Original Manuscript Archival Texts, for a dictionary of which see now Sokoloff, DJA
50300 Contracts and Financial Obligations
50301 Marriage and Divorce
50302 Miscellaneous
50303 Documentary Texts from Nahal Hever
50304 Babatha Archive: Subscriptions and Signatures to Greek texts
50305 Babatha Archive: Legal Texts
50306 Ostraca and Jar Inscriptions from Masada
50307 Various Ostraca from Israel
50350 QarnayimOst : Reports on Delivery of Goods
50351 34Se papDeed ar
50352 Documents from Ketef Jericho
50353 Wadi Sdeir 2 (WS 2)
50550 Bar Koseba (Bar Kochba) Letters
50551 Letters from Masada
50552 Mur.72
Canonical Jewish Literary Aramaic
51001 TgO Gn
51002 TgO Ex
51003 TgO Lv
51004 TgO Nm
51005 TgO Dt
51006 TgJ Jos
51007 TgJ Ju
51008 TgJ 1S
51009 TgJ 2S
51010 TgJ 1K
51011 TgJ 2K
51012 TgJ Is
51013 TgJ Je
51014 TgJ Ez
51015 TgJ Ho
51016 TgJ Joel
51017 TgJ Am
51018 TgJ Ob
51019 TgJ Jonah
51020 TgJ Mi
51021 TgJ Na
51022 TgJ Hab
51023 TgJ Zep
51024 TgJ Hag
51025 TgJ Ze
51026 TgJ Ma
51400 MegTan (Megillat Taanit)
Epigraphic (inscription) Texts
52200 Inscriptions from Israel
52201 Naveh, On Stone and Mosaic
52202 Zoar Tomb Monuments
52203 Beit Shearim
52204 HGemar
52205 Frey 892
52206 Urman
52207 TiberiasQad
52208 Jewish Ossuary Inscriptions
52209 Baalbek
52212 Saba
52700 Amulets
52701 AmGen
52702 Amulets from Syria
52703 Greek-Aramaic Amulet from Egypt
52704 GenizaMagic
Galilean Aramaic
53100 BR (Bereshit Rabba)
53101 VR (Vayyikra Rabba)
53102 PRK (Pesikta de Rav Kahana)
53103 DevR (Devarim Rabba)
53104 EstR (Esther Rabba)
53105 EstAn (An Ancient Midrash to the Book of Esther)
53106 AbgurNew (New Version of Abba Gurion [Midrash to Esther])
53107 SR (Shir ha-Shirim Rabba)
53108 RuR (Ruth Rabba)
53109 Echa Rabba
53110 KohR (Kohelet Rabba)
53111 MSam (Midrash to Samuel)
53112 MPs (Midrash to Psalms)
53113 Midrash Haggadol, Genesis
53114 Yelammedenu Midrash
53115 KohZ (Kohelet Zutta)
53116 KohZg (Kohelet Zutta, ed. Greenberg)
53117 List of Haftarot, from the Geniza
53300 PT (Palestinian Talmud)
53301 KetPap
53302 Geniza Ketubbot
53303 Gaonic Legal Texts
53420 Piyyutim (SYAP)
53550 Pap
53551 Hem
53552 GenizHorol
53600 GnDer (Gaonic Derashot)
Palestinian Targumic
54000 GT (Cairo Geniza mss. of the Palestinian Targum to the Pentateuch)
54001 TN (Targum Neofiti)
54002 FT (Fragment Targums)
54003 TNGl (TNeofMarginalia)
54990 GT (Cairo Geniza mss. organized by chapter)
55000 CPA Bible texts from the early period as known by chapter
55001 CPA Psalms
55002 CCR NT Stuff
55003 BSV1
55400 Homilies and Prayers
55401 CCR.hom
55402 Stories of Faith
55403 Acts, Lives, and Sayings
55404 Due06.martyr
55405 CYR The Catechism of Cyril of Jerusalem
55406 MartArianos
55407 MartMamas
55420 le97 (organized by biblical book)
55421 le97 (as published, by lection)
55422 Lag
55423 LN
55430 Hor
Samaritan Aramaic
56000 SamTg J
56100 Asatir
56101 Tibat Marqe
56420 Liturgical poems