend v. Chr. : xxv. Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale Berlin, 3. bis 7 Juli 1978. Nissen, H.J.Renger, J.R., ed. Berlin: Reimer, 1982a. Arameans Sf

Sokoloff, Michael, Arameans, Aramaic and the Aramaic Literary Tradition. . Ramat-Gan: Bar-Ilan University, 1983. Arameans

Millard, A.R., "Assyrians and Arameans." Iraq 45 (1983): 101–8. AECT.12 Arameans Fakhariyah

Porten, Bezalel, "היהודים במצרים." Pp. 104–95 In שיבת ציון – ימי שלטון פרס. Tadmor, H. et al. , ed. Jerusalem: Alexander Peli, 1983. Arameans Elephantine

Levy, B.B., "Review of Arameans, Aramaic and the Aramaic Literary Tradition, ed. M. Sokoloff." JQR 75 (1984): 95–7. Arameans LangGen

Porten, Bezalel, "The Jews in Egypt." Pp. 372–400 In The Cambridge History of Judaism. Davies, W.D.Finkelstein, L., ed. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1984. Arameans

Zadok, R., "Assyrians and Chaldeans in Achaemenian Babylonia." Assur 4 (1984a): 1–28. Arameans

Bresciani, E., "I semiti nell'egitto di età  saitica e persiana." Pp. 93–104 In Egitto e società  antica: Atti del convegno, Torino 8/9 VI-23/24 XI 1984. , Milan: Vita e Pensiero, 1985. Arameans

Cannuyer, C., "A propos de l'origine du nom de la Syrie." JNES 44 (1985): 133–37. Arameans

Snell, D.C., "The Aramaeans." Pp. 326–29 In Ebla to Damascus: Art and Archaeology of Ancient Syria. Weiss, H.-F., ed. Washington: Smithsonian Institution, 1985. Arameans

Stucky, R.A., "Achämenidische Hölzer und Elfenbeine aus à„gypten und Vorderasien im Louvre." Antike Kunst 28 (1985): 7–32 + 12 pls.. Arameans

Zadok, R., "Some Problems in Early Aramean History." Pp. 81–85 In XXII. Deutscher Orientalistentag vom 21. bis 25. März 1983 in Tübingen: Ausgewählte Vorträge. Röllig, W., ed. Stuttgart: F. Steiner, 1985. Arameans

Zadok, R., "Suteans and Other West Semites during the Latter Half of the Second Millennium B.C.." OLP 16 (1985a): 59–70. Arameans

Colledge, M.A. R., "Interpretatio Romana: The Semitic Peoples of Syria and Mesopotamia," in Henig, Martin and King, Anthony, ed., Pagan Gods and Shrines of the Roman Empire, University of Oxford, Committee for Archaeology . Oxford: University of Oxford Committee for Archaeology, 1986. Pp. 221–30. Arameans

Greenfield, Jonas C., "Aspects of Archives in the Achaemenid Period." Pp. 289–95 In Cuneiform Archives and Libraries. Veenhof, K.R., ed. Leiden: Nederlands Instituut voor het Habije Oosten, 1986. Arameans

Lemaire, André, "Les ecrits araméens." Pp. 241–69 In Ecrits de l'Orient ancien et sources bibliques. Barucq, A., Caquot, André, Durand, J. -M., Lemaire, André and Masson, E., by Paris: Desclée, 1986. Bibliog Arameans Sf.1

Mazar, B., "The Aramean Empire and Its Relations with Israel." Pp. 151–72 In The Early Biblical Period: Historical Studies. Ahituv, S. and B. A. Levine, ed. Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society, 1986. Arameans Sf.1

Mendecki, N., "Filistyni, Aramejczycy i Kanaejczycy w drugiej polowie drugiego tysiclecia przed Chr. [The Philistines, the Arameans and the Canaanites in the Second Half of the Second Millennium before Christ]." Collectanea theologica 56 (1986): 43–46. Arameans

Pitard, W.T., , Ancient Damascus: A Historical Study of the Syrian City-State from Earliest Times until Its Fall to the Assyrians in 732 B.C.E., . Winona Lake, In.: Eisenbrauns, 1987. Pp. . Arameans

Sader, H., Les états araméens de Syrie depuis leur fondation jusqu'à  leur transformation en provinces assyriennes. Beiruter Texte und Studien 36. Beirut: Orient-Institut der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft, 1987. Arameans Collections

Greenfield, Jonas C., "To Praise the Might of Hadad." Pp. 3–12 In La vie de la Parole: De l'Ancien au Nouveau Testament: Etudes d'exégèse et d'herméneutique bibliques offertes à  Pierre Grelot professeur à  l'Institut Catholique de Paris. , Paris: Desclée, 1987. Arameans

Lipinski, Edward, "Aram, Araméens; Araméen; Damas." Pp. 125–29, 323-25 In Dictionnaire encyclopédique de la Bible. , Turnhourt: Brepols, 1987. LangGen Arameans

Mendecki, N., "Izraelici a Kananejczycy i Aramejczycy [Israel in Relation to the Canaanites and the Arameans]." Collectanea theologica 57 (1987): 41–44. Arameans

Greenfield, Jonas C., "Aspects of Aramean Religion." Pp. 67–78 In Ancient Israelite Religion: Essays in Honor of Frank Moore Cross. Miller, P.D. Jr. et al. , ed. Philadelphia: Fortress, 1987a. Religion Arameans )lwr d

Dion, Paul-Eugène, "Review of Ancient Damascus, by W. T. Pitard." BASOR 270 (1988): 97–100. Arameans

