CAL Bibliography for Zakkur

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Sachau, E., "Zur historischen Geographie von Nordsyrien." SPAW 21 (1892): 313–38. Arameans Zak Pan Had

Pognon, H., Inscriptions sémitiques de la Syrie, de la Mésopotamie, et de la région de Mossoul. . Paris: Imprimerie nationale/Gabalda, 1907. Collections OS.As5 OS.As13 OS.As14 OS.As15 OS.As16 OS.As17 OS.As18 OS.As19 OS.As22 OS.As23 OS.As24 OS.As25 OS.As45 OS.As46 OS.As47 OS.As48 OS.As49 OS.As50 OS.As51 OS.As52 OS.As53 OS.As54 OS.As58 OS.Bs2 Zak HessenKef Collections

Dhorme, P., "Les pays bibliques au temps d'El-Amarna." RB 5 (1908): 500–519. Zak

Driver, S.R., "An Aramaic Inscription from Syria." Expositor 7/5 (1908): 481–90. Zak

Dussaud, René, "Le royaume de Hamat et de Lou`ouch au VIIIe siècle avant J.-C.." RArch IVe ser. 11 (1908): 222–35. Zak

Hartmann, M., "אלור." OLZ 11 (1908): 341–42. Zak

Ronzevalle, S., "An Aramaic inscription of Zakir, ruler of Hamath and Laˁš." Al-Mashriq 11 (1908): 302–10. Zak

Halévy, J., "Inscription de Zakir, roi de Hamat, découverte par M. H. Pognon." RevSém 16 (1908a): 243–46. Zak

Nöldeke, Theodor, "Aramäische Inschriften." ZA 21 (1908a): 375–88. Zak

Halévy, J., "Bibliographie." RevSém 16 (1908c): 249–58. Zak

Halévy, J., "Nouvelles remarques sur l'inscription de Zakir." RevSém 16 (1908d): 357–76. Zak

Wensinck, A.J., , Het oudste Arameesch, . Utrecht: A. Osthoek, 1909. Pp. . OldAram Zak BarRak

Barth, J., "Zur altaramäischen Inschrift des Königs Zkr." OLZ 12 (1909): 10–12. Zak

Löw, Immanuel, "Bemerkung zu OLZ. 1909, Sp. 11." OLZ 12 (1909): 115–16. Zak

Montgomery, James A., "Some Gleanings from Pognon's ZKR Inscription." JBL 28 (1909): 57–70. Zak

Schiffer, S., "Der Gott אלור." OLZ 12 (1909): 477–78. Zak

Dhorme, P., "`Melanges': II. Le dieu de Zakir." RA 8 (1911): 97–98. Zak

Ebeling, E., "אלור=i-lu-mi-ir." OLZ 16 (1913): 254. Zak

Schiffer, S., "Zu אלור= i-lu-mi-ir (OLZ 1913, Sp. 254)." OLZ 16 (1913): 471. Zak

Torrey, C.C., "The Zakar and Kalamu Inscriptions." JAOS 35 (1915): 353–69. Zak

Kraeling, E.G., Aram and Israel; or the Aramaeans in Syria and Mesopotamia. CUOS 13. New York: Columbia Univ., 1918. Arameans Zak Pan BarH Had

Dussaud, René, "La stèle araméenne de Zakir au Musée du Louvre." Syria 3 (1922): 175–76. Zak

Mowinckel, S., "Die vorderasiatischen Königs- und Fürsteninschriften. Eine stilistische studie." Pp. 278–322 In Eucharistā“rion: Hermann Gunkel zum 60. Geburtstag. , Göttingen: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, 1923. Zak

Honigmann, E., "Historische Topographie von Nordsyrien im Altertum." ZDPV 46 (1923-24): 149–93; 47:1-64. Zak

Baumgartner, W., "Zur Form der assyrischen Königsinschriften." OLZ 27 (1924): 313–17. Zak

Albright, W.F., "Notes on Early Hebrew and Aramaic Epigraphy." JPOS 6 (1926): 75–102. Zak

Dussaud, René, , Topographie historique de la Syrie antique et médiévale, . Paris: P. Geuthner, 1927. Pp. . Zak Palm

Sachsse, E., "`Anî als Ehrenbezeichnung in inschriftlicher Beleuchtung." Pp. 105–10 In Sellin-Festschrift: Beiträge zur Religionsgeschichte und Archäologie Palästinas: Ernst Sellin zum 60. Geburtstage dargebracht. , Leipzig: Deichert, 1927. Zak

