CAL Bibliography for Tg Neof


Winter, P., "Eine vollständige Handschrift des palästinensischen Targums aufgefunden." ZNW 48 (1957): 192. Tg Neof

Speier, S., "The Relationship between the ''Arukh' and 'Targum Yerušalmi Neofiti I'." Leshonenu 31 (1966-67): 23–32. Tg Neof

Le Déaut, Roger, "Jalons pour une histoire d'un manuscrit du Targum palestinien (Neofiti 1)." Biblica 48 (1967): 509–33. Tg Neof Targums

Rieder, D., "On the Targum Yerushalmi Ms Neofiti I." Tarbiz 38 (1968): 81–86. Tg Neof

Lund, S., "An argument for Further Study of the Palaeography of Codex Neofiti I." VT 20 (1970): 56–64. Tg Neof Paleography

Klein, M.L., "Text and Vorlagein Neofiti 1." VT 22 (1972): 490–91. Tg Neof

Klein, M.L., "The Notation of Parašot in MS Neofiti 1." Textus 8 (1973): . Tg Neof

Levine, Étan, "Neofiti 1: A Study of Exodus 15." Bib 15 (1973): 301–30. Tg Neof

Ohana, M., "Prosélytisme et targum palestinien: Données nouvelles pour la datation de Néofiti 1." Bib 55 (1974): 317–32. Tg Neof

Tal, Abraham, "Ms Neophyti I: The Palestinian Targum to the Pentateuch: Observations on the Artistry of a Scribe." Israel Oriental Studies 4 (1974): 31–43. Tg Neof

Klein, M.L., "Elias Levita and MS Neofiti 1." Biblica 56 (1975): 242–246. Tg Neof

Okamoto, A. O. H., "A Geonic phrase in MS. Targum Yerushami, Codex Neofiti 1." JQR 66 (1976): 160–67. Tg Neof

Klein, M.L., "Meturgeman and Neofiti 1 -- A Rejoinder." Bib 59 (1978): 267. Tg Neof

Refoulé, F., "Le targum Neofiti." Le monde de la Bible 7 (1979): 52–53. Tg Neof

Kasher, Rimon, "כפלי תרגום בכ׳׳י ניאופיטי." HUCA 57 (1986): א–יט. Targums Tg Neof

McNamara, M., "Early Exegesis in the Palestinian Targum (Neofiti 1) Numbers Chapter 24." PIBA 16 (1993): 57–79. Tg Neof

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