CAL Bibliography for TgO


Schoenfelder, J. M., Onkelos und Peschitto: Studien über das Alter des Onkelos'schen Targums. . Munich: Lentner, 1869. Peshitta TgO

Sperber, Alexander, The Bible in Aramaic: Based on Old Manuscripts and Printed Texts. . Leiden: Brill, 1959-1973. Collections TgO TargumJonathan TgCh Tg.Ruth TgSS Tg.Lam Tg.Qoh TgEsth Targums

Kahle, Paul E., Masoreten des Ostens: Die ältesten punktierten Handschriften des Alten Testaments und der Targume. . Hildesheim: G. Olms, 1966. Targums TgO

Díez Merino, Luis, "Targum al Pentateuco en tradición babilonica." Augustinianum 12 (1972): 297–318. TgO

Knudsen, Ebbe Egede, A Targumic Aramaic reader: Texts from Onkelos and Jonathon. Semitic Study Series . Leiden: Brill, 1981. TgO TgJ

Rappel, D., Targum Onkelos as a Commentary on the Torah [Heb]. Sifriyat Helal ben Hayim . [Tel Aviv]: Hakibbutz Hameuchad, 1985. TgO

Doron, P., "The Methodology of Targum Onkelos." EstBib 43 (1985): 173–87. TgO

Garr, W.R., "''Ay>a'' in Targum Onqelos." JAOS 111 (1991): 712–19. Grammar TgO

Klein, M.L., "Serugin (Shorthand) of Onqelos from the Cairo Genizah." MAARAV 8/2 (1992 [appeared Nov. 1993]): 275–87. TgO

Posen, R.B., "Rhetorical Questions in Targum Onkelos [Heb]," in , Proceedings of the Eleventh World Congress of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem, June 22-29, 1993: Division A. Jerusalem: Magnes, 1994. Pp. 123–30. TgO

Glessmer, U., Einleitung in die Targume zum Pentateuch. Texte und Studien zum Antiken Judentum 48 . Tübingen: J. C. B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck), 1995. LangGen TgO GT Tg.Neofiti FragmentTargum TgPsJ

Bombeck, Stefan, "Das Partizip mit der entklitischen Subjektsform des Personalpronomens in den Targumen Onkelos, Pseudo-Jonathan and Neofiti." BN 80 (1995): 16–19. Grammar TgO TgPsJ Tg.Neofiti

Heger, P., "קטר: נסק-סלק --A Study of Two Different Verbs Used by Onkelos to Translate the Term קטר of the Masoretic Text." ZAW 107 (1995): 466–81. TgO Vocab slq V

Klein, M.L., "A Fragment-Targum of Onqelos from the Cairo Genizah," in Zevit, Z. and others, ed., Solving Riddles and Untying Knots: Biblical, Epigraphic, and Semitic Studies in Honor of Jonas C. Greenfield. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1995. Pp. 101–5. TgO

Wesselius, J.W., "Biblical Poetry through Targumic Eyes: Onkelos' Treatment of Genesis 49:8-12," in Dyk, J.W. et al., eds., Give Ear to My Words: Psalms and Other Poetry in and around the Hebrew Bible: Essays in Honour of Professor N. A. van Uchelen. Amsterdam: Societas Hebraica Amstelodamensis, 1996. Pp. 131–45. TgO

Begg, Christopher T., "The Cisjordanian Altar(s) and Their Associated Rites according to Josephus." BZ 41/2 (1997): 192–211. TgO.Deut TgO TgJ.Josh TargumJonathan TN.Deut Tg.Neofiti TgPsJ.Deut TgPsJ

Klein, M.L., "The Masorah to Onqelos: A Reflection of Targumic Consciousness." HUCA 68 (1997): 63–75. TgO

Drazin, I., "Dating Targum Onkelos by Means of the Tannaitic Midrashim." JJS 50 (1999): 246–258. TgO

Dí­ez Merino, Luis, "El Targum Onqelos en tradición sefardí." EstBíb 57 (1999): 205–225. TgO

Flesher, P.V.M., "Is Targum Onqelos a Palestinian Targum? The Evidence of Genesis 28-50." JSP 19 (1999): 35–79. TgO

Luc, A., "Like One of Us? Targum Onqelos and Genesis 3.22." JAB 1 (1999): 219–223. TgO