Noth, M., "La`asch und Hazrak." ZDPV 52 (1929): 124–41. Zak

Dussaud, René, "Nouvelles inscriptions araméennes de Sefiré, près d'Alep." CRAIBL (1931): 312–21. Sf.1 Zak

Albright, W.F., The Vocalization of Egyptian Syllabic Orthography. AOS 5. New Haven, CT: American Oriental Society, 1934. Zak

Rosenthal, Franz, Die aramäistische Forschung seit Th. Nöldeke's Veröffentlichungen. . Leiden: Brill, 1939. LangGen Sam'al AssOstr Zak Asok.2 UrukInc TADB1.1 TorqDock Arameans Bibliog

Elliger, K., "Sam'al und Hamat in ihrem Verhältnis zu Hattina, Unqi und Arpad: Ein Beitrag zur Territorialgeschichte der nordsyrischen Staaten im 9. und 8. Jahrhundert v. Chr.." Pp. 69–108 In Festschrift Otto Eissfeldt zum 60. Geburtstage 1. September 1947. Dargebracht von Freunden und Verehrern. Fück, J., ed. Halle (Saale): Niemeyer, 1947. Arameans Sf.1 Sf.2 Sf.3 Had Zak

Bowman, R.A., "Arameans, Aramaic, and the Bible." JNES 7 (1948): 65–90. LangGen Pan Zak ElathOst Araq Had

Dupont-Sommer, A., Les Araméens. L'orient ancien illustré . Paris: Maisonneuve, 1949a. Arameans ArslanTash Arebsun Pan AssOstr Sf BarRak TADA1.1 Zak HamGr BarH BarRak Nerab Stelae Asok.6 TADA5.3 Had

Albright, W.F., "Cilicia and Babylonia under the Chaldaean Kings." BASOR 120 (1950a): 22–25. Zak

Hitti, P.K., , History of Syria Including Lebanon and Palestine, . New York: Macmillan, 1951. Pp. . Arameans BarH Zak

Cross, F.M.Freedman, D.N., Early Hebrew Orthography: A Study of the Epigraphic Evidence. AOS 36. New Haven, Ct.: American Oriental Society, 1952. Sam'al BarRak Sf Zak BarH

Aharoni, Y., "The land of ˁAmqi." IEJ 3 (1953): 153–61. Zak

Vinnikov, I.N., "Novaja interpretacija nadpisi Zakara, carja Chamat i Luaša [A new interpretation of the inscriptions of Zakara, ruler of Hamat in Luaša]." Epigrafika Vostoka 10 (1955): 84–94. Zak

Garbini, G., "L'Aramaico antico." AANL Memorie Series 8, Vol. 7 (1956a): 235–86. Grammar Sam'al HamGr BarH Zak Sf BarRak HalAlt CalahOstr

Black, Matthew, "The Zakir Stele." Pp. 242–50 In Documents from Old Testament Times. Thomas, D. Winton, ed. London: T. Nelson, 1958a. Zak

Simons, J., , The Geographical and Topographical Texts of the Old Testament, . Leiden: Brill, 1959. Pp. . Zak

Gevirtz, S., "West-Semitic Curses and the Problem of the Origins of Hebrew Law." VT 11 (1961): 137–158. Literature Sf Zak Teima GozBdSt Kesecek LydBil Curses

Liverani, M., "Bar-Guš e Bar-Rakib." RSO 36 (1961): 185–87. Sf.1 Sf.2 BarRak Zak

Tadmor, H., "Que and Muṣri." IEJ 11 (1961a): 143–50. Zak Sf

Goetze, A., "Cilicians." JCS 16 (1962): 48–58. Zak

Buccellati, G., "The Enthronement of the King and the Capital City in Texts from Ancient Mesopotamia and Syria." Pp. 54–61 In Studies Presented to A. Leo Oppenheim: June 7, 1964. Biggs, R.D.Brinkman, J.A., ed. Chicago: Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, 1964. Zak

Uffenheimer, B., "”המעוררין“ – מונח פולחני עתיק מן המזרח הקדמון." Leš 30 (1965-66): 163–74. Zak

Friedrich, J., "Zu der altaramäischen Stele des ZKR von Hamat." AfO 21 (1966): 83. Zak

Degen, Rainer, "עדדן." Leš 32 (1967-68): 409–11. Zak

Diringer, D., The Alphabet: A Key to the History of Mankind. . New York/London: Funk and Wagnalls/Hutchinson, 1968. Arameans BarH KLMW Zak BarRak SarGr Armazi

