CAL Bibliography for Tomb of Jason, Jerusalem

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Lifshitz, B., "Notes d’épigraphie palestinienne." RB 73 (1966): 248–57. JerJasonTomb

Avigad, N., "Aramaic Inscriptions in the Tomb of Jason." [=Atiqot Hebrew Series4 (1964):32-37] IEJ 17 (1967): 101–11. JerJasonTomb

Benoit, P., "L'inscription grecque du tombeau de Jason." IEJ 17 (1967): 112–13. JerJasonTomb

Rahmani, L.Y., "Jason’s Tomb." IEJ 17 (1967): 61–100. JerJasonTomb

Veenhof, K.R., "Nieuwe aramese inscripties." Phoenix 14/1 (1968): 132–42. LurBr Daskyleion ClGan.44 AswSarc.1 AswSarc.2 AswSarc.4 TADA3.3 AbydPap TADC3.28 IranSilLab Bahad.1 JerJasonTomb SealsOf

Hachlili, R., "The Goliath Family in Jericho: Funerary Inscriptions from a First Century A.D. Jewish Monumental Tomb." BASOR 235 (1979): 31–65. GoliathOss JerJasonTomb

Puech, E., "Inscriptions funéraires palestiniennes: tombeau de Jason et ossuaires." RB 90 (1983): 489–533. JerJasonTomb Ossuaries qn N

Hachlili, R., Funerary Customs, Practices and Rites in the Second Temple Period. SJST 94. Leiden: Brill, 2005. Ossuaries JerJasonTomb GivMivAbba TrilJerOss Onomastics

Cotton, H.M. and et al., Corpus Inscriptionum Iudaeae/Palaestinae : a multi-lingual corpus of the inscriptions from Alexander to Muhammad: Part I: Jerusalem, 1-704. . Berlin: De Gruyter, 2010. JPA Collections Ossuaries GivMivOss GivMivAbba JerJasonTomb Jebel Xallet eT-Turi KidValDip $br V qwrbn N

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