CAL Bibliography for 5QJN ar


Starcky, Jean, "[Communication]." RB 63 (1956): 66–7. 5QJN ar 5Q15

Milik, J.T., "III. Textes de la grotte 5Q," in Baillet, M., Milik, J.T. and Vaux, R. de, Les "Petites Grottes" de Qumran, DJD . Oxford: Clarendon, 1962. Pp. 167–97. 5Q24 5QJN ar 5Q15 4QJN ara 4Q554 11QJN

Moraldi, L., I manoscritti di Qumrān. Classici della religione . Turin: Unione tipografica, 1971. 4QPrNab 4Q242 4QElectGod 4Q534 5QJN ar 5Q15

Licht, J., "An Ideal Town Plan from Qumran--The Description of the New Jerusalem." IEJ 29 (1979): 45–59. 5QJN ar 5Q15

Puech, E., La croyance des Esséniens en la vie future: immortalité, résurrection, vie éternelle? Histoire d'une croyance dans le judaïsme ancien. Etudes bibliques . Paris: Gabalda, 1993. 6QWdMic 6Q23 4QVisAmrama 4Q543 4QVisAmramb 4Q544 4QVisAmramc 4Q545 4QVisAmramf 4Q548 4QTKohath 4Q542 4QpsDan ara 4Q243 4QpsDan arc 4Q245 4QpsDan ard 4Q246 5QJN ar 5Q15 4QJN ara 4Q554 4QJN arb 4Q555

Chyutin, M., "The New Jerusalem: Ideal City." DSD 1 (1994): 71–97. 4QJN ara 4Q554 5QJN ar 5Q15 11QJN 11Q18

Puech, E., "à propos de la Jérusalem nouvelle d'après les manuscrits de la Mer Morte.." Sem 43-44 (1995): 87–102. 4QJN ara 4Q554 4QJN arb 4Q555 5QJN ar 5Q15 )swp) N dwkn N przh N $bq N Tlwl N (ll#2 N $p$ N kwh N by N

Chyutin, M., The New Jerusalem Scroll from Qumran: A Comprehensive Reconstruction. JSPSup . Sheffield, UK: Academic, 1997. 11QJN 11Q18 2QJN ar 2Q24 1QJN 1Q32 4QJN ara 4Q554 4QJN arb 4Q555 5QJN ar 5Q15

Garcìa Martìnez, Florentino, "The Temple Scroll and the New Jerusalem," in Flint, P.W. and VanderKam, James C., ed., The Dead Sea Scrolls after Fifty Years: A Comprehensive Assessment. Leiden: Brill, 1998-1999. Pp. 431–60. 5QJN ar 5Q15

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