CAL Bibliography for Law


Oppert, J. and Ménant, J., Documents juridiques de l'Assyrie et de la Chaldée. . Paris: Maisonneuve, 1877. Law

Koschaker, P., "Keilschriftrecht." ZDMG 89 (1935): 1–39. Law

Kutscher, Eduard Yechezkel, "New Aramaic Texts [Review article: E. G. Kraeling The Brooklyn Museum Aramaic Papyri]." JAOS 74 (1954): 233–48. TADB3.2 TADB3.3 TADB3.4 TADB3.5 TADB3.7 TADB3.8 TADB3.9 TADB3.10 TADB3.11 TADB3.12 TADB3.13 TADB1.1 ShFTI TAD D23.1 Elephantine Lexicography Law

Rabinowitz, J.J., , Jewish Law: Its Influence on the Development of Legal Institutions, . New York: Bloch, 1956. Pp. . Law TADB1.1

Volterra, E., "Osservazioni sul divorzio nei documenti aramaici." Pp. 586–600 In Studi orientalistici in onore de Giorgio Levi della Vida. , Rome: Giovanni Bardi, 1956. Elephantine Law

Rabinowitz, J.J., "A Legal Formula in Egyptian, Egyptian-Aramaic and Murabba`at Documents." BASOR 145 (1957b): 33–34. Law Elephantine

Yaron, R., המשפט במסמכי יב. . Jerusalem: Hebrew University, 1961. Elephantine Law

Koffmahn, E., "Die `Restitutionsklausel' in den aramäschen Vertragsurkunden von Murabba`at." RQ 4 (1963-64): 421–27. Mur Law

Shifman, I.Sh., "The Characteristics of Nabataean Private Law according to the Epigraphic Data [Rus.]." Palestinskii Sbornik 11 (1964): 16–24. Nabataean Law

Yaron, R., "Syro-Romana." IURA 17 (1966): 114–64. Law Syriac

Porten, Bezalel and Greenfield, Jonas C., "The Guarantor at Elephantine-Syene." JAOS 89 (1969): 153–57. Elephantine Law TADB1.1 TADB3.1 TADB3.8 TADB3.9 TADB3.10 TADB3.11 TADB3.12 TADB3.13 TADB4.6

Yaron, R., "Review of Archives from Elephantine, by B. Porten." JSS 16 (1971): 240-44. Elephantine Law

Vogt, E., "Review of Studies in the Aramaic Legal Papyri from Elephantine, by Y. Muffs." Or 44 (1975): 129–31. Elephantine Law

Lipinski, Edward, Studies in Aramaic Inscriptions and Onomastics. I. OrLovAn 1. Louvain: Leuven Univ., 1975a. AECT.46 AECT.47 AECT.48 AECT.49 AECT.50 AECT.51 AECT.53 AECT.54 AECT.55 AECT.56 AECT.57 Daskyleion AgacaKale BarH Zak Kesecek GozBdSt Daskyleion LimBil LachAlt Law Onomastics Sf.1 Sf.2 Sf.3 Decree FalashaBil

Ammassari, A., "La redazione del Codice dell'Alleanza (Es 20,22 e 24,3-8) e lo stile degli atti giuridici de Elefantina." Pp. 137–48 In La religione dei Patriarchi. , Rome: Città  Nuova, 1976. Law Elephantine

Porten, Bezalel and Szubin, H.Z., "'Abandoned Property' in Elephantine: A New Interpretation of Kraeling 3." JNES 41 (1982): 123–31. TADB3.4 Law

Szubin, H.Z. and Porten, Bezalel, "'Ancestral Estates' in Aramaic Contracts: The Legal Significance of the Termmhḥsn ." JRAS (1982): 3–9. TADB2.3 TADB3.12 Law

Porten, Bezalel and Szubin, H.Z., "Exchange of Inherited Property at Elephantine (Cowley 1)." JAOS 102 (1982a): 651–54. TADB5.1 Law

Szubin, H.Z. and Porten, Bezalel, "Litigation Concerning Abandoned Property at Elephantine (Kraeling 1)." JNES 42 (1983): 279–84. TADB3.2 Law

Szubin, H.Z. and Porten, Bezalel, "Testamentary Succession at Elephantine." BASOR 252 (1983a): 35–46. Law TADB3.4 TADB3.5 TADB3.7 TADB3.10 TADB3.11 TADB3.12

