CAL Bibliography for Curses


Gevirtz, S., "West-Semitic Curses and the Problem of the Origins of Hebrew Law." VT 11 (1961): 137–158. Literature Sf Zak Teima GozBdSt Kesecek LydBil Curses

Fensham, F.C., "Salt as Curse in the Old Testament and the Ancient Near East." BA 25 (1962a): 48–50. Sf.1 Curses

Fensham, F.C., "Common Trends in Curses of the Near Eastern Treaties and kudurru-Inscriptions compared with Maledictions of Amos and Isaiah." ZAW 75 (1963): 155–75. Sf Curses

Veenhof, K.R., "An Aramaic Curse with a Sumero-Akkadian Prototype." BO 20 (1963a): 142–44. Sf.1 Sf.2 Sf.3 Curses

Hillers, D.R., Treaty-Curses and the Old Testament Prophets. BibOr 16. Rome: Pontifical Biblical Institute, 1964. Sf.1 Curses

Wevers, John W., "Review of Treaty-Curses and the Old Testament Prophets, by D. R. Hillers." BO 23 (1966): 75–76. Sf.1 Curses

Tawil, H., "A Curse concerning Crop-Consuming Insects in the Sefîre Treaty and in Akkadian: A New Interpretation." BASOR 225 (1977): 59–62. Sf.1 Curses

Wittstruck, T., "The Influence of Treaty Curse Imagery on the Beast Imagery of Daniel 7." JBL 97 (1978): 100–102. Sf.1 BADan Curses

Greenfield, Jonas C. and Shaffer, A., "Notes on the Curse Formulae of the Tell Fekherye Inscription." RB 92 (1985): 47–59. Fakhariyah Curses qyqlh N $bT N

Hillers, D.R., "A Difficult Curse in Aqht (19 [1 Aqht] 3.152-154)." Pp. In Biblical and Related Studies Presented to Samuel Iwry. Kort, A.Morschauser, S., ed. Winona Lake, Ind.: Eisenbrauns, 1985. Fakhariyah Curses

Crawford, T.G., Blessing and Curse in Syro-Palestinian Inscriptions of the Iron Age. American University Studies 7/120. New York: Peter Lang, 1992. Sf Curses

Brugnatelli, V., "The 'Chickens' of Sefire." Henoch 17.3 (1995): 259–66. Sfire Curses bkh N

Cathcart, K.J., "The Curses in Old Aramaic Inscriptions," in Cathcart, K.J.//Maher, Michael, Targumic and Cognate Studies: Essays in Honour of Martin McNamara, JSOT SS 230. Sheffield: Sheffield, 1996. Pp. 140-52. Sf Bukan Curses

Steiner, Richard C., "שלוש קללות נמרצות מתוך הכתובת הארמית מבוכאן." [Three Grievous Curses from the Aramaic Inscription from Bukān] Lĕšonénu 63 (2000): 239–46. Bukan Curses

Lindenberger, J.M., "What Ever Happened to Vidranga? A Jewish Liturgy of Cursing from Elephantine.," in Daviau, P.M. Michèle, Wevers, John W. and Weigl, Michael, eds., The World of the Aramaeans III. Studies in Language and Literature in Honour of Paul-Eugène Dion., JSOT Supplement Series . Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 2001. Pp. 134–157. TADA4.7 TADA4.8 Curses

Mangan, C., "Blessing and Cursing in the Prologue of Targum Job." Pp. 225–29 Targum and Scripture. Flesher, P.V.M., Leiden - Boston: Brill, 2002. TgJob Curses

Kister, M., "Some Blessing and Curse Formulae in the Bible, Northwest Semitic Inscriptions, Post-Biblical Literature and Late Antiquity," in Baasten, M.F.J. and van Peursen, W.Th., Hamlet on a Hill: Semitic and Greek Studies Presented to Professor T. Muraoka on the Occasion of his Sixty-Fifth Birthday [ ] , Orientalia Lovaniensia analecta 118. Leuven: Peeters, 2003. Pp. . Nerab Stelae Curses

Baranowski, K.J., "The Old Aramaic and Biblical Curses." Liber Annuus 62 (2012): 173–201. Bukan Curses

Ramos, M., "Spoken Word and Ritual Performance: The Oath and the Curse in Deuteronomy 27–28 ." Ph.D. Dissertation, UCLA. (2015): . Curses Sf

Ramos, M., "A Northwest Semitic Curse Formula: The Sefire Treaty and Deuteronomy 28." ZAW 128 (2016): 205–20. Sf Bukan Curses

Dušek, Jan, "Crushing the Locust in Sefire I A 24: A new Look at the Curse." Semitica 59 (2017): 143–55. Curses Sf.1 $wT N

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