Artzi, Pinḥas, "Some Unrecognized Syrian Amarna Letters (EA 260, 317, 318)." JNES 27 (1968): 163–69. Zak

Degen, Rainer, Altaramäische Grammatik der Inschriften des 10.-8. Jh. v. Chr.. Abh. f. d. Kunde d. Morgenlandes 38/3. Wiesbaden: F. Steiner, 1969. Grammar Zak BarH HamGr BarRak BarRak.1 BarRak.2 BarRak.3 Sf HalAlt ArslanTash LurBr EinGev

Jepsen, A., "Kleine Bemerkungen zu drei westsemitischen Inschriften." MIO 15 (1969): 1–5. Zak SilOss

Ross, J.F., "Prophecy in Hamath, Israel, and Mari." HTR 63 (1970): 1–28. Zak

Noth, M., "Das Reich von Hamath als Grenznachbar des Reiches Israel." Pp. 148–60 In Aufsätze zur biblischen Landes- und Altertumskunde. Wolff, H.W., ed. Neukirchen-Vluyn, Netherlands: Neukirchener, 1971. Zak

Teixidor, Javier, "Bulletin d'épigraphie sémitique." Syria 48 (1971): 452–93. Grammar AradOstr Asok.5 AswSarc ClGan.152 Onomastics SealsOf Sf Zak

Zobel, H.-J., "Das Gebet um Abwendung der Not und seine Erhöhrung in den Klageliedern des Alten Testaments und in der Inschrift des Königs Zakir von Hamath." VT 21 (1971): 91–99. Zak

Greenfield, Jonas C., "The Zakir Inscription and the Danklied." Pp. 174–91 In Proceedings of the Fifth World Congress of Jewish Studies, the Hebrew University, Mount Scopus-Givat Ram, Jerusalem, Jerusalem [sic], 3-11 August, 1969. Peli, Pinchas, ed. Jerusalem: World Union of Jewish Studies, 1971a. Zak

Lipinski, Edward, "The Assyrian Campaign to Manṣuate, in 786 B.C., and the Zakir Stela." AION 31 (1971a): 393–99. Zak

Noth, M., "La`asch und Hazrak." Pp. 135–47 In Aufsätze zur biblischen Landes- und Altertumskunde. Wolff, H.W., ed. Neukirchen-Vluyn: Neukirchener, 1971a. Zak

Lipinski, Edward, "Le Ben-Hadad II de la Bible et l'histoire." Pp. 157–73 In Proceedings of the Fifth World Congress of Jewish Studies, the Hebrew University, Mount Scopus-Givat Ram, Jerusalem, Jerusalem [sic], 3-11 August, 1969. Peli, Pinchas, ed. Jerusalem: World Union of Jewish Studies, 1972. Zak

Teixidor, Javier, "Bulletin d'épigraphie sémitique." Syria 50 (1973): 400–442. Arameans AECT.37 AECT.43 AECT.44 AECT.45 AECT.60 APE.94 ArtashInscr AshdodOstr Asok.1 ClGan.228 CowleyOstr HalAlt LachAlt Lexicography Nisa Onomastics Persep TAbuZeitun Zak

Tawil, H., "Some Literary Elements in the Opening Sections of the Hadad, Zakir, and the Nērab II Inscriptions in the Light of East and West Semitic Royal Inscriptions." Or 43 (1974): 40–65. Zak Had Nerab Stelae

Brauner, R., "The Old Aramaic Zakir A Inscription and Comparative Semitic Lexicography." Gratz College Annual of Jewish Studies 4 (1975): 9–27. Zak

Lipinski, Edward, "Nordsemitische Texte." Pp. 245–84 In RTAT. Beyerlin, W., ed. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, 1975. BarH Zak LachAlt TADC4.4 TADA4.1 Sf TADA2.1 Kerak

Teixidor, Javier, "Bulletin d'épigraphie sémitique." Syria 52 (1975): 261–95. Lexicography Asoka BeershebaOstr LachAlt PalJarH Nerab Stelae Pan Sf Xanthos Zak

Lipinski, Edward, Studies in Aramaic Inscriptions and Onomastics. I. OrLovAn 1. Louvain: Leuven Univ., 1975a. AECT.46 AECT.47 AECT.48 AECT.49 AECT.50 AECT.51 AECT.53 AECT.54 AECT.55 AECT.56 AECT.57 Daskyleion AgacaKale BarH Zak Kesecek GozBdSt Daskyleion LimBil LachAlt Law Onomastics Sf.1 Sf.2 Sf.3 Decree FalashaBil

