Page refs. in other dictionaries: DJPA: 478a; DJBA: 985b; Jastrow: 1316; Levy Ch-W: 2:345; Tal Sam: 755; DNWSI: 988; DJA: 76b; Cook,Qumran: 205;
ˀštqd (ˀeštəqaḏ) adv. last year dqwdmwy n.m. day-before-yesterday lqdm (l_qŭḏām) prep. in front of; towards the front of mn qdmt dnh adv. previously mn qwdm, mn qdm, mqdm (men qŭḏām) prep./conj from before, in front of qdm ˁd lˀ conj. before qwmy, qmy prep. before lqmy prep. before mn qwmy prep. before mqmy prep. before
lqmy prep. before mn qwmy prep. before mqmy prep. before