Posen, R.B., "An example of 'Parshegen' [Heb]." Beit Mikra 157 (1999): 174–182. TgO

Klein, M.L., The Masorah to Targum Onqelos. Academic Studies in the History of Judaism . Binghamton, NY: Global Publications, State University of New York at Binghamton, 2000. TgO

Müller-Kessler, Christa, "The Earliest Evidence for Targum Onqelos from Babylonia and the Question of its Dialect and Origin." JAB 3 (2001): . TgO

Lambdin, T.O., An Introduction to the Aramaic of Targum Onqelos. . Cambridge, MA: Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, Harvard University, 2002. Grammar TgO

Frank, Y., Grammar for Gemara and Targum Onkelos : an introduction to Aramaic. . Nanuet, NY: Feldheim Publishers, 2003. Grammar JBA TgO

Posen, R.B., העקיבות התרגומית בתרגום אונקלוס. . Jerusalem: Magnes, Heb. Univ., 2004. TgO

DeRouchie, J.S., "Circumcision in the Hebrew Bible and Targums: Theology, Rhetoric, and the Handling of Metaphor." Bulletin for Biblical Research 14 (2004): 175–203. TgO TargumJonathan

Cook, Edward M., A Glossary of Targum Onkelos: According to Alexander Sperber's Edition. Studies in the Aramaic Interpretation of Scripture 6. Leiden: Brill, 2008. Lexicography TgO

Garr, W.R., "The determined plural ending in Targum Onqelos.," in Gzella, H. and Folmer, M.L., Aramaic in its Historical and Linguistic Setting, AWL Mainz, Ver. der Or. Kommission 50. Wiesbaden: Harrasowitz, 2008. Pp. 173–206. Grammar TgO

Tal, Abraham, "The Role of Targum Onqelos in Literary Activity During the Middle Ages," in Gzella, H. and Folmer, M.L., Aramaic in its Historical and Linguistic Setting, Akad. d. Wissenschaften u.d. Literatur-Mainz; Ver. d. Orientalischen Kommission 50. Wiesbaden: Harrasowitz, 2008. Pp. 107–30. TgO JLA LJLA Samar

Lier, G., A Readaction Hisotry of the Pentateuch Targums. Gorgias Dissertations in Biblical Studies 53. Piscataway: Gorgias, 2010. TgO TgPsJ Tg.Neofiti

Lee, K.-J., "Hapax legomena and the Development of Proto-Onqelos: The Case of Genesis," in Meyers, E.M.//Flesher, P.V.M., Aramaic in Postbiblical Judaism and Early Christianity,, Duke Judaic Studies 3. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2010. Pp. 245-68. TgO

Folmer, M.L., "The translation of Biblical Hebrew clauses with כְּ / בְּ construct infinitive in Targum Onqelos." Aramaic Studies 11 (2013): 113–44. TgO TranslationTechnique

Tsolin, Dmytro, "Some Syntactic Aspects of the Verse Structure in the Targum Onqelos." Aramaic Studies 12 (2014): 53–88. TgO

Blau, Joshua, "The Extension of Targumic Words in the Wake of Biblical Homonymic/Polysemic Vocables." Leshonenu 78 (2015): 201–6. Vocab Influences Targums TgO dnn X )r( V s(r V cdy V

Fassberg, S.E., "Translation Technique in Targum Onqelos: The Rendering of Hebrew הל׳ך," in Hutton, J.M.//Rubin, A.D., EPIGRAPHY, PHILOLOGY, AND THE HEBREW BIBLE: Methodological Perspectives on Philological and Comparative Study of the Hebrew Bible in Honor of Jo Ann Hackett, Ancient Near East Monographs 12. Atlanta: SBL Press, 2015. Pp. 97-108. TgO TranslationTechnique hlk V hwk V

Amsterdam, A., "הערה ל׳דחילו׳ בתרגום אונקלוס." [A Note on דחילו in Targum Onkelos] Leshonenu 80 (2018): 358. TgO dxyl A

Sznol, Sh., "Targum Onkelos and Rabbinic Interpretation in the Jewish Greek Tanslations of the Bible," in Shepherd, D.J.//et al., Septuagint, Targum and Beyond: Comparing Aramaic and Greek Versions from Jewish Antiquity, JSJS193. Leiden: Brill, 2020. Pp. 289-316. Septuagint TgO

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