Ray, J.D., "Egypt 525-404 B.C.." Pp. 254–86 In The Cambridge Ancient History. Boardman, J., et al., ed. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1988. Arameans

Lipinski, Edward, "Aramäer," in Görg, M. and Lang, B., Neues Bibel-Lexicon, Vol. 1, . Zurich: Benziger, 1988-91. Pp. 146–48. Arameans

Dandamaev, M.Lukonin, V.G., The Culture and Social Institutions of Ancient Iran. . Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1989. Arameans

Healey, John F., "Ancient Aramaic Culture and the Bible." Aram 1 (1989): 31–37. Arameans

Schwartz, G.M., "The Origins of the Aramaeans in Syria and Northern Mesopotamia: Research Problems and Potential Strategies." Pp. 275–91 In To the Euphrates and Beyond: Archeological Studies in Honour of Maurits N. van Loon. Haex, O., et al., ed. Rotterdam: Balkme, 1989. Arameans

Tadmor, H., "על מקומה של הארמית בממלכת אשור." EI (Yadin Volume) 20 (1989): 249–52. Influences Arameans

Lipinski, Edward, "'Mon père était un Araméen errant.' L'histoire, carrefour des sciences bibliques et orientales." OLP 20 (1989a): 23–47. Arameans

Millard, A.R., "Mari." Pp. 418–19 In RlA. Ebeling, E., Meissner, B. et al. , ed. : , 1989b. Arameans

Millard, A.R., "The Homeland of Zakkur." Sem 39 (1989c): 60–66. Arameans Zak

Sapin, J., "Essai sur les structures géographiques de la toponymie araméenne dans les Trouée de Homs (Liban-Syrie) et sur leur signification historique." Transeuphratène 2 (1990): 73–107. Arameans

Zadok, R., "Elements of Aramean Pre-history." Scripta Hierosolymitana 33 (1991): 104–17. Arameans History

Millard, A.R., "Arameans." ABD 1 (1992): 345–50. Arameans

Timm, S., "König Hesion II. von Damaskus." WO 24 (1993): 55–84. History Arameans

Hunter, Erica C. D., "Aramaic-Speaking Communities of Sasanid Mesopotamia." Aram 7 (1995): 319–35. Arameans JBAIncant

Axskjöld, C.-J., Aram as the Enemy-Friend: The Ideological Role of Aram in the Composition of Genesis--2 Kings. Coniectanea biblica: Old Testament Series 45 . Stokholm: Almqvist & Wiksell, 1998. Arameans

Bunnens, G., "Syria in the Iron Age - Problems of Definition," in Bunnens, G., Essays on Syria in the Iron Age, Ancient Near Eastern Studies Supplement 7. Louvain - Paris - Sterling, Virginia: Peeters, 1999. Pp. 3–19. Arameans History

Dalley, Stephanie, "Shamshi-ilu, Language and Power in the Western Assyrian Empire," in Bunnens, G., Essays on Syria in the Iron Age, Ancient Near Eastern Studies Supplement 7. Louvain - Paris - Sterling, Virginia: Peeters, 2000. Pp. 79–88. Arameans

Klengel, H., "The 'Crisis Years' and the New Political System in Early Iron Age Syria - Some Introductory Remarks," in Bunnens, G., Essays on Syria in the Iron Age, Ancient Near Eastern Studies Supplement 7. Louvain - Paris - Sterling, Virginia: Peeters, 2000. Pp. 21–30. Arameans History

Sader, H., "The Aramaean Kingdoms of Syria - Origin and Formation Processes," in Bunnens, G., Essays on Syria in the Iron Age, Ancient Near Eastern Studies Supplement 7. Louvain - Paris - Sterling, Virginia: Peeters, 2000. Pp. 61–76. Arameans History

Daviau, P.M. Michèle, Wevers, John W. and Weigl, Michael, The World of the Aramaeans I-III. Studies in Honour of Paul-Eugène Dion.. JSOT Supplement Series 324, 325, 326 . Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 2001. Arameans

Israel, F., "L'arameo errante e le origini di Israele," in Daviau, P.M. Michèle, Wevers, John W. and Weigl, Michael, eds., The World of the Aramaeans I. Biblical Studies in Honour of Paul-Eugène Dion., JSOT Supplement Series . Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 2001. Pp. 275–287. Arameans

Lemaire, André, "Les premiers rois araméens dans la tradition biblique," in Daviau, P.M. Michèle, Wevers, John W. and Weigl, Michael, eds., The World of the Aramaeans I. Biblical Studies in Honour of Paul-Eugène Dion., JSOT Supplement Series . Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 2001. Pp. 113–143. Arameans OT

Loza Vera, J., "La berît entre Laban et Jacob (Gen 31.43-54)," in Daviau, P.M. Michèle, Wevers, John W. and Weigl, Michael, eds., The World of the Aramaeans I. Biblical Studies in Honour of Paul-Eugène Dion., JSOT Supplement Series . Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 2001. Pp. 57–69. Arameans OT

Peckham, B., "Phoenician and Aramaeans: The Literary and Epigraphical Evidence.," in Daviau, P.M. Michèle, Wevers, John W. and Weigl, Michael, eds., The World of the Aramaeans II. Studies in History and Archaeology in Honour of Paul-Eugène Dion., JSOT Supplement Series . Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 2001. Pp. 19–44. Arameans Alphabet

Wevers, John W., "Aram and Aramaean in the Septuagint," in Daviau, P.M. Michèle, Wevers, John W. and Weigl, Michael, eds., The World of the Aramaeans I. Biblical Studies in Honour of Paul-Eugène Dion., JSOT Supplement Series . Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 2001. Pp. 237–251. Arameans

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