CAL Bibliography for PassOstr


Sayce, A.H., "An Aramaic Ostracon from Elephantinē." PSBA 33 (1911b): 183–84, pl. XXVII. PassOstr TADA4.1

Daiches, S., "The Aramaic Ostracon from Elephantinē and the Festival of Passover." PSBA 34 (1912): 17–23. PassOstr TADA4.1

Sayce, A.H., "The Passover Ostrakon from Elephantiné." PSBA 34 (1912): 212. PassOstr TADA4.1

Schollmeyer, A., "Das Passahfest zu Elephantine." ThGl 4 (1912): 314. PassOstr TADA4.1

Halévy, J., "Un ostracon araméen relatif à  la Pâque des Juifs d'à‰léphantine." RevSém 20 (1912d): 263–64. PassOstr TADA4

Cowley, A.E., "Notes on the Two Ostraka Referred to Above." PSBA 37 (1915a): 221–23. PassOstr APE.92

Driver, G.R., "Problems in Aramaic and Hebrew Texts." Pp. 46–70 In Miscellanea orientalia dedicata Antonio Deimel. , Rome: Pontifical Biblical Institute, 1935. PassOstr APO77.2 GozBdSt LydBil

Sukenik, E.L. and Kutscher, Eduard Yechezkel, "[A Passover Ostracon from Elephantine]." Kedem 1 (1942): 32–36. PassOstr TADA4.1

Dupont-Sommer, A., "Sur la fēte de la Pâque dans les documents araméens d'Eléphantine." REJ 107 (1946-47b): 39–51. TADA4.1 APO77.2 PassOstr

Talmon, S., "Divergences in Calendar-Reckoning in Ephraim and Judah." VT 8 (1958): 48–74. TADA4.1 PassOstr

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