Normally with singular concord for the singular form, however JLA targumim follow a pattern in which concord with an adjective is almost always in the singular, but with a verb it is treated as a plural. Page refs. in other dictionaries: DJPA: 410a; DJBA: 869b; Jastrow: 1086; Levy Ch-W: 2:222; Tal Sam: 644; DNWSI: 864; DJA: 71a; Cook,Qumran: 183;
byt ˁm, byt ˁmˀ n.m. public hall br ˁmmyn n.m. gentile ˁm dˀrˁ, ˁm ˀrˁˀ n.m. common person ˁmm n.m. gentile, non-Jew ˁmmy (ˁamməmāy) adj. gentile
ˁmmy (ˁamməmāy) adj. gentile