The expression חֵילֵי שְמַיָא renders BH that refers undoubtedly to the astronomical divinities of the ANE, but by the time of the targums surely was understood to refer to angels. Page refs. in other dictionaries: DJPA: 199a; DJBA: 455a; Jastrow: 455; Levy Ch-W: 1:254; Tal Sam: 254; DNWSI: 369; Cook,Qumran: 83;
br ḥyl, br ḥylˀ n.m. strong man, soldier ḥwl vb. D to serve in a cohort ḥyl vb. D to strengthen ḥywl n.m. strength ḥyl (ḥayyāl) adj. strong rbḥyl, rbḥylˀ (raḇḥay/ēl, raḇḥaylā) n.m. general
ḥywl n.m. strength ḥyl (ḥayyāl) adj. strong