Page refs. in other dictionaries: DJBA: 266b; Jastrow: 216; Levy Ch-W: 1:128; Tal Sam: 132; DNWSI: 215; Cook,Qumran: 43;
bgw (bgō/aw) prep. within bny gww, bny gwwˀ intestines gw (gaw/gō) prep. inside, within mn gw prep. from inside of lmgw l_ prep. inside of gwy (gawwāy) adj. interior, inner lgw (lḡō/lḡāw) adv. inside, inward mn lgw, mn gw (men lḡō/aw, milləḡāw) adv. inside, from inside mn lgw l_, mn lgw prep. from inside of lgw (lḡō/lḡāw) prep. into lgw mn (lḡāw min) prep. inward from (a point or periphery) mgyw adv. inside
mn gw prep. from inside of lmgw l_ prep. inside of
lmgw l_ prep. inside of
mn lgw, mn gw (men lḡō/aw, milləḡāw) adv. inside, from inside mn lgw l_, mn lgw prep. from inside of
mn lgw l_, mn lgw prep. from inside of
lgw mn (lḡāw min) prep. inward from (a point or periphery)