Roman Hebrew


CAL fonts

44001 11QtgJob

   4400101 11QtgJob column 01

   4400102 11QtgJob column 02

   4400103 11QtgJob column 03

   4400104 11QtgJob column 04

   4400105 11QtgJob column 05

   4400106 11QtgJob column 06

   4400107 11QtgJob column 07

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   4400110 11QtgJob column 10

   4400111 11QtgJob column 11

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   4400113 11QtgJob column 13

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   4400133 11QtgJob column 33

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   4400135 11QtgJob column 35

   4400136 11QtgJob column 36

   4400137 11QtgJob column 37

   4400138 11QtgJob column 38

   440017A 11QtgJob column 07A

44002 4Q Targum Texts

   44002156 4Q156 (4QtgLev)

   44002157 4Q157 (4QtgJob)

44003 4QTob

   44003196 4Q196 (4QpapTob ar)

   44003197 4Q197 (4QTob b)

   44003198 4Q198 (4QTob c)

   44003199 4Q199 (4QTob d)

44301 Alleged 4Q legal texts

   44301344 4Q344 (4QDebt Acknowledgement ar)

   44301345 4Q345 (4QDeed A ar or heb)

   44301346 4Q346 (4QDeed of Sale ar)

   44301351 4Q351 (4QAccount of Cereal A ar)

   44301356 4Q356 (4QAccount D ar or heb)

   44301359 4Q359 (4QpapDeed C? ar or heb)

   44301360 4Q360a (4QpapUnidentified Fragments B ar)

44401 Misc. Qumran Cave 4 religious texts

   44401339 4Q339 (List of False Prophets)

   44401529 4Q529=Words of Michael

   44401537 4Q537 (Jacob at Bethel=Testament of Jacob?)

   44401551 4Q551 (4QDanSuz ar=4QNarrative ar)

   44401563 4Q563 (Wisdom Composition)

   44401564 4Q564 (Aramaic F?)

   44401565 4Q565 (Aramaic G=Visionc ar)

   44401566 4Q566 (4Q Prophecyc ar)

   44401567 4Q567 (Aramaic I =unidentified)

   44401568 4Q568 (4Q Prophecyd ar)

   44401569 4Q569 (4Q Proverbs)

   44401570 4Q570 (Aramaic R=unidentified)

   44401571 4Q571 (A fragment of the Words of Michael [i.e join to 4Q529!])

   44401572 4Q572 (Aramaic W=unidentified)

   44401573 4Q573 (Aramaic X=unidentified)

   44401574 4Q574 (Aramaic Y=unidentified)

   44401575 4Q575 (4Q Visiond ar+unidentified frag.)

44402 Misc. Qumran 4Q fragmentary texts

   44402242 4Q242 (Prayer of Nabonidus)

   44402246 4Q246 (Son of God text)

   44402318 4Q318 (4Q Zodiacal Calendar+Brontologion)

   44402488 4Q488

   44402489 4Q489

   44402490 4Q490

   44402538 4Q538 (Testament of Judah)

   44402539 4Q539 (Testament of Joseph)

   44402549 4Q549 (Hur and Miriam = DJD XXXI 4Q Visions de Amramg ar)

   44402556 4Q556 (4QPropha-b ar)

   44402559 4Q559 (A Biblical Chronology)

   44402560 4Q560 (Aramaic Magic Book)

44403 Qumran Enoch

   44403201 4Q201 (4QEn a)

   44403202 4Q202 (4QEn b)

   44403204 4Q204 (4QEn c)

   44403205 4Q205 (4QEn d)

   44403206 4Q206 (4QEn e)

   44403207 4Q207 (4QEn f)

   44403212 4Q212 (4QEn g)

44404 1QapGen

   4440400 1QapGen Column 0 (=1Q20, etc.)

   4440401 1QapGen Column 1

   4440402 1QapGen Column 2

   4440403 1QapGen Column 3

   4440404 1QapGen Column 4

   4440405 1QapGen Column 5

   4440406 1QapGen Column 6

   4440407 1QapGen Column 7

   4440408 1QapGen Column 8

   4440409 1QapGen Column 9

   4440410 1QapGen Column 10

   4440411 1QapGen Column 11

   4440412 1QapGen Column 12

   4440413 1QapGen Column 13

   4440414 1QapGen Column 14

   4440415 1QapGen Column 15

   4440416 1QapGen Column 16

   4440417 1QapGen Column 17

   4440418 1QapGen Column 18

   4440419 1QapGen Column 19

   4440420 1QapGen Column 20

   4440421 1QapGen Column 21

   4440422 1QapGen Column 22

44405 VisAmram, Four Kingdoms and 4QPhysiogar

   44405543 4Q543 (4QVisAmrama)

   44405544 4Q544 (4QVisAmramb)

   44405545 4Q545 (4QVisAmramc)

   44405546 4Q546 (4QVisAmramd)

   44405547 4Q547 (4QVisAmrame)

   44405548 4Q548 (4QVisAmramf)

   44405552 4Q552 (4QFourKingdoms a)

   44405553 4Q553 (4QFourKingdoms b)

   44405561 4Q561 (4QPhysiogar)

   44405562 4Q562 (Aramaic D)

44406 Levi Document

   44406001 4Q213 (4QLevi-a ar)

   44406002 4Q213a (4QLevi-b ar)

   44406003 4Q213b (4QLevi-c ar)

   44406004 4Q214 (4QLevi-d ar)

   44406005 4Q214a (4QLevi-e ar)

   44406006 4Q214b (4QLevi-f ar)

   44406021 1Q21 (1QTLevi)

44407 Astronomical Book of Enoch

   44407001 4QEnastr b 7 ii

   44407002 4QEnastr b 7 iii

   44407003 4QEnastr b 6

   44407004 4QEnastr c 1 ii

   44407005 4QEnastr b 23

   44407006 4QEnastr c 1 iii 3-9

   44407007 4QEnastr b 25

   44407008 4QEnastr b 26

   44407009 4QEnastr b 28

   44407010 4QEnastr d 1 i

   44407011 4QEnastr d 1 ii

   44407012 4QEnastr d 1 iii

44408 Qumran Book of the Giants

   44408203 4Q203=4QEnGiantsa

   44408226 2Q26=2QEnGiants

44409 Qumran unidentified fragments

   44409002 1Q63-68

   44409003 3Q12+14

   44409004 5Q24

   44409005 6Q14+19+23+26+31

44410 4Q texts on Levi and Kohath

   44410540 4Q540

   44410541 4Q541

   44410542 4Q542 Words of Kohath

44411 Qumran New Jerusalem

   44411001 1Q32

   44411002 2Q24

   44411005 5Q15

   44411011 11Q18

   44411554 4QJN a

   44411555 4QJN b

44413 4QpsDan (4Q pseudo-Daniel)

   44413243 4QpsDan a

   44413244 4QpsDan b

   44413245 4QpsDan c

44414 4Q558 (4QpapVisionb ar

44415 4Q208 (4Q Enastr a ar)

44417 4Q534 thru 536 (Elect of God or Birth of Noah)

44550 4Q342 (4QLetter ar)

44601 4Q550 (=4Q (so called) Proto-Esther)

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