CAL Bibliography for Palmyra Tariff

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Duval, R., "Communication sur la loi fiscale de Palmyre." JA 8/2 (1883): 537–39. Palm Tariff

Cagnat, R., "Remarques sur un tarif récemment découvert à  Palmyre." Revue de philologie 8 (1884): 135–44. Palm Tariff

Dessau, H., "Die Steuertarif von Palmyra." Hermes 19 (1884): 486–533. Palm Tariff

Duval, R., "Le passif dans l'araméen biblique et la palmyrénien." REJ 8 (1884): 57–63. BA Palm Tariff

Reckendorf, S., "Der aramäische Teil des palmyrenschen Zoll-und Steuertarifs." ZDMG 42 (1888): 370–415. Tariff

Chabot, J.-B., "Remarques sur le Tarif de Palmyre." JA (1918): . Palm Tariff

Seyrig, H., "Le statut de Palmyre." Syria 22 (1941): 155–75. Palm Tariff

Piganiol, André, "Observations sur le tarif de Palmyra," in Piganiol, André, by, Scripta varia. III. - L'Empire, Collection Latomus . Bruxelles: Latomus, 1973. Pp. 149–62. Palm Tariff

Shifman, I. Sh., Palmyrene Customs Tariff [Russian]. . Moscow: Izd-vo 'Nauka', 1980. Tariff

Teixidor, Javier, "Le tarif de Palmyre: I. Un commentaire de la version palmyrénienne." AO 1 (1983): 235–52. Palm Tariff

Matthews, J.F., "The Tax Law of Palmyra: Evidence for Economic History in a City of the Roman East." Journal of Roman Studies 74 (1984): 157–80. Palm Tariff

Zahrnt, M., "Zum Fiskalgesetz von Palmyra und zur Geschichte der Stadt in hadrianischer Zeit." ZPE 62 (1986): 279–93. Tariff

Lönnqvist, K., "The Tax Law of Palmyra and the Introduction of the Roman Monetary System to Syria — A Reevaluation," in Lönnqvist, M., Introduction to the Archaeological Studies and the Neighbourhood of Jebel Bishri in Central Syria, BAR International Series 1817. Oxford: Archaeopress, 2008. Pp. 73-88. Law Tariff

Healey, John F., Aramaic Inscriptions and Documents of the Roman Period. Textbook of Syrian Semitic Inscriptions 4. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009. coll Palm Nabataean Tariff

Shifman, I. Sh., The Palmyrene Tax Tariff. JSS Suppl. 33. Oxford: Oxford University Press on behalf of the University of Manchester, 2014. Tariff

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