CAL Bibliography output

CAL Bibliography for TgPs


Peters, C., "Peshitta Psalter und Psalmentargum." Muséon 52 (1939): 275–96. Peshitta TgPs

Grelot, Pierre, "Notes sur un manuscrit inédit du Targum des Psaumes." Parole del'orient 6-7 (1975-76): 421–31. TgPs

Dí­ez Merino, Luis, Targum de Salmos. Tradición sefardí de Alfonso Zamora. Edición Príncipe del Ms. Villa-Amil no. 5. Bibliotheca Hispana Biblica 6 . Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Instituto "Francisco Suârez", 1982. TgPs

Philonenko, M., "De la 'Prière de Jésus' au 'Notre Père' (Abba; targoum du Psaume 89,27; 4Q369,1,2,1-12; Luc 11,2)." RHPR 77 (1997): 133–40. TgPs New Testament

Hamidovià¦, D., "'Les portes de Justice' et 'la porte de YHWH' dans le Psaume 118, 19-20." Bib 81 (2000): 542–550. TgPs

Cassuto, P., "Le Targum sur la psaume 21 (TM 22)," in Dorival, G., David, Jésus et la reine Esther: recherches sur la psaume 21 (22MT), Collection de la REJ 25. Paris: Peeters, 2002. Pp. 29–36. TgPs

Cook, Edward M., "The Psalms Targum: Introduction to a New Translation, with Sample Texts." Pp. 185–201 Targum and Scripture. Flesher, P.V.M., Leiden - Boston: Brill, 2002. TgPs

Dí­ez Merino, Luis, "Exégesis targúmica de Salmo 68." MEAH 53 (2004): 97–122. TgPs

Bernstein, M.J., "A Jewish Reading of Psalms: Some Observations on the Method of the Aramaic Targum," in Flint, P.W. and Miller, P.D. Jr., The Book of Psalms: Composition and Reception, . Leiden: Brill, 2005. Pp. 476–504. TgPs

Edwards, Timothy, "The Targum of Psalms," in Johnston, Phillip and Firth, David G., Interpreting the Psalms: Issues and Approaches, . Downers Grove/Leicester: InverVarsity Press/Apollos, 2005. Pp. 279–294. TgPs

Edwards, Timothy, Exegesis in the Targum of Psalms: The Old, the New, and the Rewritten. Gorgias Dissertations Biblical Studies GD 28. Piscataway: Gorgias Press, 2006. TgPs

Himbaza, Innocent, "Le Targum Pseudo-Jonathan témoin de l'époque du Second Temple," in Legrand, T.//Joosten, Jan, The Targums in the Light of Traditions of the Second Temple Period, SJSJ 167. Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2014. Pp. 173-87. TgPs s

Berkovitz, A.J., "‘May You Redeem the Nation That Completes the Book of Psalms’: An Aramaic Poem and Its Linguistic, Literary and Historical Contexts." Aramaic Studies 17 (2019): 145–73. TgPs SYAP

Berkovitz, A.J., "Translation, Translation Technique, and the Psalm Superscriptions of the Aramaic Targum." JQR 110 (2020): 621–51. TgPs

Berkovitz, A.J., "Parallelism and Beyond: The Relationship between Targum Psalms and Rabbinic Literature." Aramaic Studies 19 (2021): 1–35. TgPs

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