Lipinski, Edward, "North-West Semitic Inscriptions [Review article: Textbook of Syrian Semitic Inscriptions I-II, by J. C. L. Gibson]." OLP 8 (1977): 81–117. Zak Sf.1 LurBr.1 LurBr Pan Had TADA1.1 LouvTab SaqStel.1 MemLibAlt Carp TADA2 Teima Teima.1 Daskyleion LouvTab

Teixidor, Javier, "Bulletin d'épigraphie sémitique." Syria 54 (1977): 251–76. Zak AECT.49 Seals TADA1.1 Teima Teima.8 Teima.14

Millard, A.R., "Epigraphic Notes, Aramaic and Hebrew." PEQ 110 (1978): 23–26. Zak Seals DA

Lipinski, Edward, "North Semitic Texts from the First Millennium B.C.." Pp. 227–68 In Near Eastern Religious Texts Relating to the Old Testament. Beyerlin, W., ed. London: SCM, 1978a. BarH Zak LachAlt TADC4.4 TADA4.1 TADA2.1 Sf Kerak

Cody, A., "The Phoenician Ecstatic in WenamÅ«n: A Professional Oracular Medium." JEA 65 (1979): 99–106. Zak

Greenfield, Jonas C., "Aramaic Studies and the Bible." Pp. 110–30 In Congress Volume Vienna 1980. Emerton, John Adney, ed. Leiden: Brill, 1981a. LangGen Fakhariyah Sf Zak TADA2.1 Elephantine TADA6

Delsman, W.C., "Aramäische historische Inschriften." Pp. 625–37 In Rechts- und Wirtschaftsurkunden; Historisch-chronologische Texte. Kaiser, O., ed. Gütersloh: G. Mohn, 1985. Collections BarH Zak Pan BarRak Fakhariyah

Avanzini, A., "Alcune osservazioni in margine all'iscrizione di Zakir." EVO 10 (1987): 113–19. Zak

Moor, J.C. de, "Narrative Poetry in Canaan." UF 20 (1988): 149–71. Zak

Millard, A.R., "The Homeland of Zakkur." Sem 39 (1989c): 60–66. Arameans Zak

Margain, Jean, "The Homeland of Zakkur." Sem 39 (1990): 47–52. Zak

Millard, A.R., "Israelite and Aramean History in the Light of Inscriptions." TynBul 41 (1990): 261–275. History Zak

Lemaire, André, "Joas de Samarie, Barhadad de Damas, Zakkur de Hamat: La Syrie-Palestine vers 800 av. J.-C.," in , EI (Malamat Volume), Eretz-Israel 24. : , 1994. Pp. 148–57. History BarH Zak

Yun, Ilsung Andrew, "A Case of Linguistic Transition: The Nerab Inscriptions." JSS 51 (2006): 19–43. Nerab Stelae Grammar Fakhariyah Zak Sf Had Pan BarRak TADA2 TAD BA

Amadasi Guzzo, Maria Giulia, "Une fragment de stèle araméenne de Tell Afis." Or n.s. 78 (2009): 336-347. Afis OldAram Zak

Amadasi Guzzo, Maria Giulia, "Tell Afis in the Iron Age: The Aramaic Inscriptions." Near Eastern Archaeology 77 (2014): 54–57. OldAram Zak )lwr d

Gur-Arieh, Sh., "Siege Matters: Insights from the Zakkur Inscription and Other Ancient Sources on Ancient Near Eastern Siege Warfare ...........................................," in Shai, I.//et al., Tell it in Gath Essays in Honor of Aren M. Maeir on the Occasion of his Sixtieth Birthday, ÄGYPTEN UND ALTES TESTAMENT90. Münster: Zapon, 2018. Pp. 481-92. Zak

Sader, H., "Prophecy in Syria: Zakkur of Hamath and Luʿash," in Rollston, C.A., Enemies and Friends of the State: Ancient Prophecy in Context. University Park, PA: Eisenbrauns-Penn State Univ. Press, 2018. Pp. 115-34. Zak

Cathcart, K.J., "Communication between Gods and Kings in Phoenician and Early Aramaic Inscriptions," in J.G. Brooke, et al., Near Eastern and Arabian Essays: Studies in Honour of John F. Healey, JSS Suppl.41. Oxford and New York: Oxford U.P., 2019. Pp. 59-70. Zak OldAram

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