CAL Bibliography for Tg Onq


Berliner, A., Targum Onkelos Vol. I: Text according to Sabioneta V. J. 1557. . : , 1884. Tg Onq

Barnstein, H., The Targum of Onkelos to Genesis. . Heidelberg: Univ. Dissertation, 1896. Tg Onq

Rabinowitz, L., "Onkelos and Aquila." EJ 12 (1905-6): . Tg Onq

Brederek, E., Konkordanz zum Targum Onkelos. BZAW 9. Giessen: Töpelmann, 1906. Tg Onq

Silverstone, A.E., Aquila and Onkelos. . : , 1931. Tg Onq Targums

Sperber, Alexander, "The Targum Onkelos in its Relation to the Masoretic Hebrew Text." PAAJR 6 (1935): 309–51. Tg Onq

Hammer, E.W., "The Onkelos Targum." Interpretation 3 (1949): 174–83. Tg Onq

Díez Macho, A., "Un importante manuscrito targúmico en la Biblioteca Vaticana." Homenaje a Millás-Vallicrosa I (1954): 375–463. Tg Onq

Díez Macho, A., "Valiosos mss. bíblicos en la Biblioteca Nacional y Universitaria de Estrasburgo." EstBib 16 (1957): . Tg Onq

Faur, J., "The Masora of Targum Onqelos." Sinai 60 (1957): 17–27. Tg Onq

Díez Macho, A., "Onqelos Manuscript with Babylonian Transliterated Vocalization inb the Vatican Library." VT 8 (1958): 113–33. Tg Onq

Komlosh, Yehuda, "ביאורים בתרגום אונקלוס." Beth Miqra 3 (1958): 60–62. Tg Onq Targums

Díez Macho, A., "Un manuscrito babilonico de Onqelos en el que se confunden los timbres vocalicos Patah ya Qamez." Sefarad 19 (1959): 273–82. Tg Onq

Goldberg, A.M., "Die spezifische Verwendung des Terminus Schekhinah im Targum Onkelos als Kriterium einer relativen Datierung." Judaica 19 (1963): 43–61. Tg Onq Targums

Kaddari, M.Z., "The Use of d-Clauses in the Language of Targum Onkelos: A Contribution to the Study of Hebrew Vorlage of TO." Textus 3 (1963): 36–59. Tg Onq

Kaddari, M.Z., "עיונים בתחביר לשונו של אונקלוס." [Studies in the Syntax of Targum Onqelos] Tarbiz 32 (1963): 232–51. Tg Onq Grammar

Kaddari, M.Z., "Observaciones sobre la sintaxis de la lengua de Onqelos." Tarbiz 32 (1963): 251. Tg Onq

Vermes, G., "Haggadah in the Ongelos Targum ." JSS 8 (1963): 159–69. Tg Onq

Díez Macho, A., Targum palaestinense in Pentateuchum. Biblia polyglotta matritensia ser. IV. Madrid: C. S. I. C., 1965. Tg Onq

Bowker, J., "Haggadah in the Targum Ongelos." JSS 12 (1967): 51–65. Tg Onq

Boyarin, Daniel, Targum Ongelos to the Pentateuch: A Collection of Fragments. . Jerusalem: Makor, 1973. Tg Onq

Grossfeld, Bernard, "Targum Onkelos and Rabbinic Interpretation to Genesis 2: 1-2." JJS 24 (1973): 176–78. Tg Onq

Malone, J.L., "The Isolation of 'Schematisierung': A Service of Linguistics to Philology." JAOS 94 (1974): 395–400. Tg Onq

Aberbach, M. and Grossfeld, Bernard, Targum Ongelos on Genesis 49: Translation and Analytical Commentary. SBLAS 1. Scholars Press: Missoula, 1976. Tg Onq

Vivian, A., "Ljublijana Fragment Masore z Onkelskim Targumon (Ex 34, 35 -- 35, 9, 35, 12-22)." Bogoslovni Vestnik 37 (1977): 525–65. Tg Onq

Yaeger, Y., "Dialectical Expressions in Tg. Onkelos to Gen.." Beth Mikra 22 (1977): 375–82. Tg Onq

Goshen-Gottstein, Moshe H., "The Language of Targum Onqelos and the Model of Literary Diglossia in Aramaic." JNES 37 (1978): 169–79. Tg Onq

Raffel, D., "The Theology of Targum Onqelos." Beth Mikra 26 (1980): 28–60. Tg Onq

Dov, R.P.K., "התאולוגיה של תרגום אונקלוס." Beth Mikra 84 (1980-81): 28–60. Tg Onq Targums

Aberbach, M. and Grossfeld, Bernard, Targum Onkelos to Genesis: A Critical Analysis Together with an English Translation of the Text (Based on A. Sperber's Edition. . New York: Ktav, 1982. Tg Onq

Dodi, A., "לתצורת הפעלים העלולים בתרגום אונקלוס." [Weak Verb Morphology in Targum Onqelos: 1. Final yȏdVerbs according to the Genizah Fragments] Leshonenu 47 (1982-83): 187–207. Tg Onq Targums Grammar

Grossfield, B., Targum Onqelos to Leviticus and the Targum Onqelos to Numbers: Translated. The Aramaic Bible 8. Wilmington, DE: Glazier, 1988. Tg Onq

Rendsburg, Gary A., "Targum Onqelos to Exod 10:5, 10: 15, Numb 22:5, 22:11." Henoch 12 (1990): 15–17. Tg Onq

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