In JLAtg the vocalizations of the thematic vowel in the perfect vary between /e/ and /a/ in what is now an apparently haphazard fashion; however, enough evidence is found, especially when combined with the general situation elsewhere in the language (compare, e.g., s.v. ḥrb) to argue that /e/ is properly used in the intransitive instances whereas /a/ is found in the transitive cases. Page refs. in other dictionaries: DJPA: 328a; DJBA: 704a; Jastrow: 836; Tal Sam: 484; DNWSI: 690; Cook,Qumran: 148;
mrd, mrdˀ (mred, mirdā) n.m. rebellion mrd adj./n.m. rebellious mrwd, mrwdˀ n.m. wild ass, onager mrwd (mārōḏ, mārōḏā) rebellious mryd (marrīḏ) adj. #2 rebellious