CAL Bibliography for 4QpsDan ard


Fitzmyer, Joseph A., "The Contribution of Qumran Aramaic to the Study of the New Testament." NTS 20 (1973-1974): 382–407. 4QpsDan ard 4Q246 11QtgJob New Testament Grammar

Hengel, M., The Son of God. The Origin of Christology and the History of Jewish-Hellenistic Religion. . Philadelphia, PA: Fortress, 1976. 4QpsDan ard 4Q246

Milik, J.T., The Books of Enoch: Aramaic Fragments of Qumrân Cave 4. . Oxford: Clarendon, 1976. 4QLevi ar 4Q213 4QElectGod 4Q534 4QpsDan ard 4Q246 4QTob ara 4Q196 4QTob arb 4Q197 4QEne 4Q206 4QEnGiantse 1QEnGiantsa Qumran Giants 1Q23 4QEnGiantsc 4Q531 1QEnGiantsb 1Q24 2QEnGiants 2Q26 4QEna 4Q201 4QEnb 4Q202 4QEnd 4Q205 4QEnf 4Q207 4QEng 4Q212 4QEnAstrc 4Q210 4QEnAstrd 4Q211 4QBirNoFrag 4QWdMic 4Q529

Flusser, D., "The Hubris of the Antichrist in a Fragment from Qumran." Immanuel 10 (1980): 31–37. 4QpsDan ard 4Q246

Flusser, D., "Hystaspes and John of Patmos," in Shaked, Shaul, ed., Irano-Judaica I. Jerusalem: Ben-Zvi Institute, 1982. Pp. 12–75. 4QpsDan ard 4Q246

Kim, S., The "Son of Man" as the Son of God. WUNT . Tübingen: Mohr [Siebeck], 1983. New Testament 4QpsDan ard 4Q246

Garcìa Martìnez, Florentino, "Notas al margen de 4QpsDaniel arameo." AO 1 (1983): 193–208. 4QpsDan ara 4Q243 4QpsDan ard 4Q246

Garcìa Martìnez, Florentino, "4Q246: ¿Tipo del Anticristo o libertador escatógico?," in Collado, V. and Zurro, E., ed., Homenaje ... al prof. D. Luis Alonso Schökel .... Madrid: Cristiandad, 1983. Pp. 229–44. 4QpsDan ard 4Q246

Kuhn, H.-W., "Röm 1,3f und der davidische Messias als Gottessohn in den Qumrantexten," in Burchard, C. and Theissen, G., ed., Lese-Zeichen für Annelies Findeiss zum 65. Geburtstag am 15. März 1984. Heidelberg: Esprint, 1984. Pp. 103–12. 4QpsDan ard 4Q246

Garcìa Martìnez, Florentino, "Les traditions apocalyptiques à  Qumran," in Kappeler, C., ed., Apocalypses et voyages dans l'Au-delà , Etudes annexes de la Bible de Jerusalem . Paris: Cerf, 1987. Pp. 201–35. 4QpsDan ard 4Q246

Milik, J.T., "Les modèles araméens du livre d'Esther dans la grotte 4 de Qumrân." RevQ 15 (1991-1992): 321–409 + pl. I-VII. 4QmNoahd 4Q536 4QpsDan ard 4Q246 4Q550 4Q550

Eisenman, R.H. and Wise, M.O., The Dead Sea Scrolls Uncovered: The First Complete Translation and Interpretation of 50 Key Documents Withheld for Over 35 Years. . Rockport, ME: Element, 1992. 4QpsDan ard 4Q246 4QTob ara 4Q196

Garcìa Martìnez, Florentino, Qumran and Apocalyptic: Studies on the Aramaic Texts from Qumran. STDJ . Leiden: Brill, 1992. 4QElectGod 4Q534 1QapGen 4QEnoch 4Q201-212 4QEnGiants Qumran Giants 4QEnGiantsb 4Q530 4QPrNab 4Q242 4QpsDan ara 4Q243 4QpsDan ard 4Q246 1QJN 1Q32 Grammar

Puech, E., "Fragment d'une apocalypse en araméen (4Q246 = pseudo-Dand) et le "Royaume de Dieu'"." RB 99 (1992): 98–131. 4QpsDan ard 4Q246

Garcìa Martìnez, Florentino and Trebolle Barrera, J., Los hombres de Qumrân: Literatura, estructura social y concepciones religiosas.. . Madrid: Editorial Trotta, 1993. 4QpsDan ard 4Q246

Puech, E., La croyance des Esséniens en la vie future: immortalité, résurrection, vie éternelle? Histoire d'une croyance dans le judaïsme ancien. Etudes bibliques . Paris: Gabalda, 1993. 6QWdMic 6Q23 4QVisAmrama 4Q543 4QVisAmramb 4Q544 4QVisAmramc 4Q545 4QVisAmramf 4Q548 4QTKohath 4Q542 4QpsDan ara 4Q243 4QpsDan arc 4Q245 4QpsDan ard 4Q246 5QJN ar 5Q15 4QJN ara 4Q554 4QJN arb 4Q555

Collins, John J., "A Pre-Christian "Son of God" Among the Dead Sea Scrolls." Bible Review 9/3 (1993): 34–38, 57. 4QpsDan ard 4Q246