Sperber, D., A Dictionary of Greek and Latin Legal Terms in Rabbinic Literature. Dictionaries of Talmud, Midrash, and Targum 1. Ramat-Gan, Israel: Bar-Ilan University Press, 1984. Lexicography Law

Kaufhold, H., "Der Richter in den syrischen Rechtsquellen: Zum Einfluss islamischen Rechts auf die christlich-orientalische Rechtsliteratur." OrChrist 86 (1984): 91–113. Syriac Law

Porten, Bezalel and Szubin, H.Z., "Hereditary Leases in Aramaic Letters." BO 42 (1985): 283–88. TADA5.2 TADA5.5 TADA6.4 TADA6.11 Law

Szubin, H.Z. and Porten, Bezalel, "Royal Grants in Egypt: A New Interpretation of Driver 2." JNES 46 (1987): 39–48. TADA6.4 Law

Porten, Bezalel and Szubin, H.Z., "Litigants in the Elephantine Contracts: The Development of Legal Terminology." Maarav 4 (1987a): 45–67. TADB2.1 TADB2.2 TADB2.7 TADB2.8 TADB2.9 TADB2.10 TADB2.11 TADB3.2 TADB3.4 TADB3.5 TADB3.6 TADB3.10 TADB3.11 TADB3.12 TADB5.5 Law

Lipinski, Edward, "Prohibitive and Related Law Formulations in Biblical Hebrew and Aramaic," in , Proceedings of the Ninth World Congress of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem, August 4-12, 1985: Division A, the Period of the Bible, . Jerusalem: World Union of Jewish Studies, 1988. Pp. 143–50. Law

Tepstad, G., "Contributions to the Study of the Aramaic Legal Papyri of Elephantine." Ph.D. Dissertation, UCLA. (1989): . Law

Greenfield, Jonas C., "The Aramaic Legal Texts of the Achaemenid Period." Transeuphratène 3 (1990): 85–92. Law

Hillers, D.R., "Rite: Ceremonies of Law and Treaty in the Ancient Near East." Pp. 351–64 In Religion and Law: Biblical-Judaic and Islamic Perspectives. Firmage, E.B., et al., ed. Winona Lake, Ind.: Eisenbrauns, 1990. Law Elephantine Literature

Kwasman, T. and Parpola, S., Legal Transactions of the Royal Court of Nineveh: Part I, Tiglath-Pileser III through Esarhaddon. State Archives of Assyria 6. Helsinki: Helsinki University, 1991. Law

Lipinski, Edward, "Marriage and Divorce in the Judaism of the Persian Period." Transeuphratène 4 (1991): 63–71. Law

Tepstad, G., "Idioms in Egyptian Aramaic Legal Papyri," in Skarsten, R. and others, Understanding and History in Arts and Sciences, Acta Humaniorum Universitatis Bergensis 1. Oslo: Solum Forlag, 1991. Pp. 51–58. Law Vocab

Wesselius, J.W. and Delsman, W.C., "Aramäische Gebete," in , Lieder und Gebete, TUAT II, 6. Gerd Mohn: Gütersloh, 1991. Pp. 930–36. Law

Westbrook, R., "The Phrase 'His Heart is Satisfied' in Ancient Near Eastern Legal Sources." JAOS 111 (1991): 219–24. Law Tyb A lbb N

Eyre, C.J., "The Adoption Papyrus in Social Context." JEA 78 (1992): 207–21, esp. 213-. Law

Greenfield, Jonas C., "The 'Defension Clause' in Some Documents from Naḥal Hever and Naḥal Ṣe'elim." Revue de Qumrân 15 (1992): 467–71. PYadin Law Nabataean

Szubin, H.Z. and Porten, Bezalel, "An Aramaic Joint Venture Agreement: A New Interpretation of the Bauer-Meissner Papyrus." BASOR 288 (1992): 67–84. TADB1.1 Law

Greenfield, Jonas C., " ." JANES 22 (1993): 39–44. Law

Gropp, D.M., "The Origin and Development of the Aramaic šallîṭ Clause." JNES 52 (1993): 31–36. Law $lyT A

