CAL Bibliography for AramaicInGospels


Wright, A., "The Origins of the Gospels." ExpTim 4 (1892-1993): 275. AramaicInGospels

Marshall, J.T., "The Semitic and the Greek Gospels." ExpTim 8 (1896-1997): 90–91. AramaicInGospels

Nestle, E., "The Semitic and the Greek Gospels." ExpTim 8 (1896-1997): 42–43, 138-39. AramaicInGospels

Blass, F., Philology of the Gospels. . London: Macmillan, 1898. AramaicInGospels

Allen, W.C., "Difficulties in the Text of the Gospels Explained from the Aramaic." JTS 2 (1900): 298–300. AramaicInGospels

Schlatter, A., Die Sprache und Heimat des vierten Evangelisten. . Gütersloh: , 1902. AramaicInGospels

Wellhausen, J., Einleitung in die drei ersten Evangelien. . Berlin: G. Reimer, 1911. LangJesus AramaicInGospels

Montgomery, James A., "Some Correspondence Between the Elephantinē Papyri and the Gospels." ExpTim 24 (1912): 428–9. TADC1.1 AramaicInGospels

Torrey, C.C., "The Translations Made From the Original Aramaic Gospels," in Lyon, David Gordon and Moore, George Foot, ed., Studies in the History of Religions Presented to Crawford Howell Toy by Pupils, Colleagues and Friends. New York: Macmillian, 1912. Pp. 269–317. AramaicInGospels

Montgomery, James A., "Some Correspondences between the Elephantinē Papyri and the Gospels." ExpTim 24 (1912-13): 428–29. TADC1.1 AramaicInGospels

Harris, J.R., "An Unnoticed Aramaism in St. Mark." ExpTim 26 (1914-15): 248–50. AramaicInGospels

Montgomery, James A., "Some Aramaisms in the Gospels and Acts." JBL 46 (1927): 69–73. AramaicInGospels

Lamsa, G. M., .Key to Oriental Gospels. . Philadelphia: J. C. Winston, 1931. AramaicInGospels

Holzmeister, U., "De quibusdam generibus hebraismorum in textu N.T. occurrentium." VD 12 (1932): 295–302. AramaicInGospels

Torrey, C.C., The Four Gospels. . New York: Harpers, 1933. AramaicInGospels

Goodspeed, E.J., "The Original Language of the Gospels." Atlantic Monthly 154 (1934): 474–78. AramaicInGospels

Marcus, R., "Notes on Torrey's Translation of the Gospels." HTR 27 (1934): 211–39. AramaicInGospels

Montgomery, James A., "Torrey's Aramaic Gospels." JBL 53 (1934): 79–99. AramaicInGospels

Riddle, D. W., "The Four Gospels -- Greek or Aramaic?." Christian Century 51 (1934): 947–49. AramaicInGospels

Torrey, C.C., "The Aramaic Gospels." Christian Century 51 (1934): 1338–40. AramaicInGospels

Barton, G.A., "Professor Torrey's Theory of the Aramaic Origin of the Gospels and the First Half of the Acts of the Apostles." JTS 36 (1935): 357–73. AramaicInGospels

Riddle, D. W., "The Aramaic Gospels and the Synoptic Problem." JBL 54 (1935): 127–38. AramaicInGospels

Unnik, W.C. van, "C. F. Burney's Hypothese aangaande de aramaesche actergrond van het Joh. Evangelie." Vox theologica 7 (1935): 123–31. AramaicInGospels

Manson, T.W., "The Problem of Aramaic Sources in the Gospels." ExpTim 47 (1935-36): 7–11. AramaicInGospels

Torrey, C.C., Our Translated Gospels. . New York: Harpers, 1936. AramaicInGospels

Connolly, R. H., "Syriacisms in St. Luke." JTS 37 (1936): 374–85. AramaicInGospels

Bussby, F., "St. Mark xiv, 72: An Aramaic Mistranslation." BJRL 21 (1937): 273–74. AramaicInGospels

Dodd, C. H., "The First Epistle of John and the Fourth Gospel." BJRL 21 (1937): 129–56. AramaicInGospels

