CAL Bibliography for br@)n\$ N


Sjöberg, E., "בן אדם und בר אנש im Hebräischen und Aramäischen." Acta Orientalia 21 (1953): 57–65, 91-107. br@)n$ N

Alexander, P.S., "The Targumim and Early Exegesis of 'Sons of God' in Genesis 6 ." JJS 23 (1972): 60–71. Targums br@)n$ N

Vermès, Géza, Post-Biblical Jewish Studies. Studies in Judaism and Late Antiquity . Leiden: Brill, 1975. br@)n$ N

Fitzmyer, Joseph A., "The New Testament Title 'Son of Man' Philologically Considered," in , A Wandering Aramean: Collected Aramaic Essays, . Missoula, Mont.: Scholars Press, 1979. Pp. 143–60. br@)n$ N

Coppens, J., "Le dossier non biblique de l'expression araméenne בראנש ." ETL 56 (1980): 122–24. New Testament br@)n$ N

Casey, P. Maurice, "Aramaic Idiom and Son of Man Sayings." ExpTim 96 (1984-1985): 233–6. New Testament br@)n$ N

Svedlund, G., "Notes on bar nash and the Detrimental Effects of Its Transformation into the Title 'The Son of Man'." OS 33-35 (1984-1986): 401–13. New Testament br@)n$ N

Toll, C., "Zur Bedeutung des aramäischen bar nash." OS 33-35 (1984-1986): 421–28. br@)n$ N

Casey, P. Maurice, "General, Generic and Indefinite: The Use of the Term "Son of Man" in the Aramaic Sources and in the Teaching of Jesus." JSNT 29 (1987): 21–56. New Testament br@)n$ N

Collins, Adela Yarbro, "The Origin of the Designation of Jesus as 'Son of Man'." HTR 80 (1987): 391–407. br@)n$ N

Chilton, B., "בר אנשא : Human and Heavenly," in Neusner, Jacob, ed., Approaches to Ancient Judaism: New Series, Volume Four: Religious and Theological Studies, South Florida Studies in the History of Judaism . Atlanta, GA: Scholars, 1993. Pp. 97–114. br@)n$ N

Casey, P. Maurice, "The Use of the Term בר אנשא in the Aramaic Translations of the Hebrew Bible." JSNT 54 (1994): 87–118. New Testament Targums Vocab br@)n$ N

Casey, P. Maurice, "Idiom and Translation: Some Aspects of the Son of Man Problem." NTS 41 (1995): 164–82. New Testament br@)n$ N

Lindars, B., "Response to Richard Bauckham: The Idiomatic Use of Bar Enasha," in Evans, C.A. and Porter, S.E., ed., The Historical Jesus, . Sheffield, UK: Sheffield Academic, 1995. Pp. 256–61. br@)n$ N

Loba Mkole, J.-C., "Une synthèse d'opinions philologiques sur le Fils de l'homme." JNSL 22 (1996): 107–23. br@)n$ N

Toll, C., "The Meaning of the Aramaic Expression 'Son of Man': An Addition to J.-C Loba Mkole's 'Synthèse d'opinions philologiques'." JNSL 23 (1997): 225–26. br@)n$ N

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