Porten, Bezalel, "Elephantine Aramaic Contracts and the Priestly Literature," in Brettler, M. and Fishbane, M., Minḥah le-Naḥum: Biblical and Other Studies Presented to Nahum M. Sarna in Honour of his 70th Birthday, JSOTS 154. Sheffield: JSOT Press, 1993. Pp. 257–71. Law EgAram khl V $lT V

Healey, John F., "Sources for the Study of Nabataean Law." New Arabian Studies 1 (1994): 203–14. Law Nabataean

Joannès, F. and Lemaire, André, "Contrats babyloniens d'epoque achéménide du B2t-Ab2 Râm avec une épigraphe araméenne." RA 90 (1996): 41–60. Law

Lemaire, André, "Contrat de prēt d'orge sur Tablette Araméenne (VIIe s. av. J.-C.)." Sem 47 (1997): 47–51. Law

Ilan, T., "How Women Differed." BARev 24 (1998): 38–39, 68. XHevSe.BA Law

Azzoni, Annalisa, "Un giuramento ebraico ad Elefantina d'Egitto." ACME: Annali della Facoltà  di Lettere e Filosofia dell'Università  degli Studi "Statale" di Milano 53 (2000): 265–271. TADB2.8 Law

Levine, B.A., "The Various Workings of the Aramaic Legal Tradition: Jews and Nabateans in the Nahal Hever Archive," in Marquis, G., ed., The Dead Sea Scrolls Fifty Years after Their Discovery: Proceedings of the Jerusalem Congress, July 20-25, 1997. Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society and the Shrine of the Book, Israel Museum, 2000. Pp. 836–851. Law Nabataean

Muffs, Y., Studies in the Aramaic Legal Papyri from Elephantine. Handbook of Oriental Studies 66. Leiden: Brill, 2003. Elephantine Law

Westbrook, R., A History of Ancient Near Eastern Law (2 vols). Handbook of Oriental Studies. Section 1 The Near and Middle East 72. Leiden: Brill, 2003. Law

Gropp, D.M., "The Samaria Papyri and the Babylonio-Aramean Symbiosis," in Schiffman, L.H., SEMITIC PAPYROLOGY IN CONTEXT: A Climate of Creativity. Papers from a New York University conference marking the retirement of Baruch A. Levine, Culture and History of the Ancient Near East14. Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2003. Pp. 24-49. SamPap Law

Nutkowicz, H., "Note sur une institution juridique á Éléphantine, ˁdh 'La cour'." Transeuphratène 27 (2004): 181–85. Elephantine Law (dh N

Healey, John F., "New Evidence for the Aramaic Legal Tradition: From Elephantine fo Edessa," in Alexander, P.S.//et al., Studia Semitica: JSS Jubilee Volume, JSS sup 16. Oxford: OUP, 2005. Pp. 115-27. Law P.Euphr. 6-7

Healey, John F., "The Writing on the Wall: Law in Aramaic Epigraphy," in Bienkowski, P.//et al., Writing and Ancient Near Eastern Society: Papers in Honor of Alan R. Millard, . New York and London: T & T Clark, 2005. Pp. 127-41. Law Hatran Nabataean

Botta, Alejandro F., "The Legal Function and Egyptian Background of the שליט Clause: A Reevaluation." MAARAV 13.2 (2006): 193–209. Elephantine Law $lyT A

Gross, Andrew D., Continuity and Innovation in the Aramaic Legal Tradition. SJSJ 128. Leiden: Brill, 2008. Elephantine Law zrp#2 V $xrc N xlT V )Tr V $py V $lyT A rhT V qwm V pcl#2 V

Lönnqvist, K., "The Tax Law of Palmyra and the Introduction of the Roman Monetary System to Syria — A Reevaluation," in Lönnqvist, M., Introduction to the Archaeological Studies and the Neighbourhood of Jebel Bishri in Central Syria, BAR International Series 1817. Oxford: Archaeopress, 2008. Pp. 73-88. Law Tariff

Botta, Alejandro F., The Aramaic and Egyptian Legal Traditions at Elephantine. Library of Second Temple Studies 64. London and New York: T and T Clark, 2009. Elephantine Law Interf $lyT A rxq V mrxq N

Alzoubi, M., Les formles juridiques dans les inscriptions nabatéennes: Étude analytique. . Saarbrücken: Presses Académiques Francophones/Akademikerverlag GmbH, 2012. Nabataean Law qy$) d

