Treated as masculine in JBA and LJLA in the expression עינא בישא. Page refs. in other dictionaries: DJPA: 403a; DJBA: 855b; Jastrow: 1071; Levy Ch-W: 2:212; Tal Sam: 632b; DNWSI: 839; DJA: 70a; Cook,Qumran: 177;
byt ˁynyn, byt ˁynˀ (bēṯ ˁaynīn, bēṯ ˁaynē) n.m. forehead kˁyn (kˁēn) prep. like, similar to lˁyn, lˁyny (ləˁēn) prep. before one's eyes, face to face mˁyn, mˁynˀ (maˁyan, mˁīnā/maˁyənā) n.f./m. #2 fountain mˁyn (mēˁēn) prep. similar to ˁwnh, ˁwntˀ n.f. connecting piece of a yoke ˁyyqh, ˁyyqtˀ n.f. tightness ˁyn vb. D to look at ˁyny vb. to guard, to watch