MarYosip, M., "The Aramaic Origin of Our Gospels." Union Seminary Review (Virg.) 49 (1937-38): 307–18. AramaicInGospels

Zwaan, J. de, "John Wrote in Aramaic." JBL 57 (1938): 155–71. AramaicInGospels

Torrey, C.C., Documents of the Primitive Church. . New York: Harper & Brothers, 1941. OldSyrGospels Diatessaron AramaicInGospels

Black, M., "Does an Aramaic Tradition Underlie John i.16?." JTS 42 (1941): 69–70. AramaicInGospels

Black, Matthew, "Does an Aramic Tradition Underlie John 1.16?." JTS 42 (1941): 69–70. AramaicInGospels

Torrey, C.C., "The Aramaic of the Gospels." JBL 61 (1942): 71–85. AramaicInGospels

Feigin, S.I., "The Original Language of the Gospels." JNES 2 (1943): 187–97. AramaicInGospels

McCown, C.C., "Aramaic and Greek Gospels." ATR 25 (1943): 281–94. AramaicInGospels

Daube, D., "Concerning the Reconstruction of "the Aramaic Gospels"." BJRL 29 (1945-1946): 69–105. AramaicInGospels

Black, Matthew, "An Aramaic Approach to the Gospels and Acts," in Black, Matthew, An Aramaic Approach to the Gospels and Acts. Oxford: Clarendon, 1946. Pp. viii and 250. AramaicInGospels Acts

Bussby, F., "A Note on Sabbata and Sabbaton in the Synoptics." BJRL 30 (1946-47): 157–58. AramaicInGospels $bh N

Broughton Knox, D., "The Aramaic Background of the Gospels." Reformed Theological Review 6 (1947): 24–29. AramaicInGospels

Preiss, T., "Aramäisches in Joh. 8, 30-36." TZ 3 (1947): 78–80. AramaicInGospels

Black, Matthew, "Unsolved New Testament Problems: The Problem of the Aramaic Element in the Gospels." ExpTim 59 (1947-1948): 171–76. AramaicInGospels

Bonsirven, J., "Hoc est cirpus meum: Recherches sur l'original araméen." Bib 29 (1948): 205–19. AramaicInGospels

Bussby, F., "St, Mark viii 33: A Mistranslation from the Aramaic?." BJRL 31 (1948): 94–95. AramaicInGospels

Bonsirven, J., "Les aramaïsmes de S. Jean l'Evangéliste." Bib 30 (1949): 405–32. AramaicInGospels

Turner, B., "Were the Gospels Written in Greek or in Aramaic?." EvQ 21 (1949): 42–48. AramaicInGospels

Bussby, F., "Mark viii 33: A Mistranslation from the Aramaic?." ExpTim 61 (1949-50): 159. AramaicInGospels

Grant, W.L., "Hebrew, Aramaic, and the Greek of the Gospels." Greece and Rome 20 (1951): 115–22. AramaicInGospels

Torrey, C.C., "Julius Wellhausen's Approach to the Aramaic Gospels." ZDMG 101 (1951): 125–37. AramaicInGospels

Bussby, F., "Is Q an Aramaic Document?." ExpTim 65 (1953-54): 272–75. AramaicInGospels

Levie, J., "L'évangile araméen de s. Matthieu est-il la source de l'évangile de s. Marc?." NRT 76 (1954): 812–43. AramaicInGospels

Emerton, John Adney, "The Aramaic underlying τὸ αἷμά μου τῆς διαθήκης in Mk. xiv. 24." JTS n.s. 6 (1955): 238–40. AramaicInGospels

Gonzalo Maeso, D., "¿En qué lengua se escribió el Evangelia de San Juan?." CuBib 12 (1955): 296–305. AramaicInGospels

Boismard, M.-E., "Importance de la critique textuelle pour établir l'origine araméenne du quatrième évangile," in , L'évangile de Jean: Etudes et problèmes, . Louvain: Desclée de Brouwer, 1958. Pp. 41-57. AramaicInGospels

