CAL Bibliography for TgJ


Knudsen, Ebbe Egede, A Targumic Aramaic reader: Texts from Onkelos and Jonathon. Semitic Study Series . Leiden: Brill, 1981. TgO TgJ

Ribera i Florit, Josep, Targum Jonatán de los profetas posteriores en tradición babilónica: Isaias. Textos y estudios . Madrid: Consejo superior de investigaciones cientificas, 1987. TgJ

Díez Merino, Luis, "Hermenéutica targúmica de los topónimos en el Targum de Oseas, Joel, Amós y Abdías." Miscelánea de estudios árabes y hebraicos. Sección de hebreo 49 (2000): 39–63. TgJ Toponyms

Smelik, W.F., "Trouble in the Trees! Variant Selection and Tree Construction Illustrated by the Texts of Targum Judges." Aramaic Studies 1 (2003): 247–87. TgJ TgJ.Judg

Patmore, H.M., "The Transmission of Targum Jonathan in the West: Initial Results from the Mixed Western Textual Group." Aramaic Studies 10 (2012): 23–52. TgJ

van Nes, H., "And the Streams of Rome Will Be Turned into Pitch: Attitudes towards Rome in European Versions of Targum Jonathan." Aramaic Studies 10 (2012): 125–43. TgJ

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