Collins, John J., "The Son of God Text from Qumran," in Boer, M. de, ed., From Jesus to John: Essays on Jesus and New Testament Christology in Honour of Marinus de Jonge, JSNTSup . Sheffield, UK: Academic, 1993. Pp. 65–82. 4QpsDan ard 4Q246

Fitzmyer, Joseph A., "4Q246: The "Son of God" Document from Qumran." Bib 74 (1993): 153–74. 4QpsDan ard 4Q246

Garcìa Martìnez, Florentino, "Los Mesías de Qumrân. Problemas de un Traductor." Sef 53 (1993): 345–60, esp. 355-60. 4QpsDan ard 4Q246

Garcìa Martìnez, Florentino, "Nuevos textos mesiânicos de Qumrân y el Mesías del Nuevo Testamento." Communio 26 (1993): 3–31. 4QpsDan ard 4Q246

Fitzmyer, Joseph A., "The Aramaic "Son of God" Text from Qumran Cave 4," in Wise, M.O. and others, ed., Methods of Investigation of the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Khirbet Qumran Site: Present Realities and Future Prospects, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences . New York: New York Academy of Sciences, 1994. Pp. 163–78. 4QpsDan ard 4Q246

Mattila, S.L., "Two Contrasting Eschatologies at Qumran (4Q246 vs. 1QM)." Bib 75 (1994): 518–38. 4QpsDan ard 4Q246

Puech, E., "Notes sur le fragment d'apocalypse 4Q246--"Le Fils de Dieu"." RB 101 (1994): 533–58. 4QpsDan ard 4Q246

Cross, F.M., The Ancient Library of Qumran. . Minneapolis, MN: Fortress, 1995. 4QJerb 4Q71 4QpsDan ard 4Q246

Cook, Edward M., "4Q246." Bulletin for Biblical Research 5 (1995): 43–66. 4QpsDan ard 4Q246

Fitzmyer, Joseph A., "The Palestinian Background of "Son of God" as a Title for Jesus," in Fornberg, T. and Hellholm, D., ed., Texts and Contexts: Biblical Texts in Their Textual and Situational Contexts. Essays in Honor of Lars Hartman. Oslo: Scandinavian Univ., 1995. Pp. 567–77. 4QpsDan ard 4Q246

Buchanan, G.W., "4Q246 and the Political Titles of Jesus," in Kapera, Zdzislaw J., ed., Mogilany 1993: Papers on the Dead Sea Scrolls Offered in Memory of Hans Burgmann, Qumranica Mogilanensia . Cracow: Enigma, 1996. Pp. 77–87. 4QpsDan ard 4Q246

Cross, F.M., "Notes on the Doctrine of the Two Messiahs at Qumran and the Extracanonical Daniel Apocalypse (4Q246).," in Parry, D.W. and Ricks, S. D., ed., Current Research and Technological Developments on the Dead Sea Scrolls: Conference on the Texts from the Judean Desert, Jerusalem, 30 April 1995, STDJ . Leiden: Brill, 1996. Pp. 1–13. 4QpsDan ard 4Q246

Puech, E., "246. 4QApocryphe de Daniel ar," in Brooke, G.J. and others, ed., Qumran Cave 4: XVII. Parabiblical Texts, Part 3, DJD . Oxford: Clarendon, 1996. Pp. 165–84 and pl. XI. 4QpsDan ard 4Q246

Stone, M.E., "The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Pseudepigrapha." DSD 3 (1996): 270–95. TLevi 4QpsDan ard 4Q246

Steudel, A., "The Eternal Reign of the People of God--Collective Expectations in Qumran Texts (4Q246 and 1QM)." RevQ 17 (1996-1997): 507–525. 4QpsDan ard 4Q246

Collins, John J., "The Background of the "Son of God" Text." Bulletin for Biblical Research 7 (1997): 51–61. 4QpsDan ard 4Q246

Dunn, J.D. G., ""Son of God" as "Son of Man" in the Dead Sea Scrolls? A Response to John Collins on 4Q246," in Porter, S.E. and Evans, C.A., ed., The Scrolls and the Scriptures: Qumran Fifty Years After, JSPSup . Sheffield, UK: Academic, 1997. Pp. 198–210. 4QpsDan ard 4Q246

Schattner-Rieser, Ursula, "À propos de l'araméen à  Qoumrân," in Laperrousaz, E.-M., ed., Qoumrân et les manuscrits de la Mer Morte: Un cinquantenaire. Paris: Les à‰ditions du Cerf, 1997. Pp. 175–204. LangGen 1QapGen 4QpsDan ard 4Q246

Kottsieper, Ingo, "El -- ein aramäischer Gott? -- Eine Antwort." BN 94 (1998): 87–98. 4QpsDan ard 4Q246

Maier, C. and Tropper, J., "El -- ein aramäischer Gott?." BN 93 (1998): 77–88. 4QpsDan ard 4Q246

Puech, E., "Le "Fils de Dieu" en 4Q246." EI (Frank Moore Cross Volume) 26 (1999): 143*–152*. 4QpsDan ard 4Q246

Puech, E., "Some Remarks on 4Q246 and 4Q521 and Qumran Messianism," in Parry, D.W. and Ulrich, E., ed., The Provo International Conference on the Dead Sea Scrolls: Technological Innovations, New Texts, and Reformulated Issues, STDJ . Leiden: Brill, 1999. Pp. 545–65. 4QpsDan ard 4Q246 4Q521

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