Boismard, M.-E., "Les citations targumiques dans le quatrième évangile." RB 66 (1959): 374–78. AramaicInGospels Targums

Kürzinger, J., "Das papiaszeugnis und die Erstgestalt des Matthäusevangeliums." BZ ns 4 (1960): 1928. AramaicInGospels

Grant, R. M., A Historical Introduction to the New Testament. . New York: Harper & Row, 1963. AramaicInGospels

Kürzinger, J., "Irenäus und sein Zeugnis zur Sprache des Matthäusevangeliums." NTS 10 (1963-64): 108–15. AramaicInGospels

Brown, S., "From Burney to Black: The Fourth Gospel and the Aramaic Question." CBQ 26 (1964): 323–39. AramaicInGospels

Gundry, R. H., "The Language Milieu of First-Century Palestine: Its Bearing on the Authenticity of the Gospel Tradition." JBL 83 (1964): 404–8. JPA AramaicInGospels

McNamara, M., "Logos of the Fourth Gospel and Memra of the Palestinian Targum (Ex 1242)." ExpTim 79 (1967-68): 115–17. AramaicInGospels m)mr N

Lee, C.M., "Consequences of the Aramaic Theory of the Gospels." Modern Churchman n.s. 11 (July) (1968): 223–29. AramaicInGospels

Borgen, P., "Observations on the Targumic Character of the Prologue of John." NTS 16 (1969-70): 288–95. AramaicInGospels Targums m)mr N

Klijn, A.F. J., "John XIV 22 and the Name Judas Thomas," in , Studies in John: Presented to Professor Dr. J. N. Sevenster, NovTSup 24. Leiden: Brill, 1970. Pp. 88-96. AramaicInGospels

Schwarz, G., "Matthäus v. 13a und 14a." NTS 17 (1970-71): 80–86. AramaicInGospels

Chilton, B., ""Amen": an Approach through Syriac Gospels." ZNW 69 (1978): 203–11. AramaicInGospels Peshitta-NT

Fitzmyer, Joseph A., "The Study of the Aramaic Background of the New Testament." WA 1-27 (1979): . AramaicInGospels

Schwarz, G., "Anistēmi und anastasis in den Evangelien." BN 10 (1979): 35–39. AramaicInGospels

Schwarz, G., "Prostheinai epi tēn hēlikian autau pēchyn hena." ZNW 71 (1980): 244–47. AramaicInGospels

Schwarz, G., "Kai biastai harprazousin auten? (Matthäus 11,12)." BN 11 (1980): 43–44. AramaicInGospels

Schwarz, G., "Galilaia tōn ethnōn." BN 13 (1980): 55. AramaicInGospels

Schwarz, G., "Zum Vokabular von Matthäus xxv. 1-12." NTS 27 (1980-81): 270–76. AramaicInGospels

Schwarz, G., "Matthäus 10,28:Emendation und Rückübersetzung." ZNW 72 (1981): 277–82. NT Lang AramaicInGospels

Schwarz, G., "Zum Vokabular con Matthäus 6,19f.." BN 14 (1981): 46–49. AramaicInGospels

Schwarz, G., "To de achyron katakausei." ZNW 72 (1981): 264–71. AramaicInGospels

Sabugal, S., "La lengua y composición original del Padrenuestro." Estudios trinitarios (Salamanoa) 19 (1985): 209–25. AramaicInGospels

Donahue, J.R., "Recent Studies on the Origin of Son of Man in the Gospels." CBQ 48 (1986): 484–98. AramaicInGospels

Barr, J., "The Hebrew/Aramaic Background of "Hypocrisy" in the Gospels," in Davies, P.R. and White, R.T., ed., A Tribute to Geza Vermes: Essays on Jewish and Christian Literature and History, JSOTSup . Sheffield, U.K.: Academic Press, 1990. Pp. 307–26. AramaicInGospels AramaicInGospels

Casey, P. Maurice, "The Original Aramaic Form of Jesus' Interpretation of the Cup." JTS 41 (1990): 1–12. AramaicInGospels

