CAL Bibliography for TgCh


Sperber, Alexander, The Bible in Aramaic: Based on Old Manuscripts and Printed Texts. . Leiden: Brill, 1959-1973. Collections TgO TargumJonathan TgCh Tg.Ruth TgSS Tg.Lam Tg.Qoh TgEsth Targums

Le Déaut, Roger and Robert, J., Targum des Chroniques (Cod. Vat. Urb. Erb. 1): Tome I: Introduction 6 traduction; Tome II: Texte et glossaire. . Rome: Biblical Institute, 1971. TgCh

Begg, Christopher T., "David's Transfer of the Ark according to Josephus." Bulletin for Biblical Research 7 (1997): 11–36. TargumJonathan TgCh

Kalimi, I., "History of Interpretation: the Book of Chronicles in Jewish Tradition from Daniel to Spinoza." RB 105/1 (1998): 5–41. TgCh

Gottlieb, Leeor, "The Hebrew Vorlage of Targum Chronicles." Aramaic Studies 14 (2016): 36–65. TgCh

Gottlieb, Leeor, Targum Chronicles and Its Place among the Late Targums. Supplements to Aramaic Studies 16. Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2020. LJLA TgCh

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