CAL Bibliography for Avroman


Minns, E. H., "Parchments of the Parthian Period from Avroman in Kurdistan." JHS 35 (1915): 22–65. Avroman

Cowley, A.E., "The Pahlavi Document from Avroman." JRAS 57-58 (1919): 147–54 + photos. Avroman Influences

Sayce, A. H., "Two Notes on Hellenic Asia." JHS 39 (1919): 202–5. Avroman

Sayce, A.H., "The Aramaic Parchment from Avroman." JHS 39 (1919): 202–4. Avroman

Unvala, J. M., "On the Three Parchments from Avroman in Kurdistan." BSOAS 1/4 (1920): 125–44. Avroman

Nyberg, H. S., "The Pahlavi Documents from Avromān." Le monde oriental 17 (1923): 182–230. Avroman

Herzfeld, E. E., "." Paikuli (1924): 83. Avroman

Altheim, F., "." Palaeologia 3 (1954): 45–51. Avroman

Altheim, F. and Stiehl, Ruth, Die aramäische Sprache unter den Achaimeniden, I. . Frankfurt am Main: V. Klostermann, 1963. Naqsh BAEzra Asok.3 TADC1.1 Mcheta Armazi Avroman

Tsereteli, Konstantin, "About the State of Nouns in Aramaic," in Kaye, A.S., ed., Semitic Studies in Honor of Wolf Leslau on the Occasion of His Eighty-Fifth Birthday November 14th, 1991. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1991. Pp. 1571–76. Grammar Armazi ArtashInscr Avroman

Tsereteli, Konstantin, "Les inscriptions araméennes de Géorgie." Sem 48 (1998): 75–88. Paleography Armazi Sisian DedoplisMindori Urbnisi Zguderi Bori MtskhetaSamtavro Avroman Uplistsikhe ArtashInscr Influences

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