Casey, P. Maurice, "An Aramaic Approach to the Synoptic Gospels [Response to editor's "Talking Points from Books," pp. 273-75 (on Aramaic Sources of Mark's Gospel, by M. Casey)]." ExpTim 110 (1998-1999): 275–78. AramaicInGospels

Casey, P. Maurice, An Aramaic Approach to Q: Sources for the Gospels of Matthew and Luke. . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002. AramaicInGospels

Morfino, M.M., "Tradizioni targumico-midrashiche e middot rabbiniche nel Quarto Vangelo," in Dell'Acqua, Anna Passoni, 'Il vostro frutto rimanga' (Gv 16,16): Miscellanea per il LXX compeanno di Giuseppe Ghiberti, Supplementi alla Rivista biblica 46. Bologna: Edizione Dehoniane Bologna, 2005. Pp. 43–59. AramaicInGospels

Chilton, B., "Targum, Jesus, and the Gospels," in Levine, A.J. et al., The Historical Jesus in Context , . Princeton: Princeton, 2006. Pp. 238-255. Targums AramaicInGospels

Baltes, G., "The Use of Hebrew and Aramaic in Epigraphic Sources of the New Testament Era," in Buth, Randall//Notley, R.St., The Language Environment of First Century Judaea: Jerusalem Studies in the Synoptic Gospels, vol. 2, . Leiden: Brill, 2014. Pp. 35-65. JPA AramaicInGospels

Baltes, G., "The Origins of the “Exclusive Aramaic Model” in the Nineteenth Century: Methodological Fallacies and Subtle Motives," in Buth, Randall//Notley, R.St., The Language Environment of First Century Judaea: Jerusalem Studies in the Synoptic Gospels: Volume Two, . Leiden: Brill, 2014. Pp. 9-34. AramaicInGospels

Bivin, D., "Jesus’ Petros–petra Wordplay (Matthew 16:18): Is It Greek, Aramaic, or Hebrew?," in Buth, Randall//Notley, R.St., The Language Environment of First Century Judaea: Jerusalem Studies in the Synoptic Gospels: Volume Two, . Leiden: Brill, 2014. Pp. 375-94. AramaicInGospels

Buth, Randall, "Distinguishing Hebrew from Aramaic in Semitized Greek Texts, with an Application for the Gospels and Pseudepigrapha," in Buth, Randall and Notley, R.St., The Language Environment of First Century Judaea: Jerusalem Studies in the Synoptic Gospels: Volume Two, . Leiden: Brill, 2014. Pp. 247-319. AramaicInGospels JPA

Buth, Randall, "Introduction: Language Issues Are Important for Gospel Studies," in Buth, Randall and Notley, R.St., The Language Environment of First Century Judaea: Jerusalem Studies in the Synoptic Gospels: Volume Two, . Leiden: Brill, 2014. Pp. 1-5. AramaicInGospels JPA

Buth, Randall and Pierce, C., "Hebraisti in Ancient Texts: Does Ἑβραϊστί Ever Mean ‘Aramaic'?," in Buth, Randall//Notley, R.St., The Language Environment of First Century Judaea: Jerusalem Studies in the Synoptic Gospels: Volume Two, . Leiden: Brill, 2014. Pp. 66-109. AramaicInGospels

Machiela, Daniel A., "Hebrew, Aramaic, and the Dfffering Phenomena of Targum and Translation in the Second Temple Period and Post-Second Temple Period," in Buth, Randall//Notley, R.St., The Language Environment of First Century Judaea: Jerusalem Studies in the Synoptic Gospels: Volume Two, . Leiden: Brill, 2014. Pp. 209-46. AramaicInGospels Targums TranslationTechnique

Ruzer, Serge, "Hebrew versus Aramaic as Jesus’ Language: Notes on Early Opinions by Syriac Authors," in Buth, Randall//Notley, R.St., The Language Environment of First Century Judaea: Jerusalem Studies in the Synoptic Gospels: Volume Two, . Leiden: Brill, 2014. Pp. 182-205. AramaicInGospels SyrLiter LangJesus

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