CAL Bibliography for 4Q157


Milik, J.T. and Vaux, R. de, Qumrân Grotte: 4.II. DJD . Oxford: Clarendon, 1977. 4QtgJob 4Q157 4QtgLev 4Q156

Fitzmyer, Joseph A., "The Targum of Leviticus from Qumran Cave 4." Maarav 1 (1978-1979): 5–23. 4QtgLev 4Q156 4QtgJob 4Q157 Vocab

Mastin, B.A., "A Re-examination of an Alleged Orthographic Feature in 4 Q Targum Job." RevQ 11 (1982-1984): 583–84. 4QtgJob 4Q157 11QtgJob

Kutsch, E., "Die Textgliederung im hebräischen Ijjobbuch sowie in 4QTgJob und in 11QTgJob." BZ 27 (1983): 221–28. 4QtgJob 4Q157 11QtgJob

Vivian, A., "Il targum di Giobbe: Analisi concettuale contrastiva di TgGb 1-4." Henoch 10 (1988): 293–334. 4QtgJob 4Q157

Shepherd, D.J., "See God and Die? Job's Final Words (42:6) according to His First Aramaic and Greek Interpreters," in Shepherd, D.J.//et al., Septuagint, Targum and Beyond: Comparing Aramaic and Greek Versions from Jewish Antiquity, JSJS193. Leiden: Brill, 2020. Pp. 228-48. Targum Septuagint 4Q157

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