Page refs. in other dictionaries: DJPA: 317b; DJBA: 686b; Jastrow: 800; Levy Ch-W: 2:47; Tal Sam: 477a; DNWSI: 660; Cook,Qumran: 144;
ˀtmnyw, ˀtmnywtˀ (ˀiṯmənāyū, ˀiṯmənāyūṯā) v.n.Gt number mynwy, mnwyˀ (minnūy, minnūyā) v.n.D appointment mnh, mntˀ (mənā, mənāṯā/māntā) n.f. part, portion ˁl mnt (ˁal mnāṯ ) prep. for the purpose of ˁl mnt (ˁal mnāṯ ) conj. with the intention that mnyn, mnynˀ (minyān, minyānā) n.m. number, amount
ˁl mnt (ˁal mnāṯ ) prep. for the purpose of ˁl mnt (ˁal mnāṯ ) conj. with the intention that