Page refs. in other dictionaries: DJPA: 144a; DJBA: 307a; Jastrow: 293; Levy Ch-W: 1:158; Tal Sam: 162; Cook,Qumran: 47;
bd (bḏī > bad) conj. bdy (bḏī > baḏ) conj. inasmuch as bdyl prep. on account of bdyl conj. on account of, because bdkn conj. therefore dy prep. of, genitive particle dyl_ (dīl_) pron. (with pronominal suffixes:) independent possessive pronoun mh dyl_ n.m. property of ... ky (kēy (?)) prep. like dkwwt (diḵwāṯ) prep. like dkmt prep. like dlˀ (dlā) prep. without dlmh (da/ilmā (dīlmā)) adv./conj. lest, perhaps dlˀ adv. lest mh dlmh adv. perhaps dqwdmwy n.m. day-before-yesterday hˀ kdy (hēḵdī) conj. as kd, kdy (kaḏ) conj. when kd_, ky d_ prep. according to kd npq b_ prep. similar to kdw, kdwn (kaddū, kaddūn) adv. now; enough ky (kī) conj. #3 when kyd conj. when; as if ˁl (d_) conj. since
bdyl prep. on account of bdyl conj. on account of, because bdkn conj. therefore
dyl_ (dīl_) pron. (with pronominal suffixes:) independent possessive pronoun mh dyl_ n.m. property of ... ky (kēy (?)) prep. like
mh dyl_ n.m. property of ...
dlˀ adv. lest mh dlmh adv. perhaps
kd_, ky d_ prep. according to kd npq b_ prep. similar to kdw, kdwn (kaddū, kaddūn) adv. now; enough ky (kī) conj. #3 when