CAL Bibliography for Loanwords


Krauss, S., Griechische und lateinische Lehnwörter im Talmud, Midrasch und Targum. . Berlin: , 1898-99. Vocab Loanwords Interf

Soden, W. von, " izqātu,išqātu'Kettenringe', ein aramäisches Lehnwort." AfO 20 (1963): 155. BADan Loanwords (zqh N

Coxon, Peter W., "Greek Loan-Words and Alleged Greek Loan Translations in the Book of Daniel." Transactions of the Glasgow University Oriental Society 25 (1973-74): 24–40. BA BADan Loanwords

Kaufman, Stephen A., The Akkadian Influences on Aramaic. Assyriological Studies 19. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1974. Interf Loanwords )b#2 N )b#4 N )bw#2 N )bwt N )gwr N )gwr#3 N )gn N )grh N )dwwt) N )dlt) N )wwr N )wlh N )wmn N )wrbt) N )kr N )lp N )md V )md#2 V )mty c )sh N )swp N )skwph N )pwt) N )pkl N )pr N )prqyd X )pt)#2 N )ptm X )r) N )rgwbl N )rdkl N )rx#3 N )ryx#2 N )ryt N )rch N )$y#2 N )$kr N )$$ N )$tym N )$tqd X )twn N )tly) N )tn#2 N bb N bwby N bwkn N bwcyn N bwry#2 N byb N byrh N byrnh N blw N blTy N b(l@T(m N b(l@pqt N b(ldbb N b(ldyn N bryt) N gyny) N gys N gl#5 N gnwn N g$wr N dbb N dn#2 N dp N d$ N hwrd) N hlk N wr$n N zbn V zbny N zwpryn N zyw N zyp N zky V zmn N zrnwq N x)ry N xbwl#2 N xwq N xzn N xlyc N xm#2 N xcb N xryc N Tm N T(m N kdm N kwk#4 N kwky N kwsp) N kwr#5 N kwtl N ky$ N kyth N kk N klb) N klk#2 N knwn N knt N kr#2 N krblh N k$d N lbh N lwbr A lxn N lyly#2 N mgn X mdr#3 N mwqr#2 N mwtn N mzl N mxr N my c mks#2 N mlw$ N mn) N mndh N mrwl N m$wny N m$kwn N m$kn#2 N mtwr N nbz#2 N nbzbh N ngw N ngr N ndbk N nwsx N nwr#2 N nzy N nksyn N nktm) N nl N nmrh N npxr N sblh#2 N sgn N sdyn#2 N swwr) N swkr N swsw N swt N sxr#5 N sTy A skn N snb b srys N ($h N p)q A pgwd N pwxr#2 N pxh N plg#6 N prys N prk#2 N ptwr N pty#3 N cbt#2 V cbt N qwp#4 N qrcyn N rby#3 N rpq V rp$ N rqh N rqy N r$y V $)r#2 N $bb N $bx#2 V $glh N $d N $dh#2 N $wly#2 N $wq N $w$byn N $wt N $yzb V $ycy V $kll V $kn#2 N $ld N $lh#2 N $ncy V $nt V $pt)#2 N $qwp N $qq N $r$y#2 V twbly N txwm N tyr A tl N tlym N tnwrh N tp N trbc N trgmn N trngl N

Brock, Sebastian P., "Some Aspects of Greek Words in Syriac," in Dietrich, A., Synkretismus im syrisch-persischen Kulturgebiet, . Göttingend: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1975. Pp. 80-108. Syriac Interf Loanwords

Rundgren, F., "Aramaica III: An Iranian Loanword in Daniel." OS 25-26 (1976-77): 45–55. BADan Loanwords

O'Connor, M., "The Arabic Loanwords in Nabatean Aramaic." JNES 45 (1986): 213–29. Nabataean Loanwords )cdq N rhn V )xr N n$yb N

Rosenthal, Franz, Greenfield, Jonas C. and Shaked, Shaul, "Aramaic." Pp. 250–61 In Encyclopaedia Iranica II/3. Yarshater, E., ed. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1986. Influences Loanwords

Brown, J.P., "The Septuagint as a Source of the Greek Loan-Words in the Targums." Bib 70 (1989): 194–216. Targums Influences Loanwords gywr A ptkr N mnyk N krwspd N bsys N Tyqs N krkwm N qdrws N prp N psktyrw N

Sabar, Yona, "General European Loanwords in the Jewish Neo-Aramaic Dialect of Zakho, Iraqi Kurdistan," in Heinrichs, Wolfhart, Studies in Neo-Aramaic, Harvard Semitic Museum: Harvard Semitic Studies . Atlanta: Scholars, 1990. Pp. 53–67. ModAram Zakho Loanwords Vocab Influences

Greenfield, Jonas C., "Some Arabic Loanwords in the Aramaic and Nabatean Texts from Naḥal Ḫever." Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam 15 (1992): 10–21. Vocab Nabataean Loanwords bry#3 V br)wn N cpy V

Wasserstein, A., "A Note on the Phonetic and Graphic Representation of Greek Vowels and of the Spiritus Asper in the Aramaic Transcription of Greek Loanwords." Scripta classica israelica 12 (1993): 200–208. Influences Loanwords

Shaked, Shaul, "Items of Dress and Other Objects in Common Use: Iranian Loanwords in Jewish Babylonian Aramaic." Irano-Judaica 3 (1994): 106–115. Interf Lexicography Loanwords

Healey, John F., "Lexical Loans in Early Syriac: A Comparison with Nabataean Aramaic." Studi epigrafici e linguistici 12 (1995): 75–84. Syriac Nabataean Vocab Loanwords

Brock, Sebastian P., "Greek Words in Syriac: some General Features." Scipta classica Israelica 15 (1996): 251–62. Syriac Interf Loanwords

Azzoni, Annalisa and Lippert, Sandra Luisa, "An Achaemenid Loanword in the Legal Code of Hermopolis: 3bykrm." Enchoria 26 (2000): 20–30. Loanwords )bygrn N

Odisho, E.Y., "The Role of Aspiration in the Transliteration of Loanwords in Aramaic and Arabic," in Arnold, Werner and Bobzin, H., Sprich doch mit deinem Knechten aramäisch, wir verstehen es! Festschrift für Otto Jastrow zum 60. Geburtstag. (Weisbaden: Harrossowitz, 2002, . Weisbaden: Harrossowitz, 2002. Pp. 489–501. Grammar Orthography Loanwords

Ciancaglini, Claudia A., "Iranian loanwords in Syriac : Some problems in chronology and cultural history," in Cereti, C.G. et al., Orientalia Romana VIII : Middle Iranian lexicography : proceedings of the Conference held in Rome, 9-11 April 2001, . ROme: Ist. Italiano per l’Africa e l, 2005. Pp. 253-76. Loanwords Syriac Interf Influences

Ciancaglini, Claudia A., "L'origine delle locuzioni verbali con ʿbd in siriaco," in Borbone, P.G. et al., Loquentes linguis : studi linguistici e orientali in onore di Fabrizio A. Pennacchietti, . Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2006. Pp. 173084. Syriac Loanwords Interf (bd V

Tavernier, J., Iranica in the Achaemenid Period (ca. 550-330 B.C.): Lexicon of Old Iranian Proper Names and Loanwords, Attested in Non-Iranian Texts. OLA 158. Leuven: Peeters, 2007. Lexicography Interf Loanwords Persep

Ciancaglini, Claudia A., Iranian Loanwords in Syriac. Beiträge zur Iranistik 28. Wiesbaden: Dr. Ludwig Reichert, 2008. Lexicography Loanwords Syriac Interf Influences

Kogan, Leonid and Loesov, S. , "Review of Ciancaglini, Iranian Loanwords." Babel und Bibel 6 (2008): 575–86. Loanwords Syriac Interf Influences

Lattke, M., "Greek Words in the Syriac Text of the Apology of Aristides," in Kiraz, G.A., Malphono w-Rabo d-Malphone: Studies in Honor of Sebastian P. Brock, Gorgias Eastern Christian Studies 3. Piscataway: Gorgias, 2008. Pp. 383-403. Loanwords Syriac

Ciancaglini, Claudia A., "Calchi e paretimologie dotte nell'interferenza siro-iranica." [Calques and learned false etymologies in Syriac-Iranian interference] Incontri linguistici 33 (2010): 187–205. Syriac Interf Loanwords

Basharin, P., "Akkadian, Hebrew and Arabic Loanwords in Aramaic Ideograms in Pahlavi," in Tokhtasev, S.//et al., COMMENTATIONES IRANICAE Vladimiro f. Aaron Livschits nonagenariodonum natalicium, . St. Petersburg: Nestor-Historia, 2013. Pp. 143-56. Ideograms Nisa Loanwords

Ciancaglini, Claudia A. and Alfieri, Luca, "Iranian and Greek influence on the Syriac lexicon : the emergence of compound words." Incontri linguistici 36 (2013): 109–38. Syriac Vocabulary Interf Loanwords

Butts, A.M., "The use of Syriac Derivational Suffixes with Greek Loanwords." Or NS 83 (2014): 207-37. Loanwords Syriac Greek Interf

Heijmans, Sh., "A Remark on the Form of Greek Loanwords in the Targum." Aramaic Studies 12 (2014): 27–31. Greek Loanwords Targums nns N )ystnys N )ksdr) N

Butts, A.M., "The integration of consonants in Greek loanwords in Syriac." Aramaic Studies 14 (2016): 1–35. Syriac Loanwords

Mutzafi, Hezy, "Akkadian substrate words and meanings surfacing in Neo-Aramaic." Brill's journal of Afroasiatic languages and linguistics 10 (2018): 24–51. Loanwords NENA ModAram )mh#4 N

Stadel, C. and Shemesh, M., "Greek Loanwords in Samaritan Aramaic." Aramaic Studies 16 (2018): 144–81. Samar Loanwords Interf )zbys A )y c nysws N )ksny A bwl N bysh N dls V dms#3 N dymwsyn N Tws N TTh X kkln N kyr#2 N lpyc N mrcwp N nwmyq N nmy N nmy#2 V nms#2 N sbny N swsn N qsT N prn N qns V qrqws N rTyn) N

Mutzafi, Hezy, "Further Akkadian Substrate Words and Meanings Surfacing in Neo-Aramaic." Orientalia 88 (2019): 210–37. NENA Vocab Loanwords ksn)#2 N bny V

Huehnergard, J., "The Legacy of Akkadian," in Vita, J-P., History of the Akkadian Language, volume 2. Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2021. Pp. 1481-1531. Loanwords Influences Akkadian

Ciancaglini, C.A., "IRANIAN LOANWORDS IN SYRIAC SEIZE ANS APRÈS," in Nicosia, M., Syriac Lexis and Lexica: Compiling ancient and modern vocabularies, Perspectives on Linguistics and Ancient Languages16. Piscataway, NJ : Gorgias, 2024. Pp. 95-117. Loanwords Syriac Interf Influences

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