Brown, J.P., "The Septuagint as a Source of the Greek Loan-Words in the Targums." Bib 70 (1989): 194–216. Targums Influences Loanwords gywr A ptkr N mnyk N krwspd N bsys N Tyqs N krkwm N qdrws N prp N psktyrw N
Monferrer-Sala, J.P., "Greek Administrative Loanwords in Nabataean Inscriptions." Mediterranean Language Review 20 (2013): 97–114. Influences Nabataean bsys N byms N )pyTrwp) N hpstywn N qysr N qnTryn N )cTrtg N hprky) N hprk N hwpwgrp) N klyrk N
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