Cussini, E., "What Women Say and Do (in Aramaic Documents)," in Lanfranchi, G.B.//et al., LEGGO! Studies presented to Prof. Frederick Mario Fales on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday, . Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2012. Pp. 161-71. Law

Azzoni, Annalisa, "Women of Elephantine and Women in the Land of Israel," in Botta, Alejandro F., In the Shadow of Bezalel: Aramaic, Biblical, and Ancient Near Eastern Studies in Honor of Bezalel Porten, Library of Second Temple Studies 64. Leiden: Brill, 2013. Pp. 3-12. Elephantine Law

Botta, Alejandro F., "Three Additional Aramaic-Egyptian Parallel Legal Terms/Formulae," in Botta, Alejandro F., eds., In the Shadow of Bezalel: Aramaic, Biblical, and Ancient Near Eastern Studies in Honor of Bezalel Porten., Library of Second Temple Studies 64. Leiden: Brill, 2013. Pp. 29-38. Elephantine Law twb V

Botta, Alejandro F., "Hated by the Gods and your Spouse: Legal Use of שנא in Elephantine and its Ancient Near Eastern Context," in Kratz, R.G.//Hagedorn, A.C, Law and Religion in the Eastern Mediterranean, . Oxford: OUP, 2013. Pp. 105-27. Elephantine Law sny V

Cussini, E., "The Career of Some Elephantine and Murašû Scribes and Witnesses," in Botta, Alejandro F., In the Shadow of Bezalel: Aramaic, Biblical, and Ancient Near Eastern Studies in Honor of Bezalel Porten, Library of Second Temple Studies 64. Leiden: Brill, 2013. Pp. 39-52. Elephantine Law

Healey, John F., "Fines and Curses: Law and Religion among the Nabataeans and their Neighbours," in Hagedorn, A.C.//Kratz, R.G., Law and Religion in the Eastern Mediterranean from Antiquity to Early Islam. Oxford: OUP, 2013. Pp. 165-86. Law

Cussini, E., "Predial Servitudes and Easements in Aramaic Documents of Sale," in Gaspa, S.//et al., From Source to History Studies on Ancient Near Eastern Worlds and Beyond: Dedicated to Giovanni Battista Lanfranchi on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday on June, AOAT 412. Münster: Ugarit-Verlag, 2014. Pp. 87-98. Law

Kühn, D., "Society, Institutions, Law, and Economy," in Niehr, H., The Aramaeans in Ancient Syria, . Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2014. Pp. 37-70. History OldAram Law

Morrow, A.R., "I Hate my Spouse: The Performative Act of Divorce in Elephantine Aramaic." JNSL 43 (2017): 7–25. Law Eleph sny V

Gvaryahu, A., "מטבעות לשון: ׳קלוטו של ים׳; ׳טרשא׳." Leshonenu 79 (2018): 247–67. Law Vocab qlwT N Tr$#2 N

Paz, Y., "The Torah of the Gospel: A Rabbinic Polemic against The Syro-Roman Lawbook ." HTR 112 (2019): 517–40. Law SRLawBook

Azzoni, Annalisa, "Family Life and Law at Elephantine," in Folmer, M.L., Elephantine Revisited: New Insights into the Judean Community and its Neighbors. University Park: Eisenbrauns, 2022. Pp. 17-23. Elephantine Law

Botta, Alejandro F., "Law in Elephantine: Crimes and Misdemeanors," in Folmer, M.L., Elephantine Revisited: New Insights into the Judean Community and its Neighbors. University Park: Eisenbrauns, 2022. Pp. 36-44. Elephantine Law

Nutkowicz, H., "Some Aspects of Family Bonds in the Judean Community of Elephantine," in Folmer, M.L., Elephantine Revisited: New Insights into the Judean Community and its Neighbors. University Park: Eisenbrauns, 2022. Pp. 24-35. Elephantine Law

Gross, Andrew D., "Legal Metaphors in Aramaic," in Coleman, S.M.//Gross, A.D.//Litke, A.W., Mallephana Rabba: Aramaic Studies in Honor of Edward M. Cook, Perspective on Linguistics and Ancient Languages15. Piscataway, NJ, USA: Gorgias Press, 2023. Pp. 25-49. Law TAD

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