Note that in LJLA the root occurs only in the Syriac-based targum Proverbs and in calques from the Biblical Aramaic idiom שים טעם, although in JLA, Sam. and LJLA, there are also rare examples. as Hebraizing variants to the standard שוי Page refs. in other dictionaries: DJPA: 370b; DJBA: 793; Jastrow: 965; Levy Ch-W: 2:150; DNWSI: 1126; Cook,Qumran: 248;
msmh, msmtˀ n.f. terrace (of the altar) sym, symˀ (syām, syāmā) v.n. placing symh, symtˀ (sīmāh, sīmat, sīmṯā) n.f. treasure; placement