CAL Bibliography for m)mr N


Hamp, V., Der Begriff 'Wort' in den aramäischen Bibelübersetzungen. . : , 1938. Targums m)mr N

McNamara, M., "Logos of the Fourth Gospel and Memra of the Palestinian Targum (Ex 1242)." ExpTim 79 (1967-68): 115–17. AramaicInGospels m)mr N

Borgen, P., "Observations on the Targumic Character of the Prologue of John." NTS 16 (1969-70): 288–95. AramaicInGospels Targums m)mr N

Hayward, C.T. R., "The Memraof YHWH and the Development of its Use in Targum Neofiti I." JSS 25 (1974): 412–18. Tg Neof 1 Targums m)mr N

Jansma, T., "Aphraate's Demonstration VII # 18 and 20; Some Observations on the Discourse on Penance." Parole de l'Orient 5 (1974): 21–48. br N qym N m)mr N txwy N )grh N pys N

Sabourin, L., "The Memraof God in the Targums." BTB 6 (1976): 79–85. Targums m)mr N

Hayward, C.T. R., "Memra and Shekhina: A Short Note." JJS 31 (1980): 210–13. Targums m)